Shame On All of You

by DakotaRed 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting
    All I can say is I'm damned ashamed of all of you and I'm through with this shit!!!!! -Lew W

    I read your post the first time, and then went back......................why "all of you?" The VAST MAJORITY of posters here didn't reply on some of the threads your ranting about. And a decent amount of responders to those threads - were in opposition of those who were hellbent on black/white negativity.

    I think as a general rule, people tend to think in black/white. People also tend not to believed "alledged" anything. This is a trait that the WTBTS used on it's local dubs all the time. They would write "so it seems" in the WT article.....and when it was repeated by the locals during the WT rehash, it was the stated as "this is the way the Bible says". Period.

    I thought it was unique to jw's.....but it's not - it's here too - and it's exists in people everywhere.

    But a true Devil's Advocate is a marvelous tool that corporations and governments use to check their own theories and thinking. To "follow the pack" and be silent can bring ruin. The Bay of Pigs action by the USA goverment happened.....soon afterwards, they started assigning a secret Devil's Advocate just to make sure that people were really thinking....and not just agreeing.

    Kinda keep the ol' black/white thinking in check.


  • deddaisy

    Lew, I hear you.....and not because I feel that everyone has to agree with everything that Bill, or anyone else, says or does. The problem is, if you don't believe someone to be going about something the way that you would go about it, you should get off your asses and do something about it yourselves instead of spending your time whining about the job that somebody else is doing. At least they're doing something.

    Jesus Christ, the way some posters went on in that other thread, you would've thought that Bill's every word and move was just hung on by the media. Nobody is reading about Iraq for God's sake, everyone around the world is waiting for Bill's letter to the WTS to be published. Noone in the world has their own lives or worries, no they're all waiting for Bill Bowen to speak to the WTS. WTS lawyers are going to use this letter in court, the WTS is going to publish this friggin letter in the Watchtower, on and on........(yea sure, and the WTS is going to publish the news about the UN affiliation in the AWAKE to show how the apostates exaggerate about a library card also, LOL) like the fricken WTS wants these rumours spread around! Like the NY times is going to cut major news stories and publish Bill's letter instead ! Why the hell do some of you act as if the world revolves around the WTS !

    Noone has declared Bill leader of the apostates, if you don't like what he's done, then do something yourselves, other than chit chat on a forum ! What Bill does should have NOTHING to do with what you do. It's a free country and he doesn't need to get a forum's permission before he makes a move, just as YOU don't have to get Bill's permission before you make a move !

    and I truly am not going off like this at the majority of posters here. There are so many good people here. My intention is not to offend, at least the majority, and I'm certainly not trying to imply that posters should never disagree with another. (how boring..I would've been gone long ago.) but you all will agree, there's a FEW here that just bitch and bitch and bitch, but never take a step or the responsibility to do anything themselves. They're just whiners........they just like to criticize, while somebody else does the actual work.....and then they whine about the work that SOMEBODY ELSE DID....and these people do this throughout their lives....

    They're the same ones that whine about their jobs but stay there for twenty years.....and while I'm bitching, I'll add, for all of you that have been talking about wanting to sue the WTS for years, Mr. Hughes has taken the first step for you, since you are not capable of doing so yourselves, once again, so now is your chance, sue the assholes or shut up......

    Edited by - deddaisy on 5 October 2002 23:9:45

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ
    for all of you that have been talking about wanting to sue the WTS for years, Mr. Hughes has taken the first step for you, since you are not capable of doing so yourselves, once again, so now is your chance, sue the assholes or shut up......

    I believe the best way to say this is "shit or get off the pot" and I couldn't agree with you more deddaisy. If you don't like what Bill is doing then go do something else yourself instead of just whining about how he's not doing what you (someone who's only involvment is whining on a discussion board) like then go do something yourself instead of just talking about it and let's see if you get half the success that he has.

    Does this post piss some people off? I hope so. Maybe that will be what it takes for them to shut up and actually do something instead of just whining about how someone else is actually doing something.

    Edited by - Jesus Christ on 6 October 2002 1:54:51

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Interesting comments on this thread.

    However, I do take exception to JC and deddaisy's.

    So, when you have a problem they way the government does something, do you run for office? When a store gives you bad service, do you apply to work there to make it stop?

    No, of course not. You would VOICE YOUR OPINION and hope that the policy/the service would change.

    And that is how it happened on THAT thread. in the heck do you know if some of those people that didn't like the letter haven't done anything? Many people do things behind the scenes. For personal reasons they prefer for it not to be public.

    AND just because someone DOES SOMETHING doesn't mean it's good and that it is going to be effective.

    AND I will shut up when I am damn well ready to shut up.


  • plmkrzy
  • deddaisy
    So, when you have a problem they way the government does something, do you run for office? When a store gives you bad service, do you apply to work there to make it stop?

    aahhh, excuse me, but I thought I said that I felt that Bill was not "leader of the apostates." Run for office ? you have the same amount of authority as Bill has, if you don't care for a letter that he has written, write your own letter.

    No, of course not. You would VOICE YOUR OPINION and hope that the policy/the service would change.

    the service would change ? Is Bowen your customer service rep. ? in the heck do you know if some of those people that didn't like the letter haven't done anything?

    Did I ever ONCE say that I thought it "incorrect" to not like the letter ? Did I once say that anyone saying anything about the letter hasn't done anything ? I believe I said that it's a free country and Bill doesn't need anyone on this forum to authorize what he does anymore than anyone on this forum needs Bill to authorize what they do.

    AND just because someone DOES SOMETHING doesn't mean it's good and that it is going to be effective.

    Yea, you're right, doing nothing is generally more effective. All of this forum has been much more effective than Bill ever has been so he should definitely lose sleep over what everybody here says. "You Know," got any suggestions for Mr. Bowen ?

    AND I will shut up when I am damn well ready to shut up.

    I don't recall asking anyone in particular to shut up, if you believe that you accomplish something by running your mouth opposed to actually doing something, then by all means, please do....

  • deddaisy

    JC, I realized that this was going to be a touchy subject, and I appreciate someone admitting being in the same corner. Thank you.

    This isn't about protecting Bill, obviously Bill does fine for himself. And this isn't about disagreeing. This is directed at a few, and no, not those that spoke against Bill, a few that no matter what, criticize the actions of others while they themselves do nothing. If you want to take it personally, have at it.......but just like you claim that you have the right to put in your two-cents, so do I.......

  • plmkrzy
    aahhh, excuse me, but I thought I said that I felt that Bill was not "leader of the apostates." Run for office ? you have the same amount of authority as Bill has, if you don't care for a letter that he has written, write your own letter.

    uh excuse me but That letter was posted for ALL to read. I don't recall any contingencies attached to it stating that only those who will praise each and every word without question may read.

    I think you have completely missed the point. Rather then being in such a BIG HURRY AS SOME OTHERS TO CONDEM why not take at least enough time to realize the difference between questioning something and condemning something. There happens to be a BIG difference example:

    Asking relevant questions about any subject is considered "rational" and shows a measure of intelligence.

    As apposed to

    Attacking everyone who asks questions about any subject for no possible reason other then perhaps "you don't like it" That would be considered in most cases...Not-rational.

    No one has the right to tell anyone on this board or any other board they cannot ask a question or inquire or voice their opinion unless Simon wants to change the rules.

    And if you wanted you could use your own advice and go to a forum where YOU can dictate the content of all conversations between all posters so YOU will be completely happy with all the words used by all posters and make a list of what they should think, when they can think it and or how they should express it in order to "qualify" and be deemed acceptable enough to be a member of the same forum you are. And then upon acceptance they can undergo extensive training under the direction of a chosen few in order to gain the knowledge nessessary to express an opinion without supervision.

    There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be narrow minded. At least I don't think it's a crime yet.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 6 October 2002 7:31:31

  • deddaisy
    No one has the right to tell anyone on this board or any other board they cannot ask a question or inquire or voice their opinion unless Simon wants to change the rules.

    I miss the point? Did I say that posters should not voice their opinion ? And by the way, didn't I see a thread started by you a couple weeks ago in which you told the df'ed to stop whining and let the newbies whine, something to do with your brother ?

    The point I was attempting to make is that Bill's letter and the importance attached to it, IN MY OPINION, was totally exaggerated. LIKE I ALREADY STATED, by some of the opinions posted one would have thought that the ENTIRE JW POPULATION was going to have read this letter by Monday morning, it was going to be published in every major paper , news about Iraq was going to take a backseat to this LETTER ! For GOD'S SAKE the ENTIRE SILENTLAMBS CAUSE WAS GOING TO CRUMBLE NOW. And you know what, if it did, well BILL is the one that went on the line IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    And please PLUM, the next letter that you go to the trouble of researching and writing and getting to the media, please share it with the board so all the intellects here can exagerrate and BITCH about how you've most likely RUINED the EX-JW MOVEMENT, and tell you how they WOULD HAVE DONE IT.

    (and sorry, I didn't make it through your entire post, you seem to be running on empty,)

  • Englishman

    Dakota Red,

    Noble sentiments, yes, but not, IMHO, wholly realistic.

    Virtually everyone here supports the ideals of Silent Lambs and fair play to Bill Bowen for doing something about it when he realised the immense numbers of abused children that were involved.

    Please remember though, that BB is a newbie ex-witness, and whilst his flambuoyant style has been extremely effective up until now, many of us want to be able to give our support to the ideals of Silent Lambs rather than to a charismatic figurehead.

    Perhaps now would be a good time to leave the sensational stuff be, it has certainly served a purpose up until now, anymore though could just cause a loss of credibility to the cause of Silent Lambs.


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