murders at school

by zeb 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    The amount of guns per capita and other various circumstances are the cause, its not just the amount of guns in possession of the population.

    Not surprisingly many including myself stated after the other school shooting in Texas there is going to be copy cat events to follow. ......... there were

  • silentbuddha

    If it wasn't guns it would be something else... as a matter of fact I am glad it is guns instead of bombs which is probably coming next.

    Our society is producing people that are offended / hurt by everything to the point that every insult makes people suicidal etc... or emotionally unstable.

    Seriously people are ready to ruin people's lives over calling someone fat.

    Guns are just a tool that these extremely sensitive people are using.

  • _Morpheus

    Bombs next? He had bombs planted.

  • silentbuddha

    There were bombs???

    You see... when they start using bombs at a high rate what will people say then?

    We need to address why fairly well to do suburban kids find it necessary to kill people at the drop of a hat. It would make more sense if poor inner city kids who had no food and rotting teeth where doing these things, but not.

    This country has given up so much of itself in the name of liberalism it is almost unrecognizable.

  • steve2

    Probably a bullied kid, poor soul. No excuse for what he did, but those that bullied him need to consider their part in this...

    What egregious reasoning. The bullets have robbed more that bullies of life.

    BTW speaking of well-to-do kids, bin Laden came from a wealthy and prominent family in Saudi Arabia - so much for the bullied and down-trodden hypothesis...

  • smiddy3

    When I was a kid ,i`m an ozzie, I played cowboys and indians with my friends and i had toy guns and toy rifles and even bow and arrows from an early age for many years shooting and killing make believe bad guys and indians .

    I outgrew this and never contemplated killing anyone in real life bad guy`s or not.

    I find it hard to comprehend what`s happening in America with all these mass shootings at schools ending the lives of young students so needlessly.

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Very interesting interview regarding this matter under discussion:

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Quote from Smiddy 3:

    You do make some good points Old Navy but obviously not all people who play these games and watch these movies act out with them otherwise we would all really be up shit creek.

    Agreed. It is truly a fortunate fact that most who indulge in such games are not tempted to act out what they indulge in within the games. But the question remains: Why do we have those kinds of video games which are heavy in violence and killing? Or movies and television programs which portray violent killing and death with impunity? In the early days (until the late 1060s) of movies and television there wasn't so much of an obsession with violence, murder and mayhem as it is done these days.

    Is there a connection or not? Where do those who do the shootings and other mass murder events get their ideas? How are they learning how to do it with maximum effectiveness before being either killed or apprehended?

  • humbled

    In the early days (until the late 1960s) of movies and television there wasn't so much of an obsession with violence, murder and mayhem as it is done these days.—Old Navy

    Just kicking this up again. Maybe we can crowd source the question of why US has mass shootings in schools and other countries not so much. Between the English speaking exJWs in all these various countries— maybe some ideas will come forward.

    Here is one possible factor: the white Europeans that sailed over to the colonies self-selected for risk and violence.

    What is different here?

    More boys playing soccer across the pond?


    Other kids may watch the violence but do they play sports more?

  • cofty

    More girls play football (soccer) in the USA than in Europe. But in any case how do you see a connection between team sports and mass shootings exactly? Football and other team sports socialise children.

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