JW Urban Legends

by Azalo 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    Here's one a heard some time ago:

    A sister was in a subway and a guy looked to assault her, but then out of nowhere a dog appeared and scared the guy off. Then the sister turned around and the dog was gone.

  • gitasatsangha

    Another J-Dub Urban Legend:

    During the worst of the Lebanese Civil War we were told (at a Circuit Assleepy as I recall) of the trials and tribulations of the poor Beiruit congregation. Yet in the worst of the shelling and machine gun fire, all the familes except one, braved to go to the KH on Thursday for the meeting.

    The family that didn't all died in a shelling attack on their home. I think the moral had something to do with going to the meetings when it was snowing. The next time it snowed we stayed in and watched Cosby. It felt strangely spiritual.

  • Francois

    I knew a sister in Kingsport, TN who moved into a house that had the same wall paper in each and every room. In the wall paper, which was composed of a geometric pattern, there were small crosses of the crucifix type (no body hanging on it, but that type of crucifix). Well. The entire congregation turned out one Saturday with blow torches, and wide putty knives and such and removed each and every square inch of that wall paper from her entire house, which was then replaced by a crucifix-free type of wall paper. Unfortunately, I had a prior engagement and couldn't place myself at their disposal. Too bad.



  • freedom96

    I really enjoy threads such as this, for again it shows how simply stupid the whole thing was. To believe many of these urban legends seems silly when they are all put together to read. I wonder how many current witnesses would react if they were to see this list all at once.

  • rocketman

    gita, I have heard stuff like that from the platform too -

    for example, a jw family's house was robbed while they were waiting for the elder/hubby/dad to leave an elder's meeting after the School/Service Meeting. Had that elder not had the elder's meeting, the story goes, the family may have been home when robbed.

    There are not enough rolling eyeballs icons for this thread.

  • gitasatsangha
    I wonder how many current witnesses would react if they were to see this list all at once.

    They would say "Oh.. this is an apostate site. More apostate lies. Please forgive me oh Jehovah for looking at this filth." Click.

    Trust me.

  • tazmaniac

    Doesnt really make you wonder about all the seemingly fantastic field service experiences. Or wartime escape experiences. I recall having the hair on the back of my neck stand on end when I heard them. But wasn't it always, "this happened to a friend in another congregation, i can't recall any names or dates". Or it always happens in some other country. I seem to recall a part on the elders school about making sure of your source before retelling some field service account. Then "the boys" would behave for a few months then back to any witness positive story or demon fear inspiring account is told from the platform. How about this. Find some nice looking gal with big enough gall.(may have to pay her a few bucks) Have her tell everyone she is from some cong far away. During the announcements hopefully they are shy a few minutes and ask for experiences. Have this gal raise her hand and start her experience by saying "this one time at band camp...............................

  • acsot

    I must live in the middle of Urgan Legend-land. I've heard several Smurf stories (i.e. a JW's kid wakes up during the night to see his Smurf toys dancing around in his room); also about there being blood in ice cream, the story about the sister in service with her "angelic bodyguards" , the dog named Jehovah, and about never ever ever buying anything second-hand because you just never know if the objects are demonized.

    In my home town there was a Bible study supposedly suffering from demon possession . I saw one thing happen to her but now I'm not sure if she was suffering from manic-depression or mental illness or something, but man! What stories ran rampant in our hall! It was a small town, not many publishers, so a ripe breeding ground for myths and exaggerations of all types.

    Apparently this woman's vacuum cleaner "spoke to her" when she put it out in the garbage; some furniture she had received from her uncle who was a spirit medium wouldn't burn until prayed over by the "super-righteous very-zealous" pioneer couple who studied with her, etc. etc. etc. Every week there were new stories. New attacks by the demons. It was getting down right boring having all those naughty demons around. I mean, the pioneer sister couldn't talk about anything else - ever! They studied with this poor soul for a year and yes, the woman became a dub. A YEAR we had to endure demon talk.

    The woman ended up selling her house (!) because the demons were everywhere in it (her whole family was into Ouija boards, reading tea leaves, etc.), and since much of her stuff was given to her by her family members, the pioneer couple, after duly praying about the matter, decided that it was best for her to make a clean break. She ended up in a small apartment, but happy, happy, happy to be serving Jehovah, who smote all those demons and freed her from such enslavement .

  • TR

    Do you remember the one about the poor pioneer couple who bought a very nice Mercedes Benz for $500.00?

    The story goes that this pioneer couple's car broke down and they were searching the ads for a new junker. They saw an ad for a MB for $500.00 They nearly dismissed it as a typo, but responded anyway. Sure enough, the lady was selling it cheap because her philandering husband who died, wrote in his will that the car should be sold and the proceeds given to the mistress.

    Funny that he trusted the wife to sell the car at market value.


  • tazmaniac

    And the Mercedes one I heard at a circuit assembly. But I never heard anything about them selling it and giving the excess money to the poor and destitute. Or how they let someone esle but it because it would be a showy display of one means of life. Or it would be too flashy for field service.

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