What's your favorite kitchen..........

by scootergirl 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    Okay, okay........quiet the moans down! This IS a fluff topic, but I need fluff right about now! LOL

    I LOVE to cook. In fact, I spend a majority of my day in the kitchen-cooking, baking or canning. Anyone who has browsed thru my cupboards and drawers (hey now, I didn't mean THOSE kind of drawers!) know that I have lots of gimmicks and gadgets to make life easier in the kitchen. So.....now I ask my fellow friends, what is your most useful tool/gadget in your kitchen (and I don't mean stove, dishwasher, microwave and such!) What is the one (or more) thing(s) that you would say is a necessity for a kitchen-something that you just couldn't live without.

    I feel a "shopping" mood coming on and I want some ideas!

  • LB

    Without a doubt..... my wife

  • YoursChelbie


    ...The one thing that I would say is a necessity in the kitchen??

    Let me think.....

    I got it! A man who is willing to load the dishwasher--without being told!



  • BugParadise

    My Mother .. and my pizza stone.

  • DakotaRed

    I can't say I have a favorite thing in the kitchen. I too love all my gadgets and whatnots. Amongst my more useful would have to be the mixer, (a table top), the bread machine, (I use my own recipes not mixes), the electric slicer for bulk cutting, of course my knives and without a doubt, wooden spoons. I use revereware pots and pans, but haven't spent a lot of time keeping the copper bottoms shiny. I also have about 2 dozen cookbooks for when I feel like experimenting

    Lew W

  • lauralisa

    Hey Christie!

    Your question cracked me up because it reminded me of some things from my jw days.

    A lot of sisters, trying to make ends meet , and having easy prey (other jw females who felt they could serve god by buying this over-valued gimmicky crap from pioneers) to capitalize on, signed up with this MLM business called "Pampered Chef." I went to a bunch of these "parties" because I had nothing better to do usually, and could not believe the number of kitchen gadgets in one place at one time!!! I actually bought a bunch of stuff, some of which I have never used to this day. They were famous for their "pizza stones" - (I actually love that thing though.)

    Anyway. The thing I could not do without in my kitchen is my big butcher knife. I use it everyday (on food!!!!!) When we moved recently, I could NOT find this thing, and unpacked every box, freaking out on Evan, tossing junk around until its sharp self made its appearance. Finally, life was okay again.

    Mixmaster, also essential (mine's broken right now.... ackkkk)

    Hugs and hope to see ya soon, laura

  • scootergirl

    Oh Lew! A man after my own heart!

    Two mentions of a pizza stone.......hmmmm.......don' t have one of those yet!

  • DevonMcBride

    A can opener and a microwave oven.

    Devon McBride

  • BugParadise


    Two mentions of a pizza stone.......hmmmm.......don' t have one of those yet!

    Get one! They are the ticket to getting the perfect crust

    Oh and I collect Wagner Cast iron items. They never wear out.

  • siegswife

    Sieg...who missed his calling and should've been a chef.

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