15 - 20 leave from congregation in North East of England

by dozy 55 Replies latest members private

  • Sargeant Pepper
    Sargeant Pepper

    Exciting news, first time I have commented in years. Not sure why the name of the congregation is so sensitive as all JWs in the area will be aware. I am from Durham so worked it out from the A-Team reference. However in Lloyd’s video he does include ‘Brother Black’ being invited to the platform. A quick google of congregations in the area reveals the name of elders on various charity websites.

  • konceptual99

    So I watched Cedar's video - very interesting to hear it. Is there any more info on what has actually gone on in the area?

  • truthseeker

    Can you post the video to Cedar's video?

  • konceptual99

    Just go to his youtube channel TS

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    The recorded talk that Cedars comments on is no different than any other apostasy red alert talk I've ever heard. Sorry I wasted an hour of my time listening.

  • Researchedandenlightened

    North East....we are taking the lead in the fight against the org ! lol

  • GoneAwol

    Sailaway: you’ve also wasted a few seconds of your precious time commenting here that you have wasted your precious time watching Cedars video.

    The point of the thread is that whole families are waking up.

    Is that a waste of time? This thread is not about you or your precious time.

    Kind regards

  • jwundubbed

    Someday, maybe even today, someone is going to go to Cedar's website and have no idea which video you are referencing. It wouldn't hurt to post a link to the specific video that you mean.

  • redpilltwice
  • Sail Away
    Sail Away
    The point of the thread is that whole families are waking up. --GoneAwol

    Yes, may more families find freedom.

    It is interesting that the elders were specifically warned to stay off of social media. For a masterful use of the BITE method of mind control, watch Cedar's video below. Some may be triggered by the rhetoric spewing from this elder's mouth.


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