murders at school

by zeb 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • humbled

    Yes, team sports do socialize children. (My post was muddled, sorry) This may be a large factor in these children’s lives.

    Children who watch films and play violent video games lose playtime—lose social time . There is nothing like getting out and playing with others. l have noticed since l was a child that after school playing has changed—and videos fill the void. That is certainly one thing that happens to children who must go in doors and wait until an adult returns from work. Social isolation is a factor in these killers.

    Isolation with only yourself and a controller in your hand.

    edit: just found this short article.

  • Simon

    There is no proven link between 'violent video games' and shootings. Video games now are not the same as they were 20 years ago, now you're almost always playing online with other people so they are quite a social thing to do, just not (always) in person.

    There are correlations between shooters and lack of fathers or other male role-model plus a lack of respect for authority.

    Authority is needed to set boundaries and train people to respect them. Just like training a dog, a lack of authority is often the cause of errant behaviour.

    Of course the US then has the extra special ingredient of easy access to firearms. Combine multiple "we top the league" factors and the results in the US are exponentially worse than elsewhere.

  • humbled

    I do agree, Simon. It is that screen time supplants the getting out and playing, the rough and tumble —the walking and talking.

    And the not having a father? And a lack of respect for authority? It is a tangle of factors—fathers who often were rough , perhaps not emotionally available, often drunk when they came home( there was a lot of drinking that went on) and very authoritarian didn’t model perfect manhood but we still didn’t have mass shootings.

    There is something that happens when one parent is home when children get home from school. There may be chores and the children can go out and play ( maybe are kicked outside to play). Video games alone don’t harm s child.

    Social Isolation - from father, sister, brother, mother, other —that makes a loner.

  • Stirred

    Giordano, I LOVE your suggestions. It will take adding to the police force to accommodate having representation at every school though... having trained FBI/retired police may be a good option. Funding will come no doubt for these steps.

  • humbled

    Stirred- your post made me go back and find Giordano’s post. Good indeed! This would make schools secure.

    The pathology may find its way to other venues—theatres, shopping malls, play grounds. And has . The U.S. is so susceptible to young men killing a mass of young helpless others.Why?

  • Old Navy
  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Quote from Simon:

    Authority is needed to set boundaries and train people to respect them. Just like training a dog, a lack of authority is often the cause of errant behaviour.

    Authority does well with youth who have "normal" conscience and senses of compassion and the ability to empathize. Unfortunately, it does not work with those who seem to lack conscience or compassion. The Psychopath is immune to structured efforts to instill such values.

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Where guns aren't available the weapon of choice for mass killings is the knife:

    Is it really a "gun problem" or a "people problem?"

  • 2+2=5

    If it wasn't guns it would be something else... as a matter of fact I am glad it is guns instead of bombs which is probably coming next

    You see... when they start using bombs at a high rate what will people say then?

    Rest easy... never going to happen.

    Lazy teenagers researching, sourcing materials and building bombs from scratch?

    You can buy guns from Kmart.

  • 2+2=5

    Where guns aren't available the weapon of choice for mass killings is the knife

    If it isn’t obvious, I’ll help you out.

    Killing someone with a knife can be hard work, and by the looks of the last few school shooters, they’d have had a very hard time just killing one person before they were arrested.

    At least if your 20 feet away from someone with a knife you’re safe.

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