Are you a cat or dog person? (fluff)

by In_between_days 63 Replies latest jw friends

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  • joannadandy

    I am an animal person. They are all pretty cool. Except snakes, OH LORDY DO I HATE SNAKES!

    I have had cats and dogs, and horses, and rabbits, we even had a pig for a while, but we ate him...mmmm pig!

    I guess I love the compaionship of dogs. Just the dumb goofy quality they bring into our lives, but I love the quite complacent companionship cats can bring to your life...

    If I have to pick, I probably lean more towards cats than I do dogs...maybe, I think, I dunno!

  • FreeFallin

    Definately dogs!!!!

    They're loyal, loving and non-judgemental, and if you can't get that from the humans in your life, a dog is the next best choice. We have one cat, and she is very pretty, but basically selfish.


  • Robdar

    Definately dogs!!!!

    They're loyal, loving and non-judgemental, and if you can't get that from the humans in your life, a dog is the next best choice. We have one cat, and she is very pretty, but basically selfish.

    Just because a cat doesnt kiss your ass doesn't mean that it is selfish.

    There is a basic difference between dogs and cats. Cats are solitary animals, dogs are pack animals. Your dog is only sucking up to you because he perceives you to be the head dog. It is the way dogs are. It has nothing to do with love or loyalty. Although I am sure your dog does love you. Your cat does too.



    hmm, I edited once. It wouldn't take and now it looks as if I edited 4 times...oh, no, it's DEMONZ!

    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 17:49:26

    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 17:49:32

    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 17:49:49

    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 17:49:58

    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 17:51:53

  • plmkrzy

    How many folks get presents from their cats? Geesh mine use to bring me presents all the time when I lived in a house with a yard. GADS! I hated it if they didn't kill them first!

    One time one of my cats brought me a live gopher! I think he was saving the honors for me. HAhahahahaha.

  • WildHorses

    Cats are ok but I love my dogs. Just today when I came home from work, Nikki told me that as soon as Trixie saw my car from the living room window, that she took off running toward the door and started scratching on it so that Nikki would let her out so she could great me at the car door, which she did. How many cats do you know that will do that? Cats are loners, they would rather you left them alone.

    Oh, and cat like to jump up on your kitchen counter and leave hair all over it. Yuck!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I'll give you two hints:

    Woof, Woof.

  • ARoarer

    Cats are ok, I had one for 22 years and loved him alot. I still have another one, but I think I am definitely more of a dog person. We have 2 pugs, an english bull dog and a yellow lab. They are all awesome. And not to change the subject but I am also very much an equestrian. I love horses. We own 3 and totally adore them. A horse is just so special because when you look into thier eyes it is like looking into your own soul.

  • Robdar

    as soon as Trixie saw my car from the living room window, that she took off running toward the door and started scratching on it so that Nikki would let her out so she could great me at the car door, which she did. How many cats do you know that will do that?


    All my cats greet me when I get home from work. All 5 of them.



    Edited by - robdar on 3 October 2002 17:52:16

  • Angharad

    One of our cats is very affectionate - it loves to just sit with you and will lean its head on your hand to be stroked even when you are busy typing or something - IT decides you WILL love me NOW. It will also just follow me around the house like it wants the company

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