You're Canadian When

by WildTurkey 48 Replies latest social humour

  • dottie


    That was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!

    by the way have you muricans ever seen Canadian Tire money?????



    (of the proud Canucker Class)

  • onacruse


    I have to say the entire list makes entire sense to me.

    Now that's the scariest thing I've read in a long long time!


  • ashitaka
    You don't care about the fuss with Cuba. It's a cheap place to go for your holidays, with good cigars and no Americans.

    No americans....HA! Classic.

  • Satanus

    I resemble those comments.



    Hey WT,we`ve only got 2 seasons,winter and patio..It`s nearly impossible for a Canadian to get a paper bag in the US,ask for a sack and you`ll get your paper bag..If the item you order in a US restaraunt has an option of having cheese on it,you can be dam sure the Canadian will take the cheese(With the exception of a beef dip)..When I`m home I drink Molson Canadian beer.When I`m in the US I drink only imported beer,Molson Canadian,LOL!...OUTLAW

  • Sargon

    you forgot the toques and backbacon,eh.

    Blessed are the cheesemakers.

  • LB

    My Canadian friends tells me he knows that he's home when he pisses out a window and it sounds like gravel hitting the ground.

  • WildTurkey

    Passing the Intelligence Test

    Last week, Prime minister Jean Chretien called U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and he asked him, "Why the hell did you take George W. Bush as your Presidential candidate?"

    Dick replied, "He passed the intelligence test."

    Chretien asked, "What was that test?"

    Cheney answered, "I asked him 'If your mother has a baby and it's not your brother and not your sister, who is it'?" And Dubya answered, "It's me!" So Cheney hired him.

    "Great test," says Jean, "I'll try it on my finance minister." So he asks Paul Martin the same question. Paul says, "Well, can I give you an answer in a day or two?"

    "No problem," answers Jean.

    Paul is completely in the dark so he asks James Scott Peterson, Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions) the same question. James answers, "It's me, of course!"

    Excitedly, Paul goes back to Jean and tells him, "I've got the answer to your question, 'if my mother has a baby who is neither my brother or my sister'--it's James Scott Peterson!"

    Shaking his head, Jean says, "You idiot! It's not James Scott Peterson, it's George W. Bush!"

    Edited by - WildTurkey on 20 January 2003 15:40:36

  • Sargon

    Hey LB,

    It makes it hard to take a shower.

  • LyinEyes

    This is too funny,,,,,,,, but why is it the things said about Southern people,,,,,,,,well they make us sound so dumb???????????

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