"Things you hate the MOST"

by breeze 29 Replies latest social humour

  • blondie

    I hate pedophiles and the people who protect them the most.


  • Ed

    • Telemarketers
    • People who honk their horn every time they leave their driveway (there's always one in every neighbourhood)
    • Boneheads who wear backpacks on crowded trains
    • McDonalds advertisements
    • Computer programs that ask "Are you sure?" every time you try to do anything
    • TV producers who insist that 50% - 75% of every News report must be devoted to sport
  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I always learn so much on this board!...

    I learned birds puke..(I didn't know that...)

    I learned doggie poo squishes between your toes!...

    Now I know why I don't like "Progresso soup!"

    I learned "Toon Wabbits" are an endangered species too!

    I'm getting so smart!.......

    I learned you can have your cake AND eat it too! (They lied to me!)

    I learned Spiders can be selfish...I didn't know that

    And I hate it when people aren't sympahetic when someone takes them into their confidence and complains...sometimes all a person needs is a shoulder to cry on!....

    Oops..here comes one of those pesky selfish spiders!...SPLAT....He's gone..

    Snoozy....who loves to wipe out selfish spiders!...

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 6 January 2003 0:4:31

  • Goshawk

    I would have to agree w/ LB about ex-wives but would have to include in the group the mother-in-law from hell that made you feel like you couldn't do anything right.

    This is the same woman when her daughter came to her to talk about being molested, by the cousins, she told her own daughter to 'not stir mud up in the family.'

  • Mystla

    I really really hate it when someone makes an innocent joke and people are offended and send her emails and nasty pictures!!

    (poor mouthy, no one should ever be mean to a granny, it's just not nice!!)

    I also hate the media.. dramatizing everything. I remember recently hearing a news bite that said there was a "viral outbreak in Seattle!!" It was, of course, the flu.. like what happens every year....

    I also hate it when I can't figure something out and i ask for help and the solution is something obvious and then I look like a complete idiot! (maybe I'm just a complete idiot?)

    And squishing bugs. I would rather have them crawl on me than ever squish one, I just can't do it... grosses me out!


  • happyout

    I hate when a salesperson keeps using your name over and over to try to establish some sort of rapport. First, I know my freakin' name, idiot, you don't have to repeat it. Second, I usually don't give them permission to use my first name, so they are being overly familiar. And third, it's one of the oldest sales tricks in the book, dummy, everyone is wise to it!!


    I hate it when people who drive SLOW drive in the Left lane and WON'T get over!!!!!!!!!!!!! argggg

  • Aztec

    Ed, I dislike those programs too. I wouldn't have clicked on it if I wasn't sure.

    Mystla, I took me damn near two hours to figure out how to post a pic here so don't feel bad. Let's just wallow in our idiocy and see if anyone notices.

    I forgot to mention MICE!! I really do truly hate them! They are so evil and their beady little eyes and that..that tail EW... I can't even watch the little buggers on tv. I have to cover my eyes and my very brave son tells me when they are gone!


  • Mac

    I hate it when people ride my bumper honking their horn because I am driving slow in the left lane and won't move over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Argggg


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Ditto Max!..And I think we should have a contest!..

    Who has the worst Mother in law!.......

    I guess we could do "Who has the worst X also!"..


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