Which did you prefer? Watchtower or Awake?

by LDH 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I perfered the NWT. That fine print if you stare at it long enough can put you into a trance. I used to get scared the demons would enter my mind so I would pick up the Awake because it was easier to start a pleasent daydream with. Anything is better than listening to the drivel coming from the platform (TM).

  • Scarlet


  • ozziepost

    So I s'pose the WTS was right all along! The reasons they gave for publishing the Golden Age, later to become Consolation, then Awake! was that they needed to reach others.

    Mrs Ozzie always liked the Awake! because they provided quite good articles that the children could use for school assignments and projects. Usually I skimmed it. My own favourite was The Watchtower. Personally I like 'meatier' topics, and because I do have a love of the Bible, this seemed the logical "first port of call" for me. I think, too, that those conducting meetings needed to "keep up-to-date" with the very latest "new light" (or so we thought, eh?) I especially liked the secondary articles toward the back of the magazine.

    I could never understand, though, why there had to be TWO magazines. To me, it would have been better to have produced one magazine on a monthly basis. Make the magazine larger in size so that it looks more professional. Well, that's what I used to think!

    The topical type articles found in Awake! could easily be included in The Watchtower, couldn't they?

    Like I say, I've never been able to understand that, and when I voiced it to Bethel elders and the like, they simply looked at me askance, so I knew I shouldn't continue!

    Nowadays, who cares! The Watchtower may set out to explain the Bible, but in reality is a mouthpiece for a man-made organisation with man-made dogma. And that's what the magazine is all about. Like I say, who cares!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Farkel


    That's all fine and dandy, but I still assert that the older style Awake! magazines were much more effective at mopping up spills. They had a pulpier type of paper than the finely-grained Watchtowers and could hold a lot more moisture. It would take two or three Watchtowers to wipe up a spilled glass of milk and only one Awake! to do the same job.

    I've also noticed that Awake! gives me a longer time between paper changes than the Watchtower when I use it to line the bottom of my parrot's tray.

    The Awake! is definitely the better Bible-Based(tm) clean-up "journal." Definitely.


  • LDH

    Admit it, you all were just as excited as me when the magazines went to four color!!!!



  • RedhorseWoman

    What's this? Four-color? I missed this? Damn, Mom always liked you better, and this proves it!


    AWAKE...Full of information. WATCHTOWER...full of....well you know


  • truthseeker1

    I didn't even open the WT after a while. The Awake I opened occasionally. I mainly looked for articles that intersted me. But they were never deep enough. Just skimmed the stuff I already knew. Then I'd flip to watching the world for all the "Evidence" that we were in the "last days"(tm) for a good laugh. Then I'd skim over the comments from our readers to see if anyone complained about wrong info. Only place WT admits they are wrong.

    Anyone leave recently enough to study the Creator book? That was a frustrating Book Study to be in. Everyone said how hard of a study it was because it was way over their heads. I learned that stuff in Jr High for christs sake. We had like 2 people answering the majority of the questions because nobody was paying attention. Funny stuff.

  • SYN

    Truthseeker, same thing happened to me! In fact I remember sitting in the Book Study marvelling at how the Brothers, with their superiour Awake College Educations, just sorta sat there and expected a handful of people to do all the answering!

  • butalbee
    Admit it, you all were just as excited as me when the magazines went to four color!!!!


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