15 - 20 leave from congregation in North East of England

by dozy 55 Replies latest members private

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I'm sure we will many more of mass exiting will be happening in this deep time of end of WT corporation's brief history.

  • Ruby456
  • Ruby456

    The GB also need to be aware which way the UK gov is heading regarding helping people to alleviate mental health issues. The GB need to very careful that they do not over step the uk gov,s guidelines.

  • truthseeker

    The Northern Apostate Powerhouse

  • BluesBrother


    "" I am sure the elders will treat them with kindness accordingly, and not alienate or threaten them. Maybe some of them have long term health issues as well that prevent them making it to the meetings. The elders will surely be understanding about that too."

    Not sure if you are being ironic SBF? Certainly that is what should happen. Today however? From what I have seen too many elders do not have the skill or insight to say the right thing. They jump in with hobnail boots and simply want a rule to follow. If they want or need help, I would not give much for their chances of getting it.....

  • Researchedandenlightened

    15-20 with doubts or Pimo , surely is 20-25% of the congregation based on an average of 100 attending ? if that is the case then surely that congregation will struggle to survive such a potential loss ?

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