Why do so many people believe that jesus is god?

by Legendary U.2.K. 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    What is God's name in the English translation?

  • Bleep

    If Jesus was equal to God then why did Jesus have to die for us sinners?

  • JustAThought
    Bleep If Jesus was equal to God then why did Jesus have to die for us sinners?

    JESUS didn't have to die. He CHOSE to die.


  • Bleep

    So if Jesus was equal to Jehovah. Then It would be logical to say that Jehovah the creator of all things can die if he wants to?

  • LittleToe

    Let God out of the box, Bleep. He can do anything He wants to.

    Jesus surrendered his spirit. Funny, I don't know many men who have that kind of choice over life and death.

  • pomegranate

    >>If Jesus was equal to God then why did Jesus have to die for us sinners?<<

    I believe two scales needed to be rebalanced because of Satanic rebellion:

    The man Jesus (Perfect) - The man Adam (Imperfect)

    This earthly scale above was rebalanced by the death of the PERFECT MAN Jesus on earth. Life for life.

    The God Jesus (True God) - Satan the Devil (False God)

    This heavenly scale above was rebalanced by the death of the prehuman TRUE GOD Jesus in heaven. His life as YHWH in heaven was taken by Father YHWH. (see Abraham and Isaac) Father sacrificed his Son in heaven.

    Please note BOTH conditions satisfy life for a life in heaven as on earth. Both scales become rebalanced.

  • JustAThought
    Bleep So if Jesus was equal to Jehovah. Then It would be logical to say that Jehovah the creator of all things can die if he wants to?

    The answer to the question is yes.

    Remember, God sees (and would experience) death as it truly is.

    We see death as an ending of existence. God see death as it

    really is, ... a transition from life on one plane of existence to a

    different plane of existence ... or non-existence ... as He (God)


    If, as you say, God is the Creator of all things, it follows logically

    that He has even set up the parameters on death, ... and that He

    He has set up these parameters so that He could experience

    death, ... yet, still Be, ... and still be God.


  • pomegranate

    I believe:

    YHWH Father and YHWH Son are TWO VERY DIFFERENT beings.

    It was YHWH Son who died, NOT Father.

    Edited by - pomegranate on 8 August 2002 18:14:4

  • LittleToe

    I agree with Pomegranate, although the phraseology should be more precise, since one is the exact representation of the other.

    They are two differant persons.

  • pomegranate

    Here, have you ever seen this indication in the Bible of TWO YHWH's:

    Gen 19:24
    24 Then the LORD (YHWH Son) rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah--from the LORD (YHWH Father) out of the heavens.

    Interesting eh?

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