Are you a cat or dog person? (fluff)

by In_between_days 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I love em all.. I had a nice black lab that I found on the road. I loved that dog. However, someone stole him from me after he was 5 months old. My husband *hates* dogs, so I only get to have one when I find one.. because he knows that for me, it's important to save an animal from destruction.

    I have three cats.. and I love them to death. I see an individual personality in each of them and appreciate that.

    Country Girl

  • BB

    Cats are stupid. You can tell, because their eyes are far too close to the back of their head. Their brain is just a small nub at the end of their spinal cord.

    My poodle is so smart that she has taught herself to play the piano and is learning to bark English. We let her answer the phone during peak telemarketing hours.


  • Robdar

    I am a cat and dog person.

    This is me with Poppy the cat and Pwca (Pookah) the dog giving me my morning luvins.


    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 13:3:14

  • Robdar

    I cant stand cats.

    In Between Days,

    You don't know what you are missing.



  • Nikita

    The cats rule in my home!! One of them even loves to play fetch with us!


  • Simon

    Everyone knows that cats are better than dogs !

  • Simon

    If you try and throw something away, a dumb dog will fetch it back for you. Even if you try and bury it, a stupid mutt will dig it up.

    A cat, on the other-hand, will have pinched your warm seat while you were up ...

    THAT's intelligence !

  • plmkrzy

    I like octopuses but they are so needy of constant attention. They get really depressed, seriously, if left alone. So I stick with cats and dogs. Love'm both.

    My dog is ecstatic to just go for a long walk everyday and get a treat every morning. Cats dont need anybody but they are good company. If a cat wants to hang out with you its a real complement.


  • BB

    You can pet a cat and it will just show you its anus when it decides to get down. This uncalled for and nonchalant attitude is disturbing and seems to show a true lack of appreciation toward the caregiver.


  • Robdar

    show you its anus when it decides to get down. This uncalled for and nonchalant attitude is disturbing and seems to show a true lack of appreciation toward the caregiver.

    BB, (LMAO)

    You've never shown your anus to somebody you love and trust?



    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 14:3:27

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