Do You Believe In God Or Not?

by minimus 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    IW - your response touched me - what a beautiful thought!!! May I ask - do you subscribe to any particular belief? I'm most interested (private e-mails fine). Thank you.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Gumby,

    How do you explain this scripture?

    COLLOSIANS: 1:15:" He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;

    Christian Love,


  • crownboy

    Do You Believe In God Or Not?

    Not untill some reliable evidence of the existence of any such being is forthcoming.

  • Blueblades

    Who was it that said ,"Design bespeaks intelligence.Intelligence bespeaks a mind.A Mind bespeaks a person.So,even if we put the Bible on the side,the physical, that is of nature and all matter is evidence of Design.Again, Design bespeaks intelligence and so on.Do I believe in God, unequivocally yes.Does HE care about me,yes.Not only me, but everything in his mind .Do I understand this? NO!!!!!! Blueblades

  • TR

    I believe that super-human beings came to earth, started the human race, got bored, and shit-canned us. That's my belief about "God" at this point.


  • gumby


    the firstborn of all creation;

    I suggest you look up the Greek word for Firstborn in COL. 1:15. You will find it absolutly does NOT mean first created. You will find it means PREIMINANT ONE the same as Jacob was called firstborn although Esau was first out of the chute. JW's wrongfully use this scripture to show Jesus had a beginning. You won't find a scripture that says Jesus had a beginning me.

    Besides...your doing just like a Witness and bypassing my question and jumping to another one. You will NEVER learn anything if you do this.

    I will find a thread that I went round and round with on this subject and e-mail it to you if you would like.

    BTW, I am not justifying the I said it is unclear to me as far as the Bible goes.

    I don't do trinity debates anymore any further than get no where.

    Edited by - Gumby on 4 November 2002 20:16:9

  • minimus

    For the record, I believe in God. I am not sure at all why we have to deal with everything that we do in this life, but, I believe God exists. I just wish he would make things a lot easier for us.

  • Pathofthorns

    I think this question is one that scares the "new" xjw. With the WT proved wrong and with the WT having convinced us that all other religions were wrong we try to give our own individual version of Christianity a shot. Eventually that fails under criticism and the Bible fails and we are left with whether we believe in "God" or not.

    I believe every disillusionment on this path led to a greater freedom. Not a freedom to just do as I pleased but a freedom that seemed to result from getting closer to the truth.. whatever that is.

    I feel very comfortable not knowing whether there is a god or not. If he/she exists they certainly do not fit the mold mankind in general has created. If he/she exists as a "creator" there does seem to be a lack of interest in their creation and I see no evidence of some sort of "master plan" to "save" us.

    I do think the greatest crimes are committed by religion's most loyal followers and their most devoted (fanatical?) have seemingly lost all reason and perhaps their minds.

    That being said, I do respect the right of people to believe what they wish, I just hope that I am equally respected by them to peacefully disagree. There are good people that believe in God and I don't want to imply they fit every stereotype I have described. I'm just not a fan of people trying to "save" me.


  • gilwarrior

    I used to believe in God, but I don't see any proof that there is a God. I think that you need to enjoy life right now, because that is all we have.

  • mouthy

    Hi all. I dont want to get into any "fights" about my opinion....But the way I see things. Is Christ created ALL..( Col 1:17) The Watchtower added all "other".things..When he emptied himself ( of what)??

    I am made in the image of God =I have body-soul & spirit- But I do not act in unison with these three. My soul says one thing,my body says No !& my spirit wants to do something else..So I in fact am three in one.But THEY! work as one -Of course we cannot comprehend Their ONE!!!

    It is like the ants ! that walk all over our food at the picnic-climb on our legs-invade our homes etc

    if they realized how big & powerful over them we are -they surely would not take liberties

    The Queen is Greater than I but NO better-So it was position Jesus was speaking about when he said MY Father is greater than I. He is the reflection of the Father.(preminece in rank-highest possible postion)

    If I look in the mirror-I see ME!!!! walk away from the mirror -I am not there. Jesus is the reflection of the father. Sorry-I am sure this wont make sense to you. But it does to me. (oh I wish I had shut up!! Sorry kids!! So Island Woman you beleive as the Muslims -he was just a prophet?

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