<< Nice Guys Never Get Laid >>

by SYN 72 Replies latest members adult

  • Prisca

    While "bad boys" are exciting, and certainly keep you on your toes, I find they create far too much drama than is worth it.

    I'm at the stage where "nice guys" are what I find the most interesting - a guy who is stable, responsible, honest and who treats you (and others) with respect. That's the sort of guy that now gets my attention.

    Jim_TX - I would label you a "nice guy" (despite the handcuffs ) and I mean that as a compliment. If it wasn't for the age difference, I would consider you a real catch!!

    Do gals make the 'first move' these days, or do they still wait for a guy to make the 'first move' when it comes to showing interest in one another?

    Generally speaking, girls still prefer to be pursued by the guy. I know I do, but then, maybe I'm just too old-fashioned!

    Edited by - Prisca on 25 July 2002 16:10:40

  • Xander
    Well, of course, I can only speak for myself, but I like nice guys! I like a guy that pursues me

    Hmmm...define 'pursue'.

    See, I think the definition most accept conflicts with 'nice guys'. 'Nice guys' don't pursue. If you play even a little hard to get or act uninterested, a 'nice guy' will assume you are uninterested and walk away.

    Only the arrogant guys 'pursue' (they think 'she really wants me anyway' - which may be true - but IS arrogant to assume!).

  • Dutchie

    Xander, Pursued: Phone calls, tickets to the ballet, my favorite flowers. Always doing things that he knows will please me. I define that as being "pursued" and if he's doing all those things to please me, he would get my interest! He doesn't have to be arrogant or pushy about it but his willingness to put me first would be evidence of his being a "nice" guy.

  • Xander
    Phone calls, tickets to the ballet, my favorite flowers. Always doing things that he knows will please me

    Well...might be okay.

    Some might see it as bordering on 'obsessive', though. 'Nice guys' don't want to seem obsessive, and MAY overcorrect in the other direction.

  • Dutchie

    Xander, Well, I have to give some thought as to what you're saying. If I decide that you're argument leaves something to be desired, I may have to email you at work tomorrow just to annoy you. And... you know I will!

    Edited by - Dutchie on 25 July 2002 20:2:8

  • animal

    I never learned the proper way to pursue a gal... and since I was considered a "bad boy" from my early teens on, only a certain type babe would even talk to me. Between the bikes and the drugs, it was like having a magnet around my waist.

    I was never interested in the goody-two-shoes... they were no fun. I tried tho, a few times, but couldnt deal with them. I walked the edge and they wouldnt.... then I would get bored and find a wild one.

    Glad I slowed down..... or ran outta wild women.


    Edited by - animal on 25 July 2002 20:10:58

  • MrMoe

    I personally think the ballet sucks...

    Ignore me... feeling b**chy... and no it is not SYN



  • one

    Here they/we go again..

    "The eternal blattle" and still most soldiers dont know their "enemies" nor the weapons they use...

    Not even a worldwide laboratory, or simulated batlefiel if you wish, nor history and countless books on the subject is making anyone of us an expert on the matter.

    That says a lot about them/we, the "soldiers".

  • MrMoe

    me personally i don't play mind games and i never lie. The thing i most admire is BRAINS, something SYN has... Not all women like candy and flowers ya know!!!

  • DakotaRed

    <<Cringing at the term, Nice Guy!>>

    Most guys don't really care to be termed a "nice guy" by women. As to why varies with each guy. Often, it comes out of the womans mouth as if to say they are absolutely not interested in you. That may not always be what they mean, but many times, it comes across that way.

    However, looking back over my life, I no longer care if I am termed a nice guy. In fact, I have been told by many that I am. In my youth, I machoed with the best and somehow, survived. While unbelievably frightened, like the other guys with me, I put on a facade of bravado to hide that fear. After that nightmare was over, the facade gradually came down and I have found that I can enjoy life much better by just being me.

    As for the title of this thread, it isn't necessarily true. If I was seeing a woman, before my remarriage, I had a lot more enjoyment going places and doing things we mutually enjoyed, without sex being the prime goal. If sex did happen, it was later on and very enjoyable, without any pressure. It just seemed to take care of itself. But, enjoying the company of who I was with and what we did made the date all the better.

    Call me old fashioned, but I think nice guys are fairing better today than they ever have before.

    Lew W

    Watchtower Decruit

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