Which did you prefer? Watchtower or Awake?

by LDH 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    I didn't have a preference. The cat enjoyed shitting on both of them.

  • gumby

    Well, I never in my life as a witness could figure out why the borg even published the AWAKE. To me it had nothing to do with the preaching work....it was not purely bible based.

    I preferred the Watchtower. I always read the 'Questions from readers' first, as the questions were usually good and I could learn. I always looked at the study articles to see if there was any NEW LIGHT also.

  • anewlife


    Mega Dude: I can just picture your cat! LMAO

    I, too, was glad to hear I was not the only one who read the Awake and skipped the last paragraph or two because of all of the blah, blah, blah....Jehovah did this and Jehovah that....PLEEEEEEEASE!

    I also "skimmed" the WT to find "new light" too. How disappointing it always was! Questions from the readers was always my favorite too and what I would read first. It used to always annoy me though when they would "indirectly" call the writer of the question "stupid," like if they were REALLY a spiritual person they wouldn't have had to write the "ALL POWERFUL" GB and waste their time! They should have known the answer! Geez!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Watchtower vrs Awake, which is the worst of two evils??

    I pick the Awake because it wasn't churchie preachie LOL.


  • Farkel

    I found that the Watchtower was adequate for small spills, but for the really heavy-duty spills, I used industrial strength Awake!. It was much more absorbant and gentle on my floors, too!


  • Xena

    Yes I think I will have the "Awake" please...I like my magazines a bit on the lighter side. I find the "Watchtower" to be a bit to dark and heavy for my palate!

  • minimus

    Watchtower....I never really liked Awake....too boring for me. I wanted to find the latest new light, and you can only find that in the Watchtower!

  • SixofNine

    I loved them both, with all my heart and soul. It is possible to be in love with two magazines at the same time. Especially when they come straight from heaven, via the USPS. Now that the subscription option is no longer, I have developed a hatred for them both; I hate them with a hatred greater than the love with which I loved them. They are like wormwood, only softer.

    Edited by - SixofNine on 10 September 2002 22:12:19

  • Beck_Melbourne


    It is possible to be in love with two magazines at the same time.

    They were both leading you on. Their mothers are harlots and their fathers pedofiles. Damn slu*ts! Have you no class??


  • stichione

    I liked to read only the more interesting articles in the Awake! magazines. Now I only read the Watchtower for the Questions from readers or the really juicy study articles where I can criticize the Borg.

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