Elders want letter from my daughter!

by reubenfine 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • reubenfine

    "Dear Elder Pervs," Nice!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    reubenfine; you seem like a smart lady... i'm glad you see what i'm talking about, put the elders on the spot!!!! it worked at my old house with my x wife when the jw's would not stop coming to my house... you have to see the jw's foaming at the mouth when 2 police cars pulled up, and me standing ther in my underwear. i got a POLICE report and PEACE!!!!!!!!! JOHN

  • Mulan
    By holding out on the letter, it will frustrate the attempts at the dub-ex to get married at the hall, because of the WTS decree of "Scriptural" divorce.

    I know several people who have remarried, without a letter. All they need is to truly believe they are free to remarry, and the responsibility is on them. One woman, was a good friend of mine, and she sent a letter saying her ex was absolutely NOT free to remarry, and he still got married, in the KH, and became an elder a few years after. (he had moved to another state, so who knows what he told the body of elders there)

    I can't remember anyone in recent years that had to get a letter.

  • Mulan

    I had an email, earlier tonight, about my post about contacting an attorney. Evidently that has been done, and quite successfully too. I wish he would post that experience. It was hilarious. Elders were in trouble BIG TIME!! The letter was sent to New York, and then to the CO, who blasted the elders.

  • LDH

    I'd send 'em a freakin letter alright. A Cease and Desist Letter from my attorney. Certified.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    I'm with Lisa on this one.

    Jeezzzz. Such friggen idiots!


  • wednesday

    this happended to a JW family member of mine. the spouse left, and would not aknowledge adultry. so my family member, and the new jw love interest, staked out the x spouses house an got pic of a a person of the oppsite sex coming out of house. Then my family member was able to get a divorce. amd remarry the love interest jw.

  • Mackin

    Do not send them a letter under any circumstances!!! Except a Solicitors letter perhaps. I like Lisa's "Cease & Desist" idea.

    They want to know if she has "committed fornication" so that the ex can be "scripturally free to remarry" (ugh, I hate those ancient concepts). This is not your daughters problem. Always remember that ANYTHING you put in writing will be filed away FOREVER!!

    What your daughter does with her life is none of their business. If they want to impose their ridiculous rules on their members, and if the ex is stupid enough to go along with them, so be it, but they have no business asking your daughter to admit to their stupid outmoded ideas of what is right and wrong. And BTW, she is not "living in sin," she is living the live of a normal, well-adjusted human being.

    Once again: Always remember, ANYTHING you put in writing will be filed away and NEVER DESTROYED! It may come back and haunt you one day in the future. I wouldn't put anything past the dubs.

    Mackin (of the "never trust the dubs" class)

  • DFWnonJW

    Do I see a new "reality" based TV show here?

    "The WT Dating Game"? ... (oooo, that'd be ripe with entertainment.)

  • lolipopp

    <P>Dear Reubenfine</P> <P>I find the fact that the elders are asking such a thing of your daughter extremely insulting, invasive and demeaning. ; What possible RIGHT do these men feel they have that they can ask an individual who has never been a member of their incredible organization do put such a thing in writing. ; </P> <P>Is the ex claiming that he has been celibate since divorcing your daughter???? ; Do you think this is a question that Jesus would have ask while he was a man on earth? ; This organization claims to have authority given to them by Jesus and Jehovah so they should be following His footsteps.</P> <P>I feel so sad for your daughter to be put in this position. ; Hope the young man can get his life on the road he wishes to take it without her making any claim about living in sin or otherwise....it is NONE of their business. ; Their dealings is with the young man and his fiancee. ; An attorney can advise you of any legal recourse for harassment or invasion of the privacy act.</P> <P>You can email me direct if you feel inclined to, <A href="mailto: [email protected]"> [email protected]</A> ; ; Agape, lolipopp ;</P> <P> ;</P> <P>Background: ; My unbaptized daughter married an unbaptized young man when they were both 18 years old. ; ;It didn't work out and 2 years later they divorced. </P> <P></P>Now it's 6 years later, (after the divorce), and my daughter never got baptized. ; Her ex-husband did and is engaged to another dub. ; The elders told him they wanted my daughter to write a letter acknowledging she is now living in sin. ; <IMG class=smilie src=" "> ; (Has for 5 years with NO elder visits, OF COURSE!) ; How insulting to everyone involved. ; I suggested just ignoring it to piss them off, and she wants to write back and tell them to go to hell. ; I also suggested writing, "I heard you were concerned about me. ; It's nice to know you care. ; Goodbye....." or something to that effect. ; LOL <P></P>I told her I would ask for other suggestions and let her know. ; Some of you are way more creative than I am! ;

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