How Much is Shunning Worth?

by Xena 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Thanks Vivamus, but what's a avater.

  • Xena

    Nice to see I am not the only one who found this well just wrong. Sometimes you start to wonder if it is just you. I mean I know it would be a bit unconfortable for them to have me there, but I am family for goodness sake!

    My niece has had a rough time of it most of her life...parents had an ugly divorce and she and her brother were caught in the sister and her ex tended to favor her brother over her so she has spent her life trying to get their approval. But I have always tried to be there for her, so it did hurt me a bit. She knew I asked her if the discount was a guilt offering and she was honest enough to admit it was.

    Funny thing is I probably would have come up with a reason not to go and just bought some stuff is just the knowledge that they don't want me there...just when you think you don't care anymore and they can't hurt you anymore...WHAM...

    lol HS wanna bet 1/2 of the rank and file JW's don't even know who Ted is????

    materalistic Farkel? guess what she wants me to have a party and invite all my "wordly" friends....hey until Armageddon their money is still good!!

    Vivamus I already made her cry once..when I finally had enough and told her I was never going to be a JW again and that that paradise she was so eagerly anticipating was just a fairy tale made up my a bunch of old men living in Brooklyn...I felt bad after that though, her life as JW...stuck in a loveless marriage with no sucks all she has to look forward to is a fantasy future...I do think it shook her a bit when she finally realized that in order for her to get this I have to die and never live again...

    Am I the only one that wants to puke when the JW's go on and on about how "family" oriented they are???????

  • anewlife

    Xena: Do you really feel this is a satisfactory way to "justify" shunning? These people are absolutely pathetic as someone else said....and materialistic as Farkel said.

    I experienced the same thing...Pampered Chef too. A young sister (20) who I had always gotten along with ran into my son and got my phone number from him. She called and I was very happy to hear from her, knowing I was DF'd and she called anyway. She told me she was selling Pampered Chef and if I bought something that would give her an "excuse" to come over and see me when she had to deliver it. I was game...sounded like a nice way to get back in touch. The order (a nice size btw) came in. I received a message on my home answering machine from the girl's mother that my order was in. I called back only to get her machine. Anyway to make a long story short the girl NEVER contacted me again....her mother put my order out on her front porch so I could "pick it up" as "they weren't going to be home!" Needless to say, I felt used and was pissed. (Then to top it off, the damn thing broke after only using it about 6-7 times!) The good thing....I learn my lessons quickly and never again have I "fallen" for such crap!

    In my opinion, no discount is worth it! The discount is only a way for her to feel better about herself...not you. You will then become a victim again of the WTBTS if you accept....that's just how I feel!


  • anewlife

    Xena: Didn't see your post until after I posted mine....that is a HUGE issue with me too....the BS they spew about "the love they have among themselves!"

    Also the money thing....that is so true! My younger sister wouldn't speak a word to me until it was time for my parents 40th wedding anniversary. Then everyone was putting in to buy my parents a new bedroom, my "money is good" so my sister braves "reproach from Jehovah" and calls me to ask if I would contribute. At first I was shocked by her call so I merely said, "I'll let you know." Then after I thought about it, I said, "Hell no" and bought my parents something totally on my own. (Wished I hadn't even done that now though as everyone else got a nice personalized thank-you card....I got nothing! Hypocrites!)


  • teejay


    This is all very sick, even though I think your niece is trapped (in a way) and doesn't have much choice. Still, it's a shame that you have to be reminded of what you (don't) mean to her, how she -- like every other loyal Dub alive -- will favor people who really don't give a damn about her over those that do. Sad.

    I feel for you. Hell... I feel for her, too.

  • simplesally

    I would not buy from her at all........... call Pampered Chef and organize your own party!!

  • CFree

    It's absoloutely amazing isn't it, the way they seem to think we as d'fd should be grateful for the contact they make with us when it suits them!

    If I was you I would have to tell her to get stuffed but it is easy to say it when you are not emotionally attached. I have days where I'd like to tell my parents where to get off but I am scared of making that final "cut". Should the door be kept open just in case they decide to leave one day? But then I remember the way they have treated me over the last 5 years and how they have never apologised but expect me to apologise to them! Like I said - amazing aren't they?

  • Dismembered

    Pamered Chef stuff is expensive, and much of it useless

    <----------Example of any Avatar TB

    Edited by - Dismembered on 7 September 2002 16:23:56

  • teejay

    simplesally said: I would not buy from her at all........... call Pampered Chef and organize your own party!!

    Here ya go!!

  • Beans

    This is a tough situatuion, personally I would wait until someone you know has a Pampered Chef party and get the stuff you want from them. Screw the discount even though the quality of there product is quiet good. Shun back silently!


    Canadian Overbeer

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