six degrees of separation..claim to fame!

by asortafairytale 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    I used to date one of Custers 6th generation nephews - boy talk about some debates!!!!


  • els

    Richard Petty is my 6th or 7th cousin. At least that's what my brothers figured out.

    My husband was handling the spotlight in his high school production of Oklahoma in which Meryl Streep was the star. There was a turn in the dancing and he totally missed her with the spotlight. She was not real happy. His older brother graduated with her.

    Robert Redford almost bought the land across the road from my inlaws on Block Island. sigh... I wish he had because he would have kept it in one piece instead of subdividing it. Besides I could maybe have bumped into him.

    I waited on Andy Roonie at the restaurant where I work. He has a place on Lake George in NY state. He dresses like a bum so people won't recognize him.

    When my husband was doing construction he was tearing apart an old house in Dorset, VT and Dom Delouis owned the house behind it. He came over to pick through the junk and took the old bathroom sink home with him.


  • outnfree

    My 11th(?) great-grandparents, Edward and Anne Fuller, came over on the Mayflower. They died, but their son Samuel survived and was raised by his uncle, Dr. Samuel Fuller, also a Mayflower passenger.

    I met both John Oates and Darryl Hall when John Oates raced in a celebrity race that I helped publicize. Also met local newsanchorman, John Kelly and his wife Marilyn, that way. She did an interview with one of our race driverson their [now defunct] show, Kelly & Co.; he chickened out of racing himself.

    I got Hugh O'Brien's autograph when he did Fiddler on the Roof at a local NJ Playhouse. (Mulan -- I obviously know who Victor Mature is! - lol)

    I actually visited James Brolin's house -- years before he married Barbra. This was when he was married to Jane. He's SO nice. Jane was into wild animal rescue and they had a boar, and a cougar and some other wild critters on their estate getting healed. This was also because of the racing PR job. We got invited to a movie premier, too, and I got to shake hands with Anthony Quinn and actually converse for a bit with James Coburn (MUCH shorter, with small feet and dainty hands, than he appears in film. Quinn is short, too). Clint Eastwood came to see his buddy Brolin race, and sought refuge from the crowds in our team's motorhome for a while, but I was busy doing my job, so didn't get to do more than say, "Hi!"

    I've met Formula One drivers Eddie Cheever, Alain Prost, and Jean-Pierre Jabouille.

    I just got to speak to our Lt. Gov. on the radio a couple of weeks ago...

    Madonna attended the same parochial elementary school as my kids....

    ummm... that's enough reaching, I think .... although my co-worker got to chat up Mel Gibson in Telluride a few years ago when they were both waiting for a massage. He was 'just a regular [but absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous!] guy'! Wish I'd have gone with her!


    Edited by - outnfree on 12 November 2002 14:45:35

  • jws

    RubyTuesday wrote:

    I'm related to General Custard (not that he was a celebrity)Maybe thats why I make bad choices..hehe.

    Small typo. Here I thought you were related to some owner of a frozen custard shop who called himself "General Custard".

    Now the posts about Custer make more sense...

  • Xandria

    Hum where to begin. (lol)

    Well, on my mothers side her second cousin was Olivia De Havaland (She played opposite of Errol Flynn in Robin Hood she was Robin Hoods love Maiden Marian.) My cousin, L. is married to the great-great grandson of Al Capone.

    On my fathers side, my Grandfather was a famous novelist in his own right in . We are related the Kings and Queens of Spain, through Jaime I.

    On my husbands moms side: He is related to the Polk (as in President Polk) family. Several Cousins are Governors and Senators. One of his distant cousins is Elizabeth Dole. Through the data base at the A. House we have mapped out the tree through the museums help.

    On his fathers side: Arnold Palmer is a fifth cousin. This is just to name a few... With out getting out the huge book of relations.

    Edited by - xandria on 12 November 2002 18:6:45

  • shera

    From what I know the soap opera star,Michael Damien Weir.I think he is like a 4 th or 5 th cousin.

  • outoftheorg

    Oh Mulan!

    You brought out one of my wierdest moments in child hood. I was about 6 yrs. and my older sister was about 22yrs.

    She had severe menstrual pains and guess what she took for them? Yes Lydia E Pinkhams tonic. This would have been in 1942. Yes it was still being used in the US. Well she also took another tonic that I had tasted and it had a lot of alcohol in it and it tasted good to me. So. I pestered her to give me a taste of "Lydia", she did and I must tell you, that is the most GOD AWFUL STUFF I ever tasted and you can't get the taste out of the mouth. I walked around gagging and spitting and she thought that was hilarious. I got mad and didn't talk to her for days they tell me.

    I never asked for another taste of anything she had.

    Back to the thread--My mother claimed to be related to the Soams-- spelling?-- family in england and they were related to Winston Churchill. Then she would talk of how her family used finger bowls- a bowl on the table with water in it- to clean their fingers as they ate. Then my dad, a full blooded Norwegion, from Norway would say things like" if you used your fork and spoon instead of eating with your fingers like monkeys you wouldn't need that bowl" and the fight would be on.

    I grew up in a strange but unique family.


  • troucul

    My grandfather flew bombing missions in the Pacific during WWII with Robert Altman.

    My other grandfather faught in the Battle of the Bulge on the other side. Didn't know anyone famous but it was still cool I think.

  • Jesika

    Well, I don't know if I am related to someone famous, but I did meet Michael Irvin when I was 16, and did a lap dance for Larry Allan (another cowboy).

    Can't think of anymore right now, but I think I have met more famous people. I know some who met Emmit Smith and Deon Sanders at a club Sanders had in Dallas.

    I did go to a live press conference at Valley Ranch and was only a few feet away from Jerry Jones (that's his name right? LOL), and the head coach at the time, it wan't Jimmy Johnson, can't remember his name. I was too involved with all the news personalities I recognized there.

  • kenpodragon

    My far off past cousin was hung for riding with Jesse James. Only did one job with him, but he was riding the slower horse and got caught. Frontier Justice was swift and to the point back then. My wife's great great great grandmother was married to Butch Cassidy and she is a descendent. My mom is married to the man who's father flew in the Memphis Bell.

    My thought


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