by Prisila 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    "......YES we are being shunned by family members for not living up to the potential of a TRUE JW......"
    Well, if you're already being shunned for not living up to THEIR expectations, I would definitely say, go on the show. They can't do anything worse to you, and you'll be doing a GREAT service by appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show, and exposing exactly what is going on within the Organization. If you could get Barbara Anderson or Bill or that poor sister out in Washington who was also on Dateline to appear with you, it would be great as there is strength in numbers. And like I said in another posting, Oprah would be VERY sympathetic, as she herself was a victim of child abuse.

    "....the C.O. and D.O. came and my husband was required to turn in a letter of resignation, in person....."
    They can't "require" any such thing - they cannot force a person to DA themselves! They can DF the person, but that's THEM doing it to YOU, not YOU doing it to yourself. Your husband should have told them to take a hike. Assholes.

    "....Everyone looked at us as if we were lepors......"
    Well, there you go.........true Christianity for you at it's finest. As they think they have the "upper hand" in treating you and your family this way, exposing them for the hypocrites that they are, would be a kick in the fact for them! LOL!!!!

    All the best!

  • scumrat

    Go for it!!!! Just speak the truth.

  • Siddhashunyata

    Prisca, if you decide to go on the show you could do a world of good by trying to get the show expanded to include the "child abuse " issue and the silencing of Bill, Barbara and the Pandelo"s. It would put the focus on how the practice of "shunning" can be used to support evil as well as tear apart families .

  • Prisila


    They forced my husband to turn in a letter of resignation as an elder. He no longer wanted to be one. So, he was told to put it in writing after weeks of debating why he didn't want to be. And, after weeks of them trying to force him to stay. And, after weeks of elders, co and do meetings.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    You should ask yourself what would I do? If I were in your shoes, I would go. Expose those bastards for all that they are.

    Also, even though many people will probably blast me for this, don't bring Bill or even mention that stuff unless you're asked. All that has been getting plenty of coverage and while molestation is horrible there are other atrocities of being a JW. Not only that, but I don't believe I've read anything about you or your children being molested so you can't really say anything about that stuff firsthand. You are, however, being shunned and you know how that goes firsthand so your appearance would carry more weight on that alone.

    Edited by - Jesus Christ on 29 July 2002 15:2:35

  • Jesika

    I just emailed and called Bill. I gave him your email address and told him to contact you. I am amazed you got through and Bill had been talking about wanting to be on Oprah. He will contact you soon I hope. He is usually really good about that. If not today than usually he will get back the day after. I hope I wasn't out of line, but when I was in Minnesota for the press conference with Heidi Meyer, Bill was there and we had a few hours of just talking and Oprah was one of the things I remember him talking about. I will email you privately to explain why I am soooooooooooo suprised you got through.

    Love Jesika

  • Prisila


    No you were not out of line. Thank you for your support.

    Thank you everyone for your support.

  • Jesika

    Good, I am glad. Did you get my email?????

  • libra_spirit

    You are the perfect subject to go on the show, however there will be no going back. I suggest you put your fate in Gods hands and give it your best shot. It will not have any effect on how deeply you are to be shunned, evil doers are shunned just the same as smokers, or anyone who no longer accepts the doctrine(apostates). All are equally deserving of "death and hate" to the JW's. It is questioning the Elders power which is the true reason we all get expelled from the JW church, and questioning the Orgs total power over us.

    If you are unsure and scattered on this, then the Org has succedded in keeping you in a state of doubt and fear.

    I send you my Love and strength and support, if you choose to go through with this.


  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Thinking about it more, its like trying to get pickles out of a jar. If you reach in and just try to get one or two your hand gets out no problem and you enjoy your pickles. If you try to grab all of them you'll never be able to fit your hand full of pickles out of the jar's narrow opening.

    Also remember that Oprah and her television show are just that, television shows. Sure, they do try to help out when they can but they are not a charity. Their purpose is to sell advertising during the commercial breaks and not to take down psuedo-religions. They go after guests and shows that will draw more viewers to watch those advertising spots. Going into all the things that are wrong with a rather obscure religion that most people don't know, or care, about anymore than they don't celebrate holidays and knock on their doors probably is not the best way sell those advertising spots.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to minimize the whole molestation issue at all. I'm just trying to ensure that we get to eat a pickle at all. Not only that, but if this airs and reaches a large number of people then there won't be as many children to molest. Sometimes the direct approach isn't always the best.

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