What is the "sign" of "Christ's Invisible Presence?"

by Fisherman 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Outlaw, if WTS was in it for the money,....Fisherman

    The WBT$ "BEGS FOR MONEY" on their new JW.ORG Evangelical TV Show..

    From their Expensive "JW.ORG Broadcasting" TV Studio..


    To Watch WBT$ GB "Rock Star" Pope Stephen Lett "BEG FOR MONEY".

    Click The Link Below:

    http://tv.jw.org/#video/VODStudio/pub-j ... 05_1_VIDEO


    ...............I`m a WatchTower Governing Bum..

    .................I Live Off Donated "JW Money"..

    ........................SEND MORE MONEY!!!..

    .........Image result for Watchtower stephen lett

  • Londo111
  • Fisherman


    It is known that most or all of the holy vessels of gold and silver from the tabernacle were with the Ark when it was brought from the city of David to the first temple by Solomon (I Kings 8:4). Although David desired to build a permanent house of God in Jerusalem, his son Solomon built the first temple. The plans were those of David, and David amassed the materials (I Chronicles 28:1-19; II Chronicles 2-4; I Kings 6-7). These materials included 100,000 talents (Ref. 3) of gold and 1,000,000 talents of silver, (I Chron. 29). From his own private fortune David also gave 3,000 talents of gold and 7,000 talents of high grade silver. This is an enormous quantity of gold and silver by any standard: 100,000 talents of gold = 3750 tons, value today = $45 billion; 1,000,000 talents of silver = 37,500 tons, value today = $10.8 billion. In round numbers, the wealth of the first temple was about $56 billion.

  • eyeuse2badub

    "The last days", "great tribulation", "final war", the "great day of god almighty", etc, are they not "overlapping" signs?

    just saying!




    It is known that most or all of the holy vessels of gold and silver from the tabernacle were with the Ark when it was brought from the city of David to the first temple by Solomon (I Kings 8:4). Although David desired to build a permanent house of God in Jerusalem, his son Solomon built the first temple. The plans were those of David, and David amassed the materials (I Chronicles 28:1-19; II Chronicles 2-4; I Kings 6-7). These materials included 100,000 talents (Ref. 3) of gold and 1,000,000 talents of silver, (I Chron. 29). From his own private fortune David also gave 3,000 talents of gold and 7,000 talents of high grade silver. This is an enormous quantity of gold and silver by any standard: 100,000 talents of gold = 3750 tons, value today = $45 billion; 1,000,000 talents of silver = 37,500 tons, value today = $10.8 billion. In round numbers, the wealth of the first temple was about $56 billion......Fisherman

    The Watchtower Will Take That Too!..


    ............The WBT$ GB "Rock Star" Popes..

    ..................ARE BUMS THAT LIVE OFF..................................................Send More Money!

    ....................DONATED "JW MONEY".........................................I`M A WBT$ GOVERNING BUM!!

    Image result for watchtower governing body..........Image result for watchtower governing body

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS teaches, that from 1914 onward, a sign has been evident, which is proof of God's Kingdom.

    A fictitious and false teaching that has no scriptural support or backing but was strategically instrumental to alluring attention to the literature the WTS. published. 1914 will be dropped one day, proclaimed most likely as old light and much of the WTS's doctrines that were taught and propagated all throughout the 20th century will be dropped as old light. New light is what will be concocted to maintain and allure new faithful devoted members to the organization.

    Thats how this dirty old system of religiosity works.

  • Fisherman

    Were you ever a JW?
  • Finkelstein
    Yes brought up from birth.
  • Fisherman

    Yes brought up from birth.

    Your comments do not show it. For example, in another thread you posted that an elder can be demoted to MS. That is false. If you were ever a JW you would know this.

  • Listener

    Finkelstein, if they changed the 1914 it would be a real demonstration that they are at least trying to teach truth but they can't change it for many reasons. The main reason is that they have taught that they use it as an identifier. Only they have been able to discern this knowledge because God revealed it to them and this identifies them as the one sole chanel of God..

    It is a bit similar to their teaching regarding the identification of the other sheep around 1935. There is no biblical basis for this (that this group was identified in 1935) and they don't claim any but they do claim this was revealed to them. They are not sure as to how it was revealed and a Watchtower a few years ago said it might be through the resurrected anointed ones.

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