Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-16-03 WT Study

by blondie 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 95stormfront
    My husband told me that I must read today's article because it was written especially to help people like me - the lost and spiritually weak.

    My wife came home glowing about this particular article also. She was ripped and raring to go about talking to me about it and how it made her so good and about how "timely" it was that Jehovah had brought out that article. She didn't use the loaded language though by referring to me as spiritually lost or weak. She knows that I don't recognize WT labels.

  • rebel

    Thanks 95 - glad to know I'm not alone.

    Since I stopped going to meetings (I have been to 4 meetings since November 2002), I feel stronger spiritually than I have ever felt before! This is all thanks to you guys on this board. I have learnt so much from you. You have more sense than the whole of the GB put together.

    I get so angry when I meet people from my congregation and they look at me pityingly and say things like "I hope you will come back to the truth soon". How dare they! They are judging my spirituality by my meeting attendance and hours on field ministry. I wish I could explain everything to them.

    As a side note - if anyone can help me and tell me how to broach the subject of my drifting away to my youngest son, I would be so grateful.. What do I tell him? He asks why I don't go to meetings any more. He is so concerned and thinks I am in danger of dying at Armageddon. How do I start explaining things to him. I want to get him out of this hateful cult, but I do not want to hurt him.


    By the way - he is 20

  • jgnat

    Happyman – this may be an exercise in futility, but I thought I would respond to your last question to blondie. Your question,

    I must ask you why you don’t take up my points, instead of attack me for being here?

    I went back through this thread and tried to find your points. Here is my summary.

    • You like the article about love, and consider it a moderate stand by the society.
    • You think that Blondie’s claim that there is a “lack of love” in the society to be harsh.
    • If there is a lack of love, you blame individual members of the society, not the “loving” leadership.
    • You maintain that, as imperfect as the leadership is, they are still better than the “world”

    Blondie responded by.

    • Explaining that the WT policies themselves create an unloving organization.
    • Giving examples from her own experience where leadership has been unloving.
    • Suggests that your loyalty to the GB is not reciprocated, as you would be unceremoniously kicked out if they knew how actively you have searched the internet for the “truth”

    Yes, I don’t follow men, I do what I find in the bible, try to show love to every man, and most to this how have been beaten and are wounded, or if you want on the JW backyard.

    Happyman, to my outsider eyes, you are seriously conflicted. You have become more critical of the society since your own son was DF’d, yet you still defend the leadership. You are trying to be a good Christian by following the bible. That behavior, plus your unrestrained use of the Internet, makes you a bad Witness. Can you see how the WT policies actually help create unloving people?

  • blondie

    good summary, jgnat. I don't want to get into an extended discussion about whether it is the leadership (GB) fault or the individual's fault in the congregation when love is not shown. Everyone has the Bible and can read and study it. Everyone has Jesus' example and the intelligence to follow him. The WTS says God holds the leadership of Christendom accountable for the wrong lead they give to their followers. The WTS says God will destroy Christendom and the rest of so-called false religion for this reason. If the leadership of the WTS is not following the Bible and Christ's lead, then according to the WTS they too will be destroyed by God.

    People in the congregation know what true love is if they read the Bible. They cannot then blame the religious leaders for their lack of application of love in their treatment of others. Each one of us will stand before God for our own sins. He will not want to hear us say, "Jehovah, the elders and the GB were bad examples, that is why I didn't show love." Jehovah will say, "Didn't I send my dear Son to show you how to show love; didn't I have it recorded in the Bible; didn't I make sure you had a Bible available in your own language."

    Thanks for the great review again jgnat. We have to get together somehow.


  • happy man
    happy man

    Blondie, jignat.

    this lat comments from Blondie was intresting and a good point, I also belive that when we stan before jehova and christ, it is what we have done how maters.

    what I reakt on was that my wuie of blondies talk was thate evry Jw is bad and dont show love,

    I have never meet so much love as when i was in US 1973.

    This notis about that lack of love are something how have come inn to the congs, is ofcourse something we all see, qestion is WHY? wery intresting topic, is it the structuer, or is it influens from the word, or is it satan how pusch this on us, you never tell about how you yourself do when you was JW blondie, was allso you bad on showing love?

    As i say before, I think you can not pusch this on peopel, some have it in ther blood, some not.

    And the word we live in are very egoistisk, they can kill you fore nothing or try to, thats my expiriens.

    My wife and myself have discuss this things wery hard, she is a woman how always have her house open fore evryone, helping older sister out in service and cleaning ther houses or what they nead, myself was much more bad in this even when i was elder, to much to do, to bigg family to have time to comfort peoepl widh problems, now when i not elder anymore i try to do this better.

    Perhaps i putt inn a new topic about this difficult problem.

    I will say to the end that if you think the GB is the judge you have not read your bibel, our consiens must say to us what to do, when this Tv prograsm about pedofile in the cong and the treatment of them, soon come upp here in sweden, i have a bigg work to tell the real truth, and I will.

  • blondie

    happyman, if you don't think the GB or the elders consider themselves the judge, then I invite you to tell them you post here and show them what you post and who you associate with and invite into your home. I guarantee that they will judge you quickly as dangerous to the the others in the congregation you attend.

    As to those who show love at the KH, there are fewer and fewer that follow Christ's example and many of the sheep are being hurt. Rather than following their Bible, they follow the publications. If you can keep following the Bible and reconcile the bad examples of the elders and GB, that is what you have to do.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Blondie,

    Please allow me just a few more comments about the 'study' published on

    “The Watchtower” February 1 st , 2003 pp. 13-18.-

    Although the theme was “ …Have love among yourselves

    I did personally, noticed the following “ loaded language “:

    ***The word LOVE used 20 times (paragraphs and questions included)

    ***the word WEAK/ WEAKNESS used 38 times (paragraphs and questions included)

    and the more frequent association was with “ SPIRITUALLY”

    other expression…very revealing were:

    • Christ ‘s genuine disciples;
    • Lost contact with the Christian congregation;
    • Those who have strayed;
    • Those who have drifted away; (three times)
    • Lost contact with Gosd’s people;
    • Missing from the Christian congregation;
    • Person in need of encouragement; (twice)
    • Who has lost contact with the congregation;
    • ..journey back to the congregation;
    • He is able to return to the flock;
    • …becoming reunited with true friends.

    In final analysis …was really ‘LOVE ‘ the theme of the article or another hint at all

    those…ten of thousands missing from all the congregations???

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • blondie

    Thanks JC for showing how the WTS manipulates words and phrases. I personally hate the use of the word "weak" to label people. It is all predicated on number of meetings attended and hours spent in the door knocking work. Showing practical love to the elderly, discouraged, and ill is not counted nor encouraged.


  • Room 215
    Room 215


    Congratulations! This topic was a slow starter, but it certainly has picked up a head of steam!

  • blondie

    Room 215, I knew it would be a topic dear to some. A little controversy doesn't hurt either.


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