To the US Military

by freedom96 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf
    Glad you have it straight.

    You being an "IDIOT" wasn't exactly crooked.

    pascifists like 'hovahs and Yadirf

    Me? A "pacifist"? You just don't know me, little boy.


  • maximumflash

    I am an active duty soldier proudly serving in the United States Army. I personally thank all of you that show respect to all of us that have or will put our lives on the line for our country. As for the war in Iraq, there is good reason for President Bush to take the actions that he is taking. And I agree with all the vets that have spoken above about not wanting to fight but it is our duty to do so if needed.

    Now for Yardirf and all of the Americans out there that can criticize and whine about the actions being taken, I urge you to leave the country and go some third world nation that restricts your movement in the country, right to vote, right to speak freely, right to practice religion freely, etc. Then see just how free you really are.

  • Trauma_Hound

    I support our soldiers, but don't support this war. Soldiers aren't making the decisions to go to war. However if someone attacked the US on US soil, then I would pick up arms also.

  • larc

    Trauma Hound, I hope that you have noticed that we are not at war yet. If the weapons inspections go well, we won't be at war. If they don't go well we will be at war. TH, have you ever played chess? Well, Bush is playing it very well, and Iraq has to figure out what to do next.

  • kril

    Yadirf, grow up. You either elderly, or getting their and you still buy this bible stuff? Is it going to take another World War before you realize that we are on our own? Do 50 million people have to die before you realize that God isn't interested in what goes on down here? My advice is this. Take a dose of reality then shut of and salute the flag.

  • Yadirf


    Now for Yardirf and all of the Americans out there that can criticize and whine about the actions being taken, I urge you to leave the country and go some third world nation that restricts your movement in the country, right to vote, right to speak freely, right to practice religion freely, etc. Then see just how free you really are.

    You and TR both exihibit the same spirit as those who persecuted the JWs in Malawi for their refusal to bow down to President Banda's silly requirement. I don't doubt for a second that the two of you are just as capable of brutally mistreating other humans.

    You "urge" me to leave the country? Why don't you try and make me leave, sir? Wouldn't you like to do that? Like I've already said, I'm NOT a pacifist.


  • Yadirf


    Have you learned to wipe your own butt yet, you atheist? Somehow I tend to doubt it!


  • freedom96

    As I read some of the comments posted after my intitial posting, I had a couple of comments I wanted to add.

    First of all, Yardiff, we must keep in mind, that in the bible God himself used armies to take care of things that needed to be done. Could God have just wiped his hand and taken care of whatever was going on? He can do anything. Again, he must have a purpose for how he does things, but my point on this issue is that he used armies time and time again. How are we to know that it is any different now??

    I thought too how interesting it is, that those who are now in the military, or have been, basically support the possible war with Iraq. These are the people who really have their ass on the line. THEY will be there, not the majority of us. And they support the issue. Could be that perhaps they have more of clear idea what is going on?

    I also noticed, that those who are supporting the war if it were to happen, and those that maybe don't support it but do support the people who serve, act very similar. There is a certain sense of calmness; not so quick to call others names, etc. Very level headed.

    Maybe, just maybe, those who are in a position to actually make the decisions on this and other military actions, are thinking very clearly and rationally. Maybe they are not so quite eager to go to war than people would like to assume. Maybe the reasons for going are quite a bit more deep than we think.

  • TR

    Dickweed said,

    You and TR both exihibit the same spirit as those who persecuted the JWs in Malawi for their refusal to bow down to President Banda's silly requirement. I don't doubt for a second that the two of you are just as capable of brutally mistreating other humans.

    What a lame excuse for a reply.

    We are willing to stand up against the brutal people that would brutalize an American. Are you willing to do the same? What an ingrate you are. Now go play with your RC cars, and be glad that patriotic Americans made it possible.


    Edited by - TR on 8 December 2002 23:22:45

  • DakotaRed

    What saddens me is that a thread started simply to express appreciation to veterans and active duty military is being turned into a flame thread over one idiot.

    Screw Yadirf and the horse he rode in on. He is too blind to see the sacrifice others have made in his behalf.

    To Max and Yeru, I again extend my hearty thanks for being there to go and protect us all. TO Trauma, may I remind you that an attack did occur on American soil. And, it will again if these people are not dealt with

    Lew W

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