English elder logs in.

by caspian 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    CASPIAN, can you share some of these things causing you pain?

  • kat7302

    hey there........

    im not an elder but an elders daughter! It must have been tough for you to post on here as it would be frowned upon by the society but I hope that as you've been reading on here for a year, that you know the majority of us are just seeking friendship and understanding. I hope you dont feel guilty for posting information on here...it means a lot to people like me and anyone who has had judicial meetings or problems with elders in the past.

    When alls said and done, we are all human beings who are capable of thinking but its very difficult if you leave the Truth to find someone who really understands what being a witness means.

    Incidentally, you'll probably know my parents....John and Mary Viney..dad is the HLC chairman!

    Feel free to email me at any time. I appreciate your concerns about the recent events and the way in which the Witnesses were portrayed. Its sad to say that these stories werent really made up or emphasised in any way, and I cant imagine what it must feel to those who are still witnesses who watched the programme.

    Keep posting and thanks for posting in the first place

    Lots of love XXXXXX

    ps - Im third generation too!

    Edited by - kat7302 on 24 July 2002 9:17:36

  • sunshineToo

    Welcome, caspian!

    Just like kat7302 said, I, too, joined this forum to heal. Let's say it's like a support group for me. You can vent out all your feelings here. Some of us may not like it, but some of us understand. Have a good time!

    So tell us other secrets of the WTS. ;-)

    Edited by - sunshineToo on 24 July 2002 9:25:0

  • caspian


    I think you will appreciate that the Society is riddled with corruption of one kind or another, the type that the grassroots JW has no idea about, however I will need to build up a new kind of faith and confidence as these matters become public knowledge in time.

    Kat I know of a Geoff Viney on the Leeds HLC.


  • Prisca

    I was also a 3rd generation jw - not df'd nor da'd, simply faded away as quietly as possible.

    I had a "crisis of conscience" of my own a few years ago, so I can understand how much harder it would be to be an elder in your position - it will not be an easy road for you. However, there is much support to be had from this board, from people from all walks of life.

    Welcome to the board.

  • home_and_dry

    Welcome Caspian

    I too am an elders daughter. This must be a difficult time for you and I wish you all the best. I hope you find the peace of mind you are looking for and I know alot of people here will be only to happy to give you support.

    Best Wishes

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Welcome Capian,

    I understand how you must feel. Have you thought of going in for counseling? The reason I say this is because it is very hard on the individual when you have been let down by your beliefs that you believed whole heartedly and would die for them.

    In addition, it's very hard to trust when you have been let down. If my little sister had not been abused by her own father, my stepfather, I would be supporting the WTS. It's very hard to understand if you don't know anyone who has gone through abusive. At times I wish I could erase my sisters abuse, have her heal, have her forget, have her go on with her life & have her smile once.

    I didn't have any doubts until the child abuse scandals came out realizing there where thousands that had suffered sexual abuse like my sister.

    Please remember that Jehovah/God doesn't cause these abuses. It's the imperfect people. It is very disheartening that the higher ups are more concerned with their image & money than helping all of these children with mental health counseling and changing their outdated policies.

  • minimus

    CASPIAN, if JW's found out about real corruption from the Society, I could see this as a turning point for many. Making a mistake is one thing. People tend to WANT to forgive, but not when it comes to exposing purposeful corruption.

  • kat7302

    Hey Casp

    Ive never heard of Geoff Viney!!!!!!!

    My dad is John Viney and he's on the Wales HLC....??????

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Welcome caspian. There's not much that I could add that hasn't already been said since you've been in and out of this forum for a year.

    Your in the best position to know your circumstance. Your going to have to depend on your instincts. My only suggestion is not to rush into it.

    Guest 77

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