So Should Germany Be Dictating Terms?

by Englishman 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    The US isn't trying to extradite Moussaoui, we already have him. We also have enough evidence to convict him. It would be nice to have the info the Germans have to a) solidify the case, and b) learn more about Al Qeada. The Germans are trying to dictate terms to us on internal matters.

  • Farkel


    Oooops! I blame this all on my dub days. I was pioneering and decided to take the "Ellen Wood" spead-reading course, which was in two parts. The first part taught us to speed read, and I aced it. I can still read at 250,000 words-per-minute. But, due to my Theocratic Obligations, I had to drop out of the course and didn't get to take the second part.

    The second part was entitled "Comprehension."


    Big, Fat Liar Class

    Edited by - Farkel on 1 September 2002 18:15:58

  • Yerusalyim


    You are a HOOT! LOL

  • Englishman


    Sorry to walk out on this one, visitors!

    Some interesting stuff here. I will respond more soberly tomorrow, excuse me if you will.


  • Yerusalyim

    One last comment, The Germans are within thier rights to withold this info, but are they truly being friends to us by imposing their morality on the US in order to get info that may save thousands or even millions of lives? I'm still undecided on the whole Death Penalty issue. It's by far cheaper to warehouse killers than it is to execute them. A more fitting punishment for folks like McVeigh would have been life at hard labor.

  • mustang

    It is really INDETERMINATE SENTENCING. The judge says "an indeterminate period of time not to exceed Life Imprisonment" or typical wording to this effect. This is the technique used in most states. However, the fuzzy and addled 4th estate reporters interpret this as a "Life Sentence". Wrong. When Persecution and Judge are serious about it, the sentence is read to the effect of "Life Sentence with No Chance of Parole". Now THAT is a LIFE SENTENCE.

    So, many times we are "robbed" by the poor understanding of the reporters which leads to slipshod journalism.

    SOURCE: the US Marshall that just read this and I had lunch with.

    So, many times we (spectators to justice) DO NOT GET ANYTHING NEAR THE EXPECTED SENTENCE. Such terroistic individuals should get one of the TOP SENTENCES: LIFE (a real Life Sentence) if not the Death Penalty.

  • LB

    OK, here's some help.

  • Elsewhere

    Germany is a sovereign nation. They can hold or release information as they see fit.

    How they will be judged by the court of world oppinion is another matter.

  • Mary

    I jes' don't understand ANY freaking country, not wanting to turn over evidence to the USA on any of these scumbag terrorists if they're going to face the death penalty.

    If some planes were hijacked in Germany, France, Sweden, Canada, Mexico......or anywhere that wasn't Muslim, and 3500 of their citizens killed, I have little doubt that these countries would immediately turn to United States for help if they couldn't fight terrorism on their own. Yet these same countries (and I include my own country in this: Canada) seem more worried about protecting these rights of bastards, rather than see justice served.

    Just wait till Bin Laden starts killing Germans (after all, they're infidels like the rest of us), we'll see how picky they are about "the death penalty."

  • nixi

    Germany (and all the other EU countries, I think, also UK...) CAN'T redact evidence due to the law, which does not only forbid to extradite anyone who could face death penalty, but also to redact evidence in such a case. Normally, the German (or any other EU) government tries to get assurances, that the material won't be used to secure a death penalty.

    Thats all - nothing about foolishness, Nazis, hypocrites, anti-US etc.


    BTW... strange to see, how some guys here are still talking about WW2 and how bad all the Germans are, when their government ist just about to start WW3...

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