Who Makes the BEST Donut (Doughnut)?

by Funchback 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheStar

    Krispy Kreme

  • DevonMcBride

    I love Dunkin Donuts chocolate glazed donut and a cup of their famous coffee. There is also a lgood donut shop in Warminster, PA called Yum Yum's.

    Devon McBride

  • The_Bad_Seed

    Krispy Kreme -- no contest

  • Funchback


    What part of Maryland can I find where they make "Kinklings"?

  • dsgal

    Krispy Kreme with the fluffy creme filling.

  • bigfloppydog

    Hands Down: Tim Horton's (chocolate eclairs.)

    Or maybe honey dip, or chocolate glaze, or dutchie, now I am hungry and want one now. To far to drive to Timmy's, to late in the night to drive. Where is my hubby, he will take me. Oh darn he is at work!

  • Funchback

    Nikita... I never knew you made donuts! I must have been a real butt in my pro-JW days, eh?

    Bigfloppy... I feel for you! Call your husband and tell him to come home immediately because of an emergency. When he arrives home in a panic, ask him to drive you to get some donuts.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hello Nice_Ass_Boy

    I hate to be a party pooper, but all your donuts suck eggs LMAO, sorry, just my opinion of course.

    If you ever get the chance, make a trip to New Zealand. You will no doubt land at the Auckland International Airport. From here, you need to hire a car (and don't forget to drive on the left hand side of the road or you will get flattened by a logging truck). The airport is located in south Auckland, and you need to get yourself to the Otara Market as early as possible, or they will be all gone if you're late. Once there, you will find the best donuts in the world. I haven't had one for years, but they are made by Rarotonga people, and you can't buy them in stores, unless things have changed over there since I was there last.

    They also make coconut cream donuts, they are nice too, but the round ones with the hole in the centre are the best. No sugar on the top, no cinnamon, no cream, just plain donuts.

    Beck *starting to drool for donuts*

    Edited by - beck_melbourne on 20 September 2002 23:52:8

  • Mimilly

    Well, I'm in Canada, and in Atlantic Canada where Tim Horton's rules. It's culture here. On two adjacent streets, there are five outlets. Not even raging snowstorms keep people from getting their Tim Horton donuts and coffee! I know this 'cos I use to work there.

    Great coffee - great donuts. Starbucks is here, but I'll never pay that price for a cup of coffee - I don't care how good it is! (geez) Dutchie - thanks, now I know it's overpriced 'bad' coffee

    Mimilly (surprised to see that Simon mentioned Tim Horton's!) lol

    Edited by - Mimilly on 20 September 2002 23:54:22

  • Funchback

    Beck... you make me laugh with the N_A_B nickname. I need to make a name for you. By the way, "Baby got donuts???" LOL!

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