Whatever Happened to the Remnant?

by snugglebunny 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    does any other religion teach this 2 tier system---the 144 k being a literal number ?
  • oppostate
    Rutherfraud couldn't grow his business religion anymore so he had to change the rules.

    So very true. And the GB 2.0 know it. They've displaced Russell, he's no longer FDS class, and it all starts with Rutherford "being chosen" along with his incarcerated buddies.

    Maybe the future GB 3.0 will continue the charade and after 2034 it will all be moved to start in the 1970's with the GB 1.0. That will give them another overlapping.

  • rebel8

    She claimed to be able to recognise fellow remnant members and they claimed the same.

    Holy cow. Psychics.

  • Diogenesister
    The old remnent appeared less narcessistic probably because they were effectively 'told', en masse, that they were. Prior to a certain date all witnesses were of the 144,000 hence the lot caught up in that didn't decide themselves they were anointed, thats what I reckon.
  • steve2

    Taking up the point raised by Wasanelder Once, is there any other religion besides JWs that equates believing one is going to heaven as a likely trait of narcissism? I can't think of any other religion.

    That is how warped the JW belief system has become that anyone among its ranks who dares believe they are going to heaven must have a personality flaw. With that level of fundamentalist judgement against those who want to go to heaven, what hope of escaping the vicious tongues of the congregation gossips do the rest of us earthlings have?

  • smiddy

    I was a 20 year old convert in 1960 , and my recollection of those that claimed to be of the Anointed class and their standing in the many congregations I was in those years is somewhat different from Children`s memories that have been shared here.

    They had no positions of PO/CO or servants if they were male ,no say in congregational matters at all .They were treated just like the average publisher , whether they be male or female.

    In contrast with that was the special pioneers or the PO and the CO who would visit ,they were more likely to be put on a pedestal .


  • steve2
    Smiddy, I accept your observations as a 20-year-old were different from mine as a born-in. Yet I also recall my maternal grandfather sharing with us his respectful turning to those remnant in our small rural congregation in his role as PO, especially in matters of doctrine and discipline. That the 3 were older women made no difference because he turned to thrm in private. I recall that he referred to the oldest of the 3 as like Esther.
  • snugglebunny

    Back in my witness early 20's, a number of us young bloods from the local congo would sell a cleaning device from door to door to supplement our income. It was a simple handle with a sort of bulldog clip on the end into which one could fasten a brush or duster or sponge. A local brother would make them and sell them to us for 50 pence each. We would then sell them marked up 100% for £1 each. Sell ten a day and we'd made a fiver. WooHoo!

    Then we had a new young very holy bro move in who wanted to be part of our little sales team. He immediately chastised us for girl-watching. Then he objected to us only working until we'd sold our ten a day, insisting that we should work all day no matter how well we did. Then he said we were being extortionate in our prices and that we should only go for a 50% mark up. So we told him to go work on his own.

    And then he told us - he had got the calling, he was of the remnant! So yeah, that all fitted right in..

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    A good question Snugs since the thinking of JWs who were fruitlessly looking for a promised end of the system of things in the last century also imagined some special group among them who were heaven bound. This was part of Witness theology and to deny it would have meant curtains for you.

    As the last century wore on the 1914 generation doctrine began to look more like it failure. The “anointed” were to have guided the “other sheep” through the turmoil of Armageddon into the “new world”. Big Watchtower joke/lie! It wasted the lives of .millions.

    As for the anointed it appears they unceremoniously were dismissed surplus to requirements, all were deluded...except the Most Holy Governing Body. The self appointed super anointed. The rest of the anointed are nuts, don’t listen to them!

    This stupid religion has never taught anything useful, all their teachings are unsubstantiated and will mislead you if you believe them. Please people wake up and desert this god-forsaken cult. (Half banana applies brakes to his rant wagon!)

  • paradisebeauty

    I think beimg anointed and baptised with holy spirit is the true christian hope.

    JW's who are of the class of "other sheeps" have the same hope as the "unjust" people who never knew nor learned about Jehovah. And they are preaching the hope of the "unjust".

    Proof for this is that their literature never states that Jesus is the mediator between God and other sheeps. They specifically state that Jesus in mediator between Jehovah and ONLY anointed ones.

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