Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-16-03 WT Study

by blondie 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Room215, my first commenter. Yes, I thought this topic would stir up more immediate reactions. I almost vomited when I first perused this article. Once again, Hyprocrisy with a capital H raises its head. I treasure those WTS quotes about not associating with the "weak." When I would ask the elders why the cliques and lack of "widening out" in the congregation, the elders would say that not everyone in the congregation was "good association." This then assumes if you do not fit in socially you must be spiritually weak. Couldn’t it be that it is the spiritually weak that do not reach out to others?

    Hi, undercover. That information was in the 1/15/03 WT that was studied 2/23/03 (see review). Page 13, paragraph 16 says, "We may be depressed because we are facing several serious problems. Instead of viewing them as one major plight, we may be able to resolve them one at a time by applying Bible principles. This may help to lessen our depression. Balanced activity and adequate rest may also be helpful. One thing is sure: Faith in God and his Word promotes spiritual well-being because it strengthens our conviction that he really cares about us."

    Just about every WT article on depression mentions depression as an emotional disorder that can be treated with better nutrition and rest. An example:

    10/22/81 Awake p

    26 Attacking Major Depression—Professional Treatments

    Scientists have found that other nutritional deficiencies cause such symptoms as depression, nervous irritability, fatigue and personality changes.

    3/1/90 WT

    p. 4 You Can Find Joy in a Depressing World!

    In some cases depression has physiological causes, such as disease, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal problems. It may also be a reaction to some toxins, pollutants, medications, and allergens. However, the Bible reveals that one’s own "disquieting thoughts" also may be a cause.—Psalm 94:19.

    Hi foreword. You are correct in that Jesus was not interested in what people appeared to be on the outside. He said to the Pharisees:

    Matthew 23 (Message Bible)

    25 "You're hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun, while the insides are maggoty with your greed and gluttony. 26 Stupid Pharisee! Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something.
    27 "You're hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You're like manicured grave plots, grass clipped and the flowers bright, but six feet down it's all rotting bones and worm-eaten flesh. 28 People look at you and think you're saints, but beneath the skin you're total frauds.

    Thanks, ascot. So speaks one with a legal background. Weren’t the Pharisees lawyers? How best to answer the WTS, spiritual Pharisees, then with their own words. I’ll be thinking of you with your occasional attendances.

    Hi happyman. Yes, it is true that the rank and file do not follow the words in the WT let alone the ones in the Bible. But then JWs are taught to put the words of the FDS above the Bible since the FDS say they are the only channel to Bible understanding. I have had the "privilege" of association with many of the anointed, GB, COs and DOs and I can say without any doubt that they are as bad if not worse than the average, ordinary JW. They supposedly have the Bible training, yet do not provide the example to follow. Nonetheless, Jesus’ life is in the Bible and his example is the one JWs should follow.

    Another scripture from Jesus to the Pharisees which the WTS and its representatives resemble closely:

    Matthew 23 (Message Bible)
    Religious Fashion Shows
    1 Now Jesus turned to address his disciples, along with the crowd that had gathered with them. 2 "The religion scholars and Pharisees are competent teachers in God's Law. 3 You won't go wrong in following their teachings on Moses. But be careful about following them. They talk a good line, but they don't live it. They don't take it into their hearts and live it out in their behavior. It's all spit-and-polish veneer.

    Hey minimus, my dancing friend. Man, you have been on TV a lot lately. The residual commerical checks must be flowing in. No overseer for me. Sounds like a slave master. No slaves on this board. I can be a WT translator. Imagine as the conductor speaks, I would be translating on the side into what the WT really means. See my response to undercover above. This was in the 1/15/03 WT study article.

    Good summary, Beans. If you looked in the dictionary under "hypocrisy" you would see a WT.

    Thanks, lollydawdle. I see you are a new visitor. Welcome and welcome to my review. If you have any insights or experiences to add, please do. That goes for you too foreward. I remember my newbie days.

    Maverick, so you too have been a "happy" traveler visiting the loving brothers and sisters? They exhibit the characteristics shown by members in abusive families that cope by denying what their eyes and ears see and hear. Only when the abuse gets up front and personal and dangerous to their existence, do some, only some wake up and get out.

    Blondie (WT translator)

  • minimus

    Sister Blondie is officially now, the WATCHTOWER TRANSLATOR. Per me. I can imagine you saying just the opposite of everything the watchtower says, and of course, you would be 100% right!

  • wannaexit


    Congratulations Blondie on your new appointment. WATCHTOWER TRANSLATOR is a very good description for what you do.


  • lollydawdle

    You've done a lot of work, Blondie! Keep it up. Yes, I'm a newbie, and I don't have much time to be on, but will come in every now and again to see what's up. Work full time, working toward my degree part-time, and taking piano lessons! Keeps me out of trouble.

  • JeffT

    The bit about counting time caught my eye. What a load of nonsense. My (now) wife wanted to continue her Bible study after she was baptized because she thought she had a long way to go. We'd both been caught up in the pre-1975 rush, and she wanted a firmer basis of Bible knowledge. Of course she couldn't continue because the time didn't count.

    The church we now attend as a zillion study and fellowship groups. We get together to build each other up, have some good times, learn some new things. Nobody worries about counting time. God is there, He knows what we're doing.

    Of course with Borg, it's all about control.

  • Pistoff

    happyman said:

    Well Blondie, this artikel show that the Gb say how we must akt, if we not follow that, as you say, dont blame the leaders, if you have a teamleader how say to you exatly how to akt, and the players dont follow that, sorry but the teamleader isnt to blame.

    The reason as I see it: they send mixed messages all the time, and what elders should do is very unclear. For example, how many times have you heard that they do NOT want to df anyone, and meet with them many times to help them? This is bunk. Most all the people I know that have been df'd were told they would be after ONE meeting; not three, or even two, to help them to see if they are repentent. Obviously, the elders have other information, and the three meeting line is for the rank and file to swallow. THEY HAVE OTHER RULES.

    Or this: help the weak; but, as you see from the article quoted in the study article, they INFER that you should not associate with them, as they "influenced" one another into falling away. That leaves one option, what is happening now: leave them alone, they are dangerous("may still be following Jehovah's laws to some degree")but when we tell you to go see them, do it. It is not for nothing that the weak are ignored; they put fear of weak ones into every good little witness: if you associate with them, they will drag you down. We/they are just following conditioning.

    Is it any wonder we are all crazy? A sister who has worked hard on the sex abuse issue told me something I did not agree with then, but do now: we are all dysfunctional because of the WT.

    I believe it now. I respond to circular reasoning, i have guilt over things that I am just now figuring out, and all the doublespeak finally tipped me over the edge and out the door.

    BLONDIE: Awesome; they get better each week.

    pistoff, as usual

  • blondie

    Keeping checking in when you can, lollydawdle. Tell us about your music. Farkel is our resident concert pianist.


    , I’m glad you found people to build you up.
    We get together to build each other up, have some good times, learn some new things. Nobody worries about counting time. God is there, He knows what we're doing.


    , I’m glad to hear that you are learning and seeing the doublespeak from the WTS. I think there are more than we know like you in the congregation. Knowing but not able to leave yet.

    Blondie(I saw the light)

  • happy man
    happy man


    this dubbeltalk as you say, why do you think it is this way, do you think this si sin purpus, or is it mans

  • happy man
    happy man


    this dubbeltalk, do you think it is on purpus, or is it only our bad sides how show upp, i think you can find a lot of JW how realy are doing a lot of this you comlain not are ther, i now a lot of peopel how realy caers fore others. But i think this is more what person you are, some have it in ther spirit, and others can you never learn this, sorry to say, and it have always been like this, as you see if you read the bibel, and israel history, imagen if you lived in Davids time, ohhh what you hade complian on him, this craysi terribel man, he can not bee from the fadher, I can see your posts,but he was from jehova, this show that man are not perfekt, if we think this we never find a religion how sadifice us.

    If i look on this diffrent religions around mee here in sweden I see a lot of mess, we have just now, a debbate in church about if they think jesus was born from holy spirit, and the boss from preiest in Sweden say he dont belive this, we have also a lof of skandals widh monye involvd, inn diffrent religions, and so on.

    widh love from HM

    'So you never find a perfeck religion, your comment on GB members was I must say a low point from you, ofcourse they have ther wrong sides, as we all have.Some are nice some are bad, like most of us.

  • undercover

    Thanks for your reply and references Blondie.

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