Do You Know Your Blood Type?

by RAYZORBLADE 83 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    I know my blood type because my birth is the familys proverbial skeleton in the closet.

    See my mother is A- her husband is O -.......guess what I am..O + !!!

    My mother had an affair with her husbands cousin and as Proverbs says what you do in secret will be shouted from rooftops!! I must have really been wailing after I was born cause they some how knew right away!!

    On the bright side my Mothers husband loved me VERY much and raised me like his very own!!

    On the sad side my mother hates me cause in her mind my birth told on her and ruined her fun! Lol What a loon!!

    Well thats my story....... at least in miniscule part.



    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 28 January 2003 2:35:46

  • Simon

    I have 'red' type blood ... or was it blue?

    Damn ... where's that knife ...


    This link should provide some interesting information regarding world distribution of blood types:

    It's great, check it out. There are countless pages affiliated with this site, so give it a go. It's very professional and informative.

    Scully, good work! Thanks!

  • ColdRedRain

    Type O Negative

    Did somebody mention Type O Negative?

  • Navigator

    I'm O Neg. I'm popular with the blood banks, but often can't give because of hypertension.

  • Jaina

    Its the RH factor of blood.....

    if you are a woman who has negative blood and your mate has positive blood then it can be dangerous for the long as the woman has positive blood....Like myself....who has O+ blood no problems will arise....

    My mother was A- and my father O+ when I was born...I was jaundiced at birth because of it...

    And I agree that O+ is the universal recipient..That what my doctor told me.......I have run of the mill very common blood and could recive almost any type of blood hehe

  • forgetmenot

    I d ont know what kind of blood type I have but when I was visiting my host family kept asking me if I knew my blood type. I asked them why and they said "just in case I get in an accident". I later came to find out that the Japanese have a superstition that your blood type dictates your personality (kind of like your birth year on the Chinese calendar or astrology sign).

    I found this @

    Your Blood Type Personality?

    According to Japanese researchers, certain personality traits correlate to specific blood types. What do YOU think?

    TYPE O You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trendsetter, loyal, passionate and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity, jealousy and a tendency to be too competitive.

    TYPE A You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.

    TYPE B You're a rugged individualist who's straightforward and likes to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. However, your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

    TYPE AB Cool and controlled, you're generally well-liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're sometimes standoffish, blunt and have difficulty making decisions.


    This is a pretty innocuous topic, so I thought: what the hell, let me revise it, in case anyone missed it first time around.

    In case there are any newbies, do any of you know your blood type.

    Considering how long some of us have been away from the WTS etc., I think it's important to know your blood type for many reasons.

    Thanks for all the folks whom posted 5 months ago.

  • Scully

    Good idea, Ray!

    Going back through the thread made me realize that I had been remiss in not including the Rh information in my little genetics lesson. At the time, I thought it would probably confuse matters more to include it in the same post, and stuck to the basics of ABO blood typing.

    The principles for how you inherit your particular Rh factor are the same. Your Rh factor is an expression of TWO bits of genetic code, one from each of your parents.

    A person with Rh negative blood has two "negative" markers. However a person with Rh positive blood can have either two "positive" markers, or one "positive" and one "negative". It's kind of like binary code where 1 = yes and 0 = no.

    Two "yes's" = yes, one "yes" + one "no" = yes, two "no's" = no.




    Rh positive (++)

    Rh positive (++)

    Rh positive (++)

    Rh positive (++)

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh positive (++) 75% or

    (+-) 25%

    Rh positive (++)

    Rh negative (--)

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh positive (++)

    Rh positive (++) 75% or

    (+-) 25%

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh positive (++) 25% or

    (+-) 50% OR

    Rh negative (--) 25%

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh negative (--)

    Rh positive (+-) 25% OR

    Rh negative (--) 75%

    Rh negative (--)

    Rh positive (++)

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh negative (--)

    Rh positive (+-)

    Rh positive (+-) 25% OR

    Rh negative (--) 75%

    Rh negative (--)

    Rh negative (--)

    Rh negative (--)

    The red highlighted Rh positive babies are the ones at risk for developing hemolytic disease of the newborn, and their mothers should have injections of Rhogam/Winrho during pregnancy (around 28 weeks gestation) and within 72 hours of delivery to protect against the development of antibodies in her bloodstream that would jeopardize the baby and future pregnancies.

    The percentages indicate the mathematical probability of what the baby's Rh factor will be.

    As a side note, many hospitals in Canada do not routinely perform blood typing on newborns, unless the mother is Rh negative and there is a possibility of Rh incompatibility or when the baby is sick and is in NICU. The rationale for so doing is that it is not felt to be the prerogative of medical profession to cast questionability on a child's paternity. I have personally seen more than one instance of a father, who was mistaken about his own blood type or did not understand the genetics of blood type inheritance, accuse the wife of cheating on him immediately after the baby was born and a blood type is performed on the baby for medical reasons, because he mistakenly believed that the baby's blood type should be the same as his own. That kind of emotional distress is completely unnecessary, particularly when it becomes established that the father was mistaken, and was in fact the baby's father, and not the product of an adulterous relationship. The father had already gone to a lawyer (within 24 hours of the birth) to initiate divorce proceedings, while the wife was still in hospital. Of course, once he realized that he had over-reacted and was wrong, the emotional damage to his wife could not be undone with a simple apology. She still had the husband move out before she went home from hospital. It was so sad and so unnecessary.

    Love, Scully

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I am O-

    my ex and father of my children is A+

    When our first daughter was born she was O+ and because she was the first she was OK. I didn't take the shot becuase of WT prohibitions which they later changed

    Second daughter is like her dad A+

    Two days after she was born the doctors came and told us her bilirubin was too high and they were thinking of moving her to the children's hospital and wanted to know how we felt about blood.

    She had 3 strikes against her the RH factor incompatibility, the O and A incompatibility and she was 4 weeks premature. She was pretty badly jaundiced. They agreed to wait and redo the test. The forst one had been done on a Sat morning and they said they often had mistakes. After they repeated the test it turned out that either the first test was wrong or it had gone down. The crisis was over. But that was a very scary few hours

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