If mathematics teacher made a mistake, would it mean mathematics itself is wrong!

by venus 102 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    Even the most simplest of living organisms contain a biological mechanism that can cause it to change and adapt and to pass on its traits to its descendants - Fishy

    No that is not how evolution works. No individual ever evolves.

    Evolution is about the change in frequency of alleles in a gene-pool. Evolution happens to a population over a very long period of time.

    I explained this in part 28 of the Evolution is a Fact series...

  • venus

    You ignored what I wrote about environmental effect on fishes which is all set to disprove natural selection! (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/08/climate-change-study-ocean-fish-size/)

    Global warming is sounding a death knell on the theory of evolution—no natural selection is going to happen in the case of fishes in the sea. Fish won’t be able to get enough oxygen to grow if ocean waters keep heating up. Fish, as cold-blooded animals, cannot regulate their own body temperatures. When ocean waters become warmer, a fish’s metabolism accelerates, and it needs more oxygen to sustain its body functions. Fish breathe through gills, organs that extract dissolved oxygen from the water and excrete carbon dioxide.

    Interestingly, when the proofs arrive they come with a bang. Evolution started with an explosion (big bang) which resulted in every exploding pieces round and spinning which ultimately created all varieties of life forms. Yet when armed forces and terrorists use explosion it never results in any pieces round and spinning, and they only destroy lives and properties.

  • cofty
    Evolution started with an explosion (big bang) which resulted in every exploding pieces round and spinning which ultimately created all varieties of life forms.

    You win the prize for the most unscientific comment of 2017 so far. Congratulations the competition was really tough.

    Why have you suddenly lost the ability use English grammar? Has one of your other Brahma Kumaris buddies taken over? How many BK cult evangelists are positing under the Venus account? At least one of you has excellent English. This latest one not so much.

  • cofty

    By the way the reduction in fish size in reaction to warmer ocean temperatures is a perfect example of Natural Selection.

    No individual fish "adapts" to climate change. Rather those individuals who are genetically disposed to be smaller and therefore consume less oxygen will be better suited to the change in climate. On average they will produce more offspring who survive long enough to reproduce and therefore the genes for smaller phenotypes will prosper in the gene-pool.

    Evolution = the change in frequency of alleles in a local population.

  • Onager

    Then I lay there in the gutter and my heart was all a-flutter,
    Till a lady, passing by, did chance to say:
    "You can tell a man that boozes by the company he chooses,"
    Then the pig got up and slowly walked away.

    - The Famous Pig Song

    I'm sorry, but like the pig, I'm going to walk away from this thread.

  • venus


    Purpose is accomplished. What was intended was to create an awareness about a forgotten truth:

    Teacher may make mistake;

    but that doesn't prove the subject he was trying to explain was non-existent.

    Mathematics (being a branch of science) was used as a symbol of God who is source of all knowledge.

    I am also taking leave from this thread.

  • cofty
  • venus
    • Cofty,

      In all my posts and comments, it is too obvious that I have not promoted any organization. I have implied only four major subjects through all my writings:

      1) Soul is the creator of the body,

      2) God is the creator of the world.

      3) Suffering is a mechanism that alerts us to avoid further/future pain. Thus pain tells us that we have put our survival onto something that is a violation of some principle of divinity, which in turn gives a thirst for God, the forgotten truth. Like in rainy season we thirst for summer, and in summer we thirst for rainy season.

      4) How to live in the now, and enjoy the present.

      Nobody can find fault with the above four things. The basic rule of the psychic universe is that “like attracts like.” Similarly, “love promotes love,” so that the person who has let go of a lot of inner negativity is surrounded by loving thoughts, loving events, loving people, and loving pets. This phenomenon explains many scriptural quotations and common sayings that have puzzled the intellect, such as, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer,” and “Those who have, get.” As a general rule, therefore, people who are carrying the consciousness of apathy bring poverty circumstances into their lives, and those with a prosperity consciousness bring abundance into their lives. Because all living things are connected on vibrational energy levels, our basic emotional state is picked up and reacted to by all life forms around us. It is well known that animals can instantly read a person’s basic emotional state. There are experiments demonstrating that even the growth of bacteria is affected by human emotions, and that plants register measurable reactions to our emotional state. Hence don’t keep any ill-feeling towards me.

      So, let us part our ways in all sweetness.

      With best regards


  • cofty

    You and your cronies who use the Venus account are Brahma Kumaris cult proselytizers. Just like all the others who came before you, you lie about your purpose.

    You talk utter garbage about science and promote an apocalyptic world view. When facts are presented that disprove your facile waffle you ignore them and repeat the same nonsense on a new thread.

    Let me know if you actually have the courage to debate. Otherwise you are simply trolling.

  • punkofnice
    Brahma Kumaris Venus - 1) Soul is the creator of the body,

    That's totally bonkers.

    2) God is the creator of the world.

    Some believe, others don't.

    3) Suffering is a mechanism that alerts us to avoid further/future pain. Thus pain tells us that we have put our survival onto something that is a violation of some principle of divinity, which in turn gives a thirst for God, the forgotten truth. Like in rainy season we thirst for summer, and in summer we thirst for rainy season.

    Blimey O'Rielly. mate. this is getting more bonkers. False dichotomy or what!

    4) How to live in the now, and enjoy the present.

    According to the dangerous Brahma Kumaris nutty cult.

    Nobody can find fault with the above four things.

    No one would waste their breath. There is so much wrong with those four Brahma Kumaris pontifications that they render themselves redundant.

    I for one am bored to death reading this nonsense. I'm outta here.

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