My Wife Says She'll Read Franz' Crisis Of Conscien

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    I always envisioned the GB doing like the ancient Levites, tossing pebbles down the board room table (Urim & Thummin). You know, reading the oracles. I swear when I was a teenaged JW and found out that in the Holy of Holies the High Priest was in there playing with ROCKS to divine the will of God I was flabbergasted. I thought "man, if this religion I'm in is derived from THAT, what am I doing in here? (besides being born into it). That was a major red flag for me. The similarity of this old Levite going into a tent within a tent within a tent all by his lonesome to play with rocks and the old codger in the wizard of oz was just too much for me.

    my two cents.

  • Simon

    Great news minimus!

    I bought a copy of CoC for someone a while back and was very pleased that they wanted to read it. I think they finally understood that it wasn't just me having a fall-out with the local KH but th organisation at fault.

    Hope it goes well.

  • Scully


    That's fantastic for both you and your wife. CoC wasn't the first book I read - it was still too scary to read "apostate" stuff when I was first on the way out of the Org.

    I started questioning after watching a university level Social Psychology course on TV - I happened to catch a lecture on Group Dynamics and Behaviour Modification. The professor started describing how people get caught up in cults, and referred to Leon Festinger's Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Something clicked because I really felt conflicted about "The Happiest People on Earth", which were the very same people who were causing my family so much grief and heartache. So that was the route that I took - CoC came about a year later - and I was already convinced in my own mind that the WTS was full of $h!t, and Ray Franz merely confirmed it with his book. It was the death blow to any lingering JW beliefs that remained.

    Love, Scully

  • minimus

    Today, I will get the book from work and give it to her. I'll let you know how things work out as this journey progresses.

  • JT
    We talked about these old men at Bethel studiously pouring over the scriptures, looking at ancient texts, and praying fervently for Jehovah's direction. Instead, what was described was more like the board meeting of a business, and a dysfunctional one at that.


    we envisioned them prostrating themselves out on the floor as it were-- trying to make decisions that would impact millions,

    yet i think it was sweden --the branch office called brooklyn about a guy about to go to prison and the bethel heavies were getting ready to go on vacation or something and said in effect

    wait till we get back we will look at it then - of course when they get back it will have been too late

    the calvier way THE Y made decisions on folks lives IS SAD

    like divorce-

    if your hubby ask you to suck him--

    you can divorce him and remarry,

    then if he ask you a few years later you can't

    what the hell happened to a sister who was in the process of getting her divorce, she got her mags on monday in the mailbox about the change but was out of town -

    her lawyer calls her while out of town on tuesday to tell her the divorce is final--

    she calls up the single bro she was seeing , they decide to marry on wed and take a few days off and come to the Hall on sunday

    ONLY TO BE TOLD THAT AS OF MONDAY -no more divorces are granted on the grounds OF ORAL SEX



    and this is just a sample of the type of mind twisting rules required of jw how sad

  • minimus

    JT, great point about the oral sex example!!!......I love your new picture. I always thought you were that guy.

  • Mary

    That's great! I know I was never the same after I first read COC.......I was in shock simply because you knew immediately that what you were reading was the truth (no pun intended)........puts the Borg in a whole new that's not very flattering.

  • shera

    Darn,I have to get that book......I'm going to go order it today at the book store.

  • gumby


    This always bothered me as a witness. All the divorces that took place over doctrine. All the children's lifes disrupted by false doctrine. All the financial hardships imposed on mates who's mates left them over wrong doctrine. All the time spent in prison by men being faithful to baldheaded old men with false doctrine.

    Too bad these murderous bastards couldn't have been lined up in firing squad order and let all the families that have been ruined by them......blast the shit out of them........whoooooops!

  • Shakita

    Hi Minimus:

    Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom were the two books that made Mr. Shakita and I see the WTBS for what it really is. But, credit must be given to our son and his wife who helped us through the beginnings of our exit out.

    Your wife should be commended for being courageous enough to want to read COC. Just getting past the fear of reading "apostate" material is a big step forward. It's great that you can be there for her when she has questions on what she will be reading. Best Wishes.

    Mrs. Shakita

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