by Prisila 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    Hmm.....I have to agree with J.C. Be careful. I haven't watched Dr. Phil on Oprah. So I don't know how respecful his figure is in the media. I just hope it's not one of those low-profiled-wanna-be-Oprahs. What I mean is that for example you'd rather want to be on Oprah than Jenny Jones or Jerry Springer.

  • Jesika

    Sunshine---------- Dr. Phil is a say it like it is theripist. I don't like talk shows much anymore, but enjoy watching him. He is great. You can watch him on Tuesdays( or is it Wednesdays) on Oprah. I am glad to see he will have his own show, he needs it. I would love to be there to see why he is choosing to have this topic. He is very helpful to many people and going might not only expose the WT but may be a healing experience.

  • SloBoy

    Sunshine... Blondie had a good point. Although a great many of us would love to see an Oprah segment like that go down, it doesn't sound like you're in a very grounded space to act on it. So keep getting suggestions and be o.k. with whatever YOU decide.

  • SloBoy

    Above should have been for Prisila, not Sunshine

  • Prisila

    Well, thank you SloBoy-

    I appreciate your honesty. And I appreciate everyone's comments, opinions, and suggestions; I will take them to heart.

    I have AGREED to go on. I'd like to give a run-down of what has happened. I owe you guys and promise to keep you posted as things evolve.

    • I sent a letter to Oprah show
    • They called me this morning saying "Congrats we want you on the show" and left phone # on VM
    • I posted here
    • I read many messages posted here, thank you
    • I called the producer and she said that she initially was calling me for a show on "How to confront tragedy." I had emailed them regarding my family shunning me and life-long friends shunning me. I mentioned JW policy on shunning and DA. I said that I was very hurt and in pain that this horrible pain is holding me back. That I didn't have a sense of "normalcy" because I had wasted my life inside the org. Where do I go on? etc.
    • They said that my topic did not fit their theme for a show, "How to Confront Tragedy." But, they were calling me to see if I was interested in appearing in a show for "How to Live beyond a High control religion and or Cult."
    • I agreed to be on the show and I was informed it was not the Oprah Show but rather a new show called the Dr. Phil Show.
    • I was told they would start preparing for it and that it would air in a few months.
    • I directed her to this website.
    • They said they would contact me in the near future.

    I promise to keep you guys posted. Thanks again for your advice.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Dr Phil's new show is likely to be a hit. Here is his site about his new show:

    Any JW, or former JW who can talk about the problems of this religion, will be privilaged indeed.

    Good luck, if you decide to appear on nthe show.

  • Joyzabel


    You diffinately have a head on your shoulders and know what issues lay before you and your family. I think that you can articulate the shunning issue well. The only thing I would say is to consider the door that may be closed to you for going public. Are you really ready for that door to slam shut? You are just beginning to get a taste of what it will be like. On the other hand, you might be able to get on with your life without having to constantly look over your shoulder anymore and worry about who is going to find out what about your beliefs now.

    I'm behind you 100% in whatever you decide. Keep us posted



  • sunshineToo

    Prisila, I understand the fear that you might have regarding being shunned by your close friends and family. But I want to say that you shouldn't let it terrify you. JWs are not the only people on this planet. Do you have other relatives who are not JWs? You can make new friends with anyone besides the JWs at this time. We are all here and know what you are going through. It seems like Dr. Phil is not too bad at all. Good luck to you!

  • Prisila

    Joy- thank you for responding I was hoping to hear from you.

    Sunshine- The shunning doesn't terrify me it HURTS LIKE HELL!! I do have family, but they are all Pentecostal Born Again Christians. YES, they'd be happy if I left. But then they'd try to convert me. Heck NO!! I have had enough religion to last me a lifetime or two. I don't want to put myself in that position.

    Howecer, I did "come out" to my grandmother (she is a pastor? pastress?, and missionary whatever) and when I broke down crying. You know what she did? She smiled. My mom converted her daughter, my aunt, my mom's sister in law and my granny figures she evened the score. She got one on her side. It's kind of like my mom and grandmother are playing the "who can convert more" game. They have severed the family in half and I don't really want to go there. Anyway, my Pentecostal family is more nuts than my JW family.

    The only person that i can kind of confide in is my Dad. He's worldly. He kind of HATES being thrown in the middle (me and my Mom). But he'll get used to it. He's just used to us (me and mom being on same side). He doesn't understand my NEED to DA. He has asked me to stay still for a while and I have. But I need to move on.

    In regards to firends, I have you guys and that's about it. No "worldly" friends, no JW friends anymore. I have a co-worker we work closely together and he's great he kindof understands. He's gay so he understands the shunning and "coming out."

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    go on the show. definitely. do they need anymore guests? hell, i'll do it!

    just think, a chance to blow the wts out of the water in front of an audience of millions of people! (plus you'd get to meet dr. phil) that man's gotta be the sexiest psychologist i've ever seen!!! plus you'd get some free advice from one of the premier authorities on healing and personal improvement...

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