Do You Think That You're Smart?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • lv4fer

    I'm probably above average. I was a A-B student w/o studying in school so I think that is probably above average. I don't know that it has gotten me very far though I was a slave for 15 years to the Borg. So If I fell into that how smart could I really be! Maybe I'm really below average and just have a too big of an ego to admit that I'm really not so bright.

  • joannadandy

    If I can get my shoes on the right feet I am having a genius moment...

    Edited by - joannadandy on 18 November 2002 17:53:11

  • Crazy151drinker

    I am highly intelligent, I just hate writing and cannot spell.

  • musky

    There are people who care about others and are considerate, those are the smartest people I know

  • Dutchie

    Musky, brilliant answer!

  • waiting

    Hey TR!

    When my kids used to screw up in a test - and did know the anwer (just not at the time), I'd try to cheer them up a little.

    Kid......"man, I'm dumb."

    Mom...."no, you're not. I've always thought you were my most special child."

    Kid....."that's not necessarily a compliment, mom."

    Mom...."yeah, I know."

    Thank gawd my kids still talk to me, eh? As for being smart? Lol.....all my kids are smarter than me - again thanking gawd.

    Damn, another mom story (sorry)

    Mom to older daughter about young (flunking out) son: "I know that kid is smart! I just can't reach him!"

    Daughter...."how do you know he's smart?"

    Mom (thinking for a looooong moment)...."I just know it!"

    My daughter told him that story - his reply to me? "Thanks a lot, mom." Btw, he's doing great in college.

  • musky

    Dutchie, You appear to be kind and considerate of others

  • Dutchie

    Thanks Musky. I try.

  • shera
    There are people who care about others and are considerate, those are the smartest people I know

    I recall Lady Dianna saying she wasn't a very smart person.I didn't think that was true.She was an amazing ,kind,caring woman,and I cannot forget Mother Theresa.

  • WildTurkey

    Dumb here, and i dont know what happened cause i knew it all at 18.

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