I am moving but where to?

by Aztec 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    I would love to tell you to move to Kansas City but alas the A******S in our city vote down the mass transit bill every stinking time<can you say rednecks But our ecomony is good <well as good as it gets> we have a bus system and great schools in the burbs. I have lived all over my favorite place is Florida Key West. I love you all in Texas but the weather is TOOOO HOT for me.

  • Aztec

    Wow you guys and gals are the best! So many choices. I kind of want to stay in the Midwest but I'm not sure, maybe it's time to move out of my comfort zone and branch out a little. Nothing ventured nothing gained right? I'd love to move to another country but I don't have the wherewithall to figure out the logistics on such short notice. Anyway thanks for all the suggestions..

    My top picks of the moment

    1 Pennsylvania 2 California 3 Texas 4 Michigan woohoo! 5 Ohio 6 Canada

    To all you Texans especially Xena thanks! Xena I'm surprised you remembered what I do for a living, I forget somedays...LOL

    Rayzorblades, I enjoy your posts too and Windsor was not a silly idea. If you can believe it I have never actually been there but it looks like lots of fun from across the lake.

    Ruby, truth, crazy and Anton, Cali is very close to the top of my list!!! Warm weather and some cutie ex-jw's might just be enough to lure me! Anton my son has ADHD too so thanks for the info!

    Revmalk, thanks so much for the info. You should be getting an email from me this weekend. Just want to add your profile pic scares the bejeezus out of me

    Dear Auntie. Thanks for the link! I'm 29 and this will be my tenth move so I'm well prepared for the difficulties..LOL You are so sweet to care!

    Jourles, I got you to post? Just teasing, thank you!

    larc, I would like to hear more about Ohio in general. I've been thinking about the Cincinnati area but don't know too much about it. I will email you this weekend also. Are you still gonna come up here in June if we can get an apostofest together? It would be great to meet you!

    Petty, If I stick around here I will definately move closer to you and I got your emails and will respond this weekend too.

    Sheila, tell me about the A*****S in government! Our last governor gave the Detroit area a big F*** You when he shot down the latest bill to consolidate the bus system in the Detroit area. Gee it would have been so nice to get to work in under 2 hours and NOT spend about half that time shivering in the cold waiting for your stupid bus. GRRRR! Okay that's out of my system. Maybe I need to visit KS to see what it has to offer!

    asortafairytale, I didn't know you were a yooper! I haven't been up there in 10 years but it's so beautiful. I did the obligatory tour of the Soo and Taquamenon Falls and I liked it so much I almost went to Lake Superior for college. Great hockey school! Maybe I will take my son up there for a trip before we move. If I do I will let you know! I kinda like being a troll..LOL

    Thanks everyone for your input. I will have more info in the coming months...

    I am starting to get excited


  • found


    I have a friend in Michigan, and you know who she is, Pettygruder! Also, my sister lives in Saline Michigan and has an eight year old (soon to be nine year old ) son. She is single as well and would welcome a discussion of a roomate. She is getting ready to sell her place and look for a rental or something. Please email me so we can talk!!

  • found

    Oh, I just realized after reading Zena's post, that your're an artsy person too! So is my sister, please do contact me, even if you decide to stay where you are, you two would have so much to discuss. She has only been recently disfellowshiped and is starting to go to school now. She wants to teach music and is a wonderful artist! She may do some portaits to make money on the side. Anyway, please do get in touch.

  • Aztec

    Found I think your sister is who Petty is talking about. Do you think she would like to move to PA or CA? I need to get outta MI I think! I could use a roommate and petty is setting us all up on a meetup! She's so sweet! Thanks Found! I will email you as well this weekend!


  • wednesday

    texas is not a bad place to live. We really only have 2 seasons, summer, and almost summer.We do get tornados. it can get d*mn hot in the summer-up to 110-113(summer of 80). job market is not bad, but jobs pay less here than up north.That forces people without special skills to work 2 jobs. Educational system lages behind the north. If u are used to the atmosphere of NYC with its broadway/off braodway stuff, texas is not the place for u. yes we have the arts, but not like NYC. On the other hand, generally the crime rate is not so bad, ie in some of the dallas burbs.Texas is a right to work state, which means, they can hire u and fire u , for any reason, no reason. U can generally collect unemployment. they don't have much in the way of state welfare programs. Texas is part of the bible belt, so the baptist religion has a strangle hold on a lot of texas.A lot of towns are "dry" and no buying liquor on sunday. I can remember a time u could not shop on sunday.Dallas is very congested, with many freeways&. homeless people/mentally ill wander the streets in dallas. We do have some of the best teaching hospitals in the country (parkland, childrens) U will see lots of pick up trucks here. Country music is the norm here. Mass transit is good in dallas, but in the burbs, well it is only beginning. Some lovely areas as u get away from dallas, places it would not be bad to raise a child, places u could probably get to know your neighbor. Seems to be a large apostate group in this area. Housing and food are middle of the road here. If u go too low, well u will find yourself in a high crime area. Dallas seems to be populated racially.. That is some area are mostly black, hispanic, etc. If u have never seen a trailor, well you'll see them in texas. We have the Dallas Cowboys, used to be a draw, but not much now. but we have a great hockey team, Starrs, and basketball, mavericks, and baseball , rangers. Six flags is located in Arlington, between dallas and Ft worth.

    So, air conditionaing is a must, almost year round. Good hospitals, and schools ok, housing moderate, food mod, mass transit in big cites and some burbs. texas does not do much in the way of hand outs, ie welfare.No unions.

  • RevMalk

    haha, why would my profile pic scare you? That's a little native child out in the desert or something......nothing scary :)

  • Aztec

    Well Rev it looks like bart simpson carrying a pizza Er something like that,,,,

    Wednesday, okay Texas is out. Nothing to do with handouts just you don't make it sound like much fun. Baptists scare me!


  • wednesday


    so u think maybe i should apply for a job writing for the texas chamber of commerce?

    I was wishing i lived in calif earlier. they have a state short term disability , for up to a year. texas has Nothing like that.

    lol well glad i helped u narrrow down your list.

  • back2dafront

    Aztec, good luck in your move. My preference in this country is by far California. There are really beautiful areas all along the coast, especially in northern california. The cost of living is higher but the wages are also higher so it could all balance out.

    Wish you the best!

    Take care,


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