by Prisila 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Hi, Prisila,

    What enormous pressure you and your husband are under. Take a deep breath (or two) and think about what any decision you make can have on the near and not so near future. I have watched Dr. Phil on Oprah's show and have visited his website and I feel he is compassionate but "cuts through the crap." He is more apt to ask questions and get you to thinking and to find your own answers, the ones you probably knew all along but were afraid to face.

    If you appear, JWs will see it as a betrayal. "We do not air the dirty laundry in public" is what they believe which is not unusual in a high-control group. Secrecy keeps people in their control.

    But do not sacrifice yourself or your emotional well-being for any of us. If you do this, do it because it will help you.

  • Dia

    not to pressure you but...


    Oprah is not like other talkshows in that she is REALLY there to give support of any kind to her guests. And after, too! She wouldn't leave you dangling there if the whole event is really upsetting for you.

    You know you would hear back from tons of JWs and exjws and we would be there too. If Bill can give you anything wonderful right now, it's advice on how to find the courage to stick your neck out.

    But truly, I am NOT wanting to pressure you. Pray about it.

    It takes a lot of guts to get up there and speak. But Oprah's show is taped and not live so even if you fall apart completely, you can redo it or do whatever you need to do. I'm sure you would not be the first and I'm sure they're very adept at handling people who are very nervous and scared. Just level with them. Tell them how you're feeling and what you're thinking. Let them help you.

    People do change other people's lives - and their own, too by 'going public'.

    As you already know, you're part of a tidal wave. Dateline, BBC, several newspapers, many, many things on the internet.

    This is still just the start. A year from now, you might wonder how you could ever have been scared about it.

    I wish you luck and courage. I also wish you peace. So please pray about it. We will pray for you, too.

    If for some reason, this is not really right for you, there are lots of people around the corner who would be happy to 'fill in'. Don't feel like it's all on your shoulders.

    Most of all, I am thrilled that Oprah is showing an interest in this! And I thank you for sharing that.

  • thewiz

    let me/us know when it/you will be on and i will be sure to tape it.

    bald is beautiful. being bald is better than going bald.

  • outoftheorg

    Hi Prisila.

    You have a ton of advice here. All of it good. You can go through it and make your choice.

    I have one thing to add that I didn't see posted or I missed it. You could have another person go with you or go alone and ask that your identity be kept secret in either situation.

    I sympathize with your not wanting to stir up your relatives. It is a difficult decision.

    Maybe one or more of the several here that voluntered could go in your place.

    In any case it is a wonderful opportunity and I wish you and all involved the strength to carry through.

    Best wishes to you all.

  • abbagail

    Hi Priscila: Wowow! What a big decision. I agree 100% with those who have written that it is entirely up to whether you are ready to go public or not, and VERY PUBLIC at that (TV). Personally, I would be a nervous wreck about being on TV under ANY circumstances, but if you WANT to do it and feel you can handle not only the show, but the aftereffects, then by all means go for it!

    I LOVE DR. PHIL!!!! I have been watching him on Oprah from the very first day he was on, and I have never missed a show yet (VCR comes in handy!) Yes, it is TUESDAYS that he is on Oprah, for those who wondered. In the beginning he did come across as sort of a hard-A**. But over the years, he has mellowed very much, and has spoken more about himself, his own personal life, etc., and I have grown to LOVE THAT GUY! I'd give anything to have a father (or husband) like that! He really really is VERY LOVABLE and has great compassion, and he shows it more and more as the years have gone by. He says Oprah has taught him ALOT. Also, He is a self-confessed "reformed" CONTROL FREAK, so it only makes sense he would be very interested in High Control (cult) Groups!

    Btw, whoever wondered, Dr. Phil is nowhere on the level of Mr. & Mrs. Scum Jerry Springer-Jenny Jones. I agree that in the world of "talk shows," Oprah (and now Dr. Phil with his own show), are the ONLY HIGH-CLASS "talk shows" on the air today. I wouldn't even be caught dead in the Audience of those other shows, much less on their stages.

    In the early days of Dr. Phil, the joke was "Nobody wants to be in the 'Hot Seat' with Dr. Phil"... due to his "No Beating Around the Bush" approach. But in the setting for which they have called you, Priscila, you would NOT be in a 'Hot Seat," but would receive the utmost CARE & COMPASSION as someone SUFFERING the EFFECTS of a High Control Group. I would feel VERY SAFE with Dr. Phil. Though, I agree with whoever said, "Safety in numbers," and "The More the Merrier." In other words, if you would feel more comfortable with supporters with you, then by all means explain your deepest fears/anxieties/concerns, etc. to the producers, and that you would like someone to be able to come on the show WITH you.

    Also, since B.Bowen is being shunned/effects of High Control Group, I think it would be perfect if he and/or Barbara Anderson, etc. could be on the show also. They could discuss the SHUNNING, and if a little blurb about the sex abuse just happened to be brought up and got on the air as well, then all the better.

    Also, if at all possible and you get to correspond/communicate more with Dr.Phil himself or his staff between now and the show, Dr. Phil has MAJOR INFLUENCE IN OPRAH'S EYES. They have become very close friends. (He is the "Life Strategist" who was by her side and kept her from going off the deep end when she was sued by the Texas Cattlemen over the MEAT issue, the long trial down in Texas. That's how she and Dr. Phil hooked up... just a little bit of history).

    So if you, or any of us for that matter, can "put a bug in Dr. Phil's ear," so to speak, about the JW Pedophile Problem and ask Dr. Phil if he would talk to Oprah herself about doing a show on that subject alone, THERE MAY BE HOPE BB and the Silent Lambs could have an entire hour with Oprah. -- For the person who said nobody cares about the barely-known JWs, I would have to disagree. Oprah, as was stated already, is a victim of sex abuse herself. She STILL does shows about it, so it is not totally forgotten from her memory. And if Dr. Phil himself ASKED OPRAH to do a show on JW Pedophiles/Coverup, without a doubt she WOULD do a show about it.

    Side note: Jesika: Has BB ever written Oprah directly about SL yet?

    Another thought for Priscila between now and the High Control Group show... there is tons of info online about JWs and CULTS. If you have a chance and can direct the Dr. Phil Show producers to such links, it would give them gobs of info ahead of time, which would help them help you present your info more comfortably.

    C'mon guys, what are all the LINKS to those articles? If we can get an email addy for the Dr. Phil show, we could start emailing them saying, "We hear you are doing a show on High Control Groups, and I thought this information on the JW Cult at this URL would prove helpful..." and include the links. Here are a few I had handy:

    Randall Watters < [email protected]> (former Bethelite)

    Steve Hassan, e-mail the freedom of mind resource center an educational organization dedicated to upholding human rights, promoting consumer awareness and exposing abuses of destructive cult groups. You can also call the center at (617) 628-9918 or email: [email protected]

    Any others?

    If in the end you decide not to do the show, none of us would blame you one bit; besides, there are all these others begging to go with you, or in place of you should you decide not to. ;-) Either way, how cool that they called you! Obviously your honest hearted email to them touched their hearts. Good going and best wishes!


  • abbagail

    For all those visiting this thread... I tried to find an email addy for Dr. Phil, but couldn't find a direct email address. HOWEVER, here is the link to the page/online form which Priscila must have filled out and which GOT Dr. Phil's/Oprah's ATTENTION. We could ALL use this same online form to talk about JWs and shunning, as Priscila did, and/or JWs and Child Sex Abuse, and/or any of the other issues which JWs and xJWs have. The more that write in, the better, eh? Of course, the online form says you have to be willing to go on the show. But if you got sick and couldn't go on the show when it is time for taping, at least they were "informed" of the JW issues and may do another show later on, right? -- Hey, free trip to LA (Dr. Phil Show) and/or Chicago (Oprah Show). ;) GRITS


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  • abbagail

    This info may be helpful.... Borrowed the below List of Cult Characteristics from this thread:
    Re: Jw's, think your not in a cult? Jul 29, 2002 18:25

    Bold added by Grits for the items that really socked me in the gut personally, as to how I actually felt WHEN I was a JW. There are others listed, too, that I can NOW SEE, but either I wasn't "aware" of them or they didn't affect me at the time. -- Overall, a rather "scary" list with more similarities to JWs than I ever would have imagined. No wonder "outsiders" used to say we were a cult. Wonder how many current JWs have ever seen a list like this?

    For what it's worth, here's a listing of cult characteristics:

    Characteristics of A Destructive Group

    **While not all groups exhibit all these traits, destructive groups will have many of these
    characteristics and attitudes**

    Authoritarian hierarchal control;

    Black and white thinking: either or, we they, us them;

    Centralized power structure;

    Child abuse and neglect;

    Competition with other members or with outsiders;

    Conflicting opinions viewed as moral assaults and disloyalty;

    Control of information within group environment;

    Criticism of group, system or leaders is discouraged;

    Different beliefs or ideas are perceived as threatening;

    Discrimination (economic, emotional and psychological): race, gender, age, religion, politics;

    Effusive praise and flattery for leaders;

    Enemy making, a common enemy outside the group: other business groups, other religions, other countries, other life styles, other races;

    Fear (or feelings of guilt) about the prospect of leaving the group;

    Feelings of superiority and exclusiveness;

    Gender-based abuse in any form;

    Group becomes like a family and is more important than individual's family and outside friends;

    Group has the "truth" (the answers) others don't;

    Group (system) mission is more important than the individual;

    Group's doctrine repeated over and over, lots of repetitious lectures and meetings;

    Group leader(s) are looked to for answers involving personal choices in life;

    Labeling: Dissenting members, other groups, and different belief systems are given negative labels/names;

    Large pay and power gaps between members and leaders;

    Loaded language: the group has its own clichs, jargon and slogans that become simplistic explanations for complex situations; ("Wait on Jehovah" comes to mind/Grits)

    Missionary consciousness: converting others to group ideology, product, beliefs, trying to persuade others to be like "us";

    Need leader(s) permission for everything;

    Overuse of plural pronouns: we, us, they, them;

    Peer pressure: non group ideas receive icy silence, ridicule, or condemnation;

    Propaganda used to persuade members and internalize group ideas;

    Public humiliation or embarrassment in any form;

    Public sharings, testimonials, confession, witnessing;

    Scapegoating within or outside the group;

    Secrecy between members or between different levels of a group's structure;

    Selfishness is putting yourself above the group;

    Strict dress codes, everyone looks alike;

    Suppressing legitimate feelings when they do not fit the group's mind set;

    The need to be like leaders or like others in the group;

    There is always something to do, excessive business

    There is a group explanation for everything;

    Thought control: there are "good" and "bad" thoughts;

    Unquestioning obedience to authority.

    Emotional and Psychological Aftereffects from Membership in a Destructive Group:

    **Note: Aftereffects will vary depending on the specific type of group and the length of time spent in the group**

    Feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blaming;

    Difficulty making decisions and simple choices. Excessive doubt;

    Short term memory loss;

    Anxiety and panic attacks;

    Depression and anger;

    Loneliness and feelings of detachment and isolation from others;

    Loss of self-esteem;

    Lack of self-confidence;

    Difficulty concentrating and focusing attention;

    Inability to think critically and "uncritical passivity;"

    Posttraumatic Stress:
    Flashbacks including images, thoughts, and perceptions.
    Recurrent nightmares or distressing dreams.
    Efforts to avoid places or people that arouse memories of the group.
    Significant diminished interest in important activities.
    Sense of a foreshortened or non-existent future.
    Irritability and angry outbursts.

    Hyper critical of others, other ideas, other philosophies, other life styles;

    Loss of a sense of self and identity;

    Difficult or impossible to stop mental or other group ritualistic practices;

    Feelings of emptiness and loss of a unique mission in life;

    Disassociative episodes, floating, feeling spaced out;

    Afraid to join other groups or make commitments;

    Difficulty forming a new value system or philosophy toward life;

    Nervous tics--often induced by meditative techniques used in the group;

    Fear of the group;

    Estrangement (also while in the group) from family and former friends;

    Difficulty making and expressing opinions.

    Edited by - Grits on 30 July 2002 1:50:7

  • gypsywildone

    It will be hard, but for the greater good, try hard! Try very hard to gather your courage & tell the truth! the public must be warned, & the jws must stop whitewashing their practices in order to gain converts! Just look at what this rude bully did! the jws have been floating around for a while, into many different threads. About 6 of them, attempting to gain converts & sympathy, but they are lying & whitewashing their vile practices of family busting. Do it!

  • outnfree


    Thank you for having agreed to go on! Your appearance will be an important deterrent to potential converts, a conscience-prodder to those Witnesses who still have a heart, and an embarassment to the Watchtower leadership.

    Hugs of support,



    go for it !!! OPRAH / MONTEL TOO..hE HAD A HEART BREAKER ON YSTERDAY !!! I watched all the way through....SO you go alone I think you can do it on DR phil. Montel is kool and I do not think HE will scare you or intimidate you...QUEENIE

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