We All Are Just Going To Die.....FYI

by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy


    the formating keeps changing in the signiture. How do you keep it from doing that? anybody know??

    I stole a line from someone who found it somewhere.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 9 November 2002 2:57:13

  • outcast

    Oh my Sloan,

    Did I stumble you? I am so sorry. Please accept my apoligies and stay around. We would not want a new poster to go away, we need to keep you here a while longer. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    oops sorry I meant

  • Derrick
    DannyBear wrote:Someday your mind will make the disconnection, and you will finally be free.

    But I am free Danny! Free from all the misconceptions and superstitions about death! God's purpose for bringing me into existence is to live forever. You will one day discover this truth and feel the real freedom that comes from knowing the truth.

    The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
    - John 2:17

    Jesus used his flesh and blood to describe his power to give YOU immortality:

    Anyone who eats me and drinks my blood will live for ever. I will raise him up at the last day.
    - John 6:54

    One day I believe you will shed your fear of Christ that is masked in deep cynicism, and accept him as an entity who simply wants you to enjoy life, forever. In time you may come to love him like a real dad because he accepts you unconditionally exactly the way you are. Something in your life will happen, something wonderful, that will reveal the truth to you, and you will become spiritually free from enslavement to death. Keep denying, keep criticizing the messengers over time, because God has allotted a generous commodity of time for you to discover the truth. No harm is done in the interim. It's completely natural to deny what we do not understand and scorn those who dare speak things that seem impossible, Danny.


    Edited by - Derrick on 9 November 2002 1:49:36

  • DannyBear


    First let me say I really appreciate your responding to me. I believe that is the first time you have ever done so.

    I understand the spirit and intent of what you express. You obviously have a kind heart Rick, with an interest in spiritual matters.

    If you will go back and read your response to me, substituting 'Christ', 'Jesus', 'God'. for any of the 'god's' mankind currently prays to, you will understand my point. It is the exclusivity of your stance that makes it improbable for me to accept.

    You have heard all the arguments dozens of times Rick, I don't need to reiterate them. I guess what is so frustrating to me, is the presentation or delivery of the message; ie 'your with us or against us' you believe it our way 'or your dead'. Why is that so hard for believer's to understand?

    If it is 'faith' a "belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence", just what gives you the right or even the responsibility to present it (your faith) as being FACT?

    The only reason I can come up with, is that those like you, have never truly let your mind rest from the infusion of religious masters, who have bombarded your sensiblities since youth.

    You can have faith and believe, without the need or obligation to spread your particular brand of 'truth'. That is when you can truly be at peace with yourself and your fellow man......agnostic, athiest, believer/unbeliever, you name it..........really at peace with them. Free.




    Are you being a SMARTASS and saying that you don't want me here????
    LOL Tough Shit!!!

    I can take a lot and I DON'T offend easily. Thanks for responding to me you ol' Varmit!!! hugs and kisses to ya!!


    PS No YOU did not offend me!!! lol


    I meant STUMBLE, neither one!

  • minimus

    JW's are not supposed to be materialistic and/or self centered. Witnesses are taught that this life means nothing. Only the "real life" is important. JW's are taught to believe that they have the probability of never dying at all. When a Witness realizes that all these suppositions are untrue, that person changes his ways. Instead of devoting a life to something that is total self-sacrafice, most Witnesses have something click that says,"I am from now on, going to enjoy my life and this"system". I know that this "generation" belief was all crap. I AM going to die after all. Everything that I thought was true , really isn't." When people get into this type of thinking mode, they usually reward themselves for everything they missed.

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