by not interested 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144thousand_and_one

    Really, does it get any more pathetic than this?

    Skeptic, I'm not sure what motivated you to divulge the details of your relationship with XW, which, in my opinion, is pathetic and unworthy of the attention you've sought by posting it here. If your rationale is to seek out female posters who might feel sorry for you, that is even more pathetic than the relationship you described.

  • LB

    heh heh heh

    Back off? Me? You can be the amatuer stalker if you want. But I'm the official approved stalker.

  • LB

    If your rationale is to seek out female posters who might feel sorry for you, that is even more pathetic than the relationship you described.

    You think he's trying to do such a thing? It might work. Some women are player easily I guess.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Sorry Joules, all the cute women in my state are married, so the Michigan women are fair game. :P

  • Solace

    LB & Jourles

    I've known you both for awhile and I feel that you both would be pretty safe stalkers, especially with our spouses peeking over our shoulders. tehe

  • Jourles

    Heaven -

    especially with our spouses peeking over our shoulders

    Yeah, quite literally at that! Damn, my wife was real nosey last night. I had to keep another browser window open to a "stock" message board so that when she would zoom over behind me I would shrink my jw.com chat window and make it appear that I was typing on my stock board.

    TH - That's too bad all of the good lookers are taken in WA. All the more reason to BACK OFF FROM THE MICHIGAN PLAYAS!! You crazy guys make me want to go out and start pissing on tree trunks to mark my territory.

  • Solace


    Yeah, but you are only hiding the fact that you are JW.Com because shes a witness, imagine if she caught you stalking women online. Ooooh,, youde be in such BIG trouble. Better watch yer bootie...

    LOL "Pissing on tree trunks"

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