Jw spokesman Says door to door preaching not coming back!

by nowwhat? 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Realbavman

    Looks like a great opportunity to do away with something they probably wanted to do away with anyway.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Vidiot, though you are right in saying "the D2D work and in-person KH meetings were the two most effective forms of tribal bonding", when I was an active JW I strongly disliked (other than the opportunities for socializing) the field service work (both by door to door and by "street witnessing"), the listening to the meetings at the KH (and in the in-home congregational book studies) and at the assemblies/conventions, and the studying for such. I wanted to do other things than attending and participating at religious meetings, attempting to evangelize for religion, and studying religion at home. The religious activities (with relatively few exceptions for me) were extremely boring for me, but while I was active I begrudgingly did them because I thought it was my duty to Jehovah God to do so.

    It was a huge waste of my of time to have been active as a JW. That time would have been better spent studying science, engaging in interesting hobbies, not hindering the development and use of my critical thinking abilities, and studying the stock market more (so as to do much better in the stock market and become rich as a result and thus be able to retire early from work and focus on living the kind of life I most like).

    I think a big reason the WT had for the in-person field service/ministry work and KH meetings is not for bonding but rather for keeping JW's minds on the JW religion (including being controlled by the WT and the governing body). With those activities now being done remotely, the number of active JWs will likely shrink dramatically and rapidly.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The d2d work was abandoned long before the pandemic.

    Perhaps because the WTS is a registered charity and knocking on people's doors endangers WT charity status?

    Follow the money ...

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    The door to door work has been less prominent in recent years, I do agree. At least in the US, I haven't seen JWs out door to door for years in the neighborhoods around me. I have also observed fewer door-to-door salesmen, for instance, or just about anything else.

  • FFGhost
    The d2d work was abandoned long before the pandemic.

    It was?

    The 8 million+ JWs obligated to do it might disagree with you.

  • joe134cd

    If they do sell up and run with the money, they will inevitably lose control. 12 months in and already control cracks are beginning to appear with people holding independent study groups. How much longer they can hold this off with virtual meetings. Is anyone’s guess.

    I’ve spoken to two ultra Pimis in my local area. Both think it would be a good idea to never go back to the KH. So much for what I heard about Jehovah’s spirit was felt inside his house of worship.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I dont know any ultras for sure. People do miss meetings for the association. Not the material. I know lots of cameras are off so not e everyone is " dressing appropriately "

    As for independent study groups, the letter was about elders scheduling extra meetings beyond the authorized ones, not small groups getting together.

  • Rattigan350

    "Who is David Hendricks? Not a branch representative?"

    Robert Hendricks is a former District Overseer.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    JW's (from a "foreign" language congregation/group) out in field service came to my door recently as in 2020 (but before Covid-19) and/or 2019. The ones from the main language group of the local congregation (of whose territory I live in) stopped coming a few years ago because I asked people from that congregation language group to put me on the "do not call list". I think now the foreign" language congregation/group that meets at the same KH now has me on record as being on the "do not call list".

    Regarding meeting attendance on Zoom I wonder if the actual attendance is much lower than the number of people who log into the meeting and get counted in the attendance. Since people can have the camera off and since some people use land line phones and other phones lacking a camera, a person could simply log into the Zoom meeting and walk away without watching or even listening to the meeting. That would be an easy way for them to avoid meeting attendance while still being counted as attending the meeting. What do you folks think of that?

  • Rivergang
    That would be an easy way for them to avoid meeting attendance while still being counted as attending the meeting. What do you folks think of that?

    Holding any sort of meetings on line definitely has its limitations! (I think that I can speak from some experience, having been working "remotely" for the last three weeks).

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