I am new

by madison149 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairy

    Hi Madison - I am new to this club myself, well, i have been here for a few days.......you will find the support you need here!

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Hi Madison,

    As a "newbie" myself, I welcome you.

    I, too, am planning to fade. This discussion forum will do wonders for you. So far it has for me. Feeling alone in any type of struggle can be torture. You will find much support and compassion among the various "companions" here. I've only been here two days and my convinction has been reinforced.

    Remember, you will have the elders "come-a-knockin". Be careful of what you will say. In fact, the least, the better. I found many wise suggestions that the friends here have given. Please be discreet (that word again!!) and endeavor to leave peacefully. The elders would rather prefer to DF or DA someone instead of having them fade away. It will show to the congregation that they are doing their duty (keeping in control) and are keeping the flock clean.

    Each of us has our own issues and reasons why we need to separate from the WT organization. However, any terms that a person comes to in order to leave the WT is a conclusion that is valid.

    We all will be looking forward to hearing from you soon. Keep us posted!

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother Exerting Vigorously)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy Madison! Great name by the way. Glad you're here and welcome! One thing I did when I first started in was to read through the archives of some old threads. Some of the information was amazing and shocking. Try looking up threads started by AlanF, Amazing, Farkel and Maximus. There's a lot of information that is spot on and it will open your eyes to this organization.

  • Prisca

    HI Madison,

    I did the slow fade too, and I think it works as long as you are convinced in your mind that you don't want to be a JW anymore, and most importantly, don't feel you have to tell the elders or other JWs anything!

    You have the advantage of a husband who isn't a JW. Establishing a network of friends who aren't JWs will make the transition out of the JWs easier as well.

    Welcome to the board.

  • Navigator

    Welcome Madison-How fortunate you are that your mate is a non-JW.

  • ugg

    hi,,,,,nice to meet you.....

  • wildfire

    GREETINGS MADISON........ its GREAT TO HAVE YOU ABOARD, I TOO am a newbie as of Oct 13, you can read my story in personal experiences under IAM A NEWBIE ,,NEED HELP I TELL a pretty horrific story,,,, being married to someone who claimes to be annointed.....for over 10yrs divorced for over 10 yrs now and still have one daughter in the trooth... its hard so very hard cause it s just her and me now... (I have 4 other children all grown who are not witnesses) but I too am doing the slow fade but the other day the elder calls wanting to come and visit me (i have a history of depression and bad backproblems from car accidents) and i just said i am too sick,,,, on new medication.. well it seemed to keeps the dogs at bay hahahah but the funny thing is when i do on occasion go toa meeting...... they never talk to me or even look me in the eye haahahha .....freakin cowards who would turn there own mother in..... for god knows what.... well anyway please dont stop coming here ,,, this is my refuge,,,,, everyone else has been shunning me i have no friends in the witless.... world they are all too good for me hahahaah ( actually I knowthey are not my true friends) so come back often and email me if you wish llllll bye

  • Nordic



  • Brandy5

    Welcome Madison

    I'm also new, wow lots of newbies

    fading away is the best way to go.

    Congratulations on your freedom from the borg.


  • metatron

    Tell the elders you are depressed - you may want to say that 'you are having some
    female problems, that you don't want to talk about' - that might stop further
    questioning as you slowly fade away.

    Don't do anything that might be seen that will get you df'd.

    As for using feminine wiles, let me tell you a little Bethel story:

    Once upon a time, many decades ago, some pre - convention was being done
    in New York city. Some of the brothers left their wives and daughters
    to work in Bethel for a few days. They did laundry and other stuff
    and were strictly told not to break the steam irons, as these were costly.
    One young woman dropped one - another older sister told her to start crying!

    Well, she did - the overseer couldn't upbraid her and left her alone.

    Old Max Larson and others didn't like sisters in Bethel because you can't
    drive them like you can with brothers.

    Just a few suggestions.....


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