"For as OFTEN as you eat it...."

by AGuest 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Well, I've changed my plans.

    I'm taking Farkels advise.....accept me and Shelby are goin fishin and leavin unc home. She told me in private conversation she is afraid of him and his bi-polor disorder.......never knowing when he will lose his mind.

    Yes it's going to be just me and Shelby and lots of drink.......just sittin there on a cold lake in a lonely boat waitin for the fish to bite and talkin about Jeshua melcheesedick Brothelboy.

    I've been waiting for this moment and no one is going to stop[ me

    Gumby, a slave of nicotine.

  • unclebruce

    bi-polar disorder?!! ROTFL piss off!!!

    Jesus Christ almighty .. Shelby recons i'm unstable? i might crack!! LOLOL ooo jeezz that's it .. i need a break before you guys kill me to death!!!

    cracking up unc, off to the big smoke for the weekend

  • gumby

    off to the big smoke for the weekend

    Hey....before you leave unc......whats "the big smoke"? .....

  • nowisee

    dear aguest/sj

    i am a new christian and very new to this board. i wanted to sincerely thank you for your testimony about our Lord and God. i cried out in despair, He extended His hand, i received it so gratefully and humbly. i have been overwhelmed every day since. i also was blind, but....


  • gumby

    i am a new christian and very new to this board.

    Nice to have newcomers nowisee. So glad you were able to break the bonds from the Witnesses as have most others here. Your Christianity will be challenged perhaps from this board and perhaps not.

    I wish you the best in your travels out of dubdom.


  • nowisee

    thank you, gumby. i wish the same for you.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Nowisee... the greatest of love and peace to you!

    I am overjoyed at your newly found "sight"... or should I say, I am overjoyed that you have been "found"... and granted "sight"! Isn't it wonderful... and liberating? It is very unfortunate that religion has "sold" itself so as to control mankind SO much that many do not believe that you can know... AND love... God... AND at the same time... be free! Religion has enslaved so many for SO long... in their misinterpretation and false teachings of what has occurred with God and mankind, who, what and how God truly is, as well as what it MEANS to "know God" - they have consistently "used" Him... to enslave mankind. And, unfortunately, those who've had their... ummmm... faith... harmed by this cannot see to realize that whatever "freedom" they THINK they possess now... is temporary. An account will still have to be rendered... and while they may possess a form of freedom now... they may not possess a "covering" then.

    Ah, well... I do have to say that a semblance of freedom now... temporary as it may be... is better than any kind of involuntary enslavement, and particularly that which the enslaved can't even see exists. At least the first group has made their own choice, based on what they have come to know about religion, and appear willing to stand with it, whatever the outcome. The second group, those unknowingly enslaved, have been misled into making a choice, so that one day, they will be heard to cry, "Lord, Lord, didn't we do such-and-so in your name?" To which my Lord will have no choice but to respond, "I never KNEW you!" Sort of like J-Dubs and many Americans... and Iraqis... who put their trust and faith in "earthling man"... whether the GB, Bush or Hussein... none of whom can save them, for in the end, these cannot save even themselves.

    Oh, look! I've gotten "wordy"... LOLOLOLOLOL! Ah, well, I am what I am... and at the top of that list is "wordy".

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of our God and Father, the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... you and your entire household... to time indefinite!

    YOUR servant (for I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with them), sister and fellow slave of Christ,


  • gumby


    Why can I not remember this name?

  • AGuest

    Hey, 'Gumb... let me help you out (and peace to you!) -

    JAH (the name of God) E'SHUA (is salvation or saves) -

    MISCHA (chosen... or anointed, which is a choosing by means of having oil poured on one to signify that choosing, which, in this case, is the "oil... of exultation"... holy spirit, God's "blood", "life giving water", and "generative power (or sperm)" - which is "poured out" by Christ upon the one receiving it - and yes, other peoples did this same thing, poured/anointed with oil, to choose they kings, priests, etc., but there is nothing strange about that, because ALL beliefs originated from the three sons of Noah, but have been bastardized over the milleniums...)... of JAH.

    JahE'Shua - Jah is Salvation

    MischaJah - Chosen of Jah

    Why the two names? Because JahE'Shua (pronounced "Yah-e-Shua")... or JahShua... or JOSHUA (the TRUE English rendering)... is/was the name of many, including the successor to Moses. But only ONE Joshua... was "messiah"... or "MischaJah" (pronounced "Mee-Sha-Yah"). SINCE him... many have become "mischaJah-im" (pronounced "Mee-Sha-Yah-eem")... or in English "messiah-people". "Christian" is really not quite accurate because "christian", while it does mean "chosen person/people" or "anointed person/people"... it does not indicate chosen or anointed of WHOM. Which... considering that many nations/people choose or anoint their leaders... is quite important.

    Why is it important to know this? Well, it may not be to you. But, if you understand above all else that God's name is "Jah," you will begin to understand ancient Hebrew - the names, the places... and many other words. If you simply start with "Jah"... and perhaps, "El" (which means "God"), a whole language can be opened up to you.

    For example, the Muslim name for God... "Allah"... is actually a misrendering of the word "AlleluJah". So what? Well, in TRUTH, Muslims, Israelites, Jews... and "christians"... although obviously unbeknownst to them... worship the SAME God... the God... of Abraham. For Muslims, the descendants of Ishma-El, it stops there - the separation occurred at Isaac and Ishmael. For Israelites, it stops at Jacob, the son of Isaac, for the 12 tribes became divided after that level - by means of the sons of Jacob: 10 tribes called "Israel", and two tribes (Judah and BenJah-Min), called "Judah" (from which the "Jews" hail).

    For the Jews... it stopped at Christ... the "son of"... David... son of Judah. And for the so-called "christian" world... it stopped... at their apostasy... their drawing AWAY from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and therefore, Christ... by FOLLOWING... "earthling man." This, although they were told BY CHRIST... that they had ONE "leader"... him. Matthew 23:10

    Ancient Hebrew is not that difficult a language to learn, at least when it comes to what is written in the Bible. As with any language, once you have the foundation, you can pretty much branch out from there. And the "foundation" of the ancient Hebrew language... is the name of God... JAH. (Psalm 68:4)

    That is why people were given certain names:

    Eli-Jah (My God is Jah) - accurately pronounced "El-ee-yah" ("Eli, Eli, lama sabach thani") Abi-Jah (My Father is Jah) - accurately pronounced "Aa-be-yah" ("Abba... Father!") Nehemiah ("iah" is actually "jah" and pronounced "yah") Isaiah (pronounced "I-say-yah") Josiah Jeremiah Hezekiah Zechariah Zephaniah

    and so on. Indeed, the word "hallelujah" which is (accurately pronounced "aa-lel-oo-yah" - h's are silent)... means... "praise you, Jah"... allel... u... Jah.

    The Hebrew letter "j"... or "yodh"... is pronouced like a "y" - in Latin and Greek, they are shown as "i's". The letter "w"... is pronouced like a "v". If you can understand the CONSONANT sounds... you have a way to build on the foundation of the language ("Jah", pronounced "Yah"). Unfortunately, English-speaking folks always seem to think there NEEDS to be a vowel, when in many languages, there does not.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • gumby

    Whats wrong with just plain old "Jesus"?

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