My darn dog died

by LB 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • bad_associashun

    so sorry LB- I can relate to the feelings of this loss. The best of companions, never judge you, never shun you, the wagging tail says so much.

    I used to own a tee shirt saying: 'The more people I meet, the more I love my dog.'

    Dogs are people too

    Here's a lil piece I have hanging on my wall you may enjoy:


    A dog's nose in the palm of your hand can cure almost anything.

    Dog's are made of love & fur.

    A dog's love is a sure thing.

    Some little known dog secrets:

    dogs have no secrets

    dogs love vanilla ice cream

    dogs like dancing, drive-in movies & dreaming

    dogs have a special place with god- he spelled god backward to name them

    dogs make great therapists

    dogs invented unconditional love

    APPLY DOG LOGIC TO LIFE: eat well, get petted often, sleep a lot, dream of a leash-free world

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    I just opened this post and got really teary eyed. I'm so sorry to hear about Blue. I had to put down my 11 year old pointer a few months ago because of bone cancer, so I've been in your shoes....dogs are just such great pals. I'm sure Blue could feel the love you have for him. I know it might sound corney, but below is a popular poem that someone sent me that I really enjoyed at my 'friend's' passing: Rainbow Bridge Poem Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that

    pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of

    our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of

    food, water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and

    vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and

    strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and

    times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small

    thing: they each miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one

    suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are

    intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he breaks from

    the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster. You have been

    spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling

    together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses

    rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and

    you look once more into those trusting eyes, so long gone from

    your life, but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...

    *Author Unknown*

  • plmkrzy

    (((((((((((SORRY LB)))))))))))

    My Rottie died last year in my arms and I cried like I was loosing a child.



  • deddaisy

    LB, our dogs seem like they know us better than alot of people do. maybe that's why it's so hard to say goodbye to them........

    I had this blasted old cat that I actually brought with me from California. He used to follow me around, actually used to sit and wait for me to pull in from work, like he could tell time.......when I finally had to take him in to "put him down," I insisted that I go in and hold him while they gave him the injection because I didn't want him to be alone...... I buried him near my favorite rose bush that he used to pee on and pis me off, I knew he'd get a kick out of that....

    hugs to you LB

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    My cat died last week ... He was 17 years old ...

    I understand your feelings.

    Greetings from Belgium - Jacques

  • talley

    Dear LB & Mrs.LB,

    My sincerest condolences on your devistating loss of Blue.

    We used to run cattle (dairy) too, and I think many here understand the loss of a pet, yet have not considered that she was your working partner too.

    Blue was along to work and that consisted not only to move cattle but included everything; going to town for parts or feed, hanging out while you were fixing or maintaining machenery, maybe even riding in the tractor cab for mowing or bailing, along for checking and fixing fenceline, looking the stock over (pinkeye and such). Blue was there in the middle of the night when a good stockman watches for calving problems, and then was your good 'right arm' when it was time to sort or move stock. And she shared your leisure and your home. LB, the intence grief is normal because you have actually spent more time with Blue in the last eleven years than with anyone else, inclucing even your wife. I am a farm wife and know that for a fact and am comforted to know that my husband is not out there working all alone. Blue probably even road to the FSA offfice, the bank and auctions with you as our Auggie does.

    Take a lot of paper towel stuffed into your back pocket because you will use a lot of them every day in the days ahead. The only thing worse that loseing a 'ranch' or 'farm' dog is losing a child.

    The day will come (sooner having cattle) when you will need another dog. Just give it the same attention and chance that you gave Blue; in time you will appreciate that dog too for it's unique personality and gifts. The next dog will not dull the memory of Blue and will even add to the richness of her memory.

    Our best to you and your wife.

  • teenyuck


    I am so sorry on the loss of your beloved Blue.


  • Kaethra

    So sorry LB. Don't ever feel shy about expressing grief over a beloved pet. They are worth every ounce of love we can give them and that love naturally results in terrific grief when we lose them. I have loved many animals over the course of my life so far. It hurts so much to lose them. They really are like furry family members.

    It's natural to feel like you will never want another may even feel that wanting another puppy would be a betrayal of Blue. Of course, it wouldn't. I always tell people who have lost pets to take their time to mourn them, but that the love for animals that is in their hearts should not go to waste. Some other wonderful dog will come along for you now that Blue's stay with you is done. When you're ready, make room. Animals need good persons who will love them as much as you obviously do.



    P.S. I love the idea of the Rainbow Bridge. But my god! I'm a little frightened over what my greeting there would be like....Noah's Ark revisited. lol

  • outnfree


    Sorry to hear about your Blue.

    I had to put my Brandy-girl down less than a month ago. We had been contemplating it for a while, gave ourselves a reprieve, but one morning she just couldn't get up off the floor. Her spot in the kitchen seems very bare indeed, as does the foot of your bed. <SIGH>

    Crying rivers for you and all the others here who have expressed sorrow at the loss of your pet and theirs',


  • LB

    I sure do appreciate all these heart felt comments. That rainbow place sounds like someplace I hope exisits. I just scanned a pic of the old girl. This was from last week. I was scuba diving with my son and Blue was watching the river and following me up and down the shoreline. She was always nervous about my diving I guess. She's wet cause she always tried to go down with me. My wife had an ear infection so she was drydocked and took this photo. It's the last pic we ever got of her.

    Anyway, I'm having the old pity party today. Maybe a good nights sleep with help to fix things. Your kind thoughts have really helped too.

    She's a mixed breed but the best working cowdog I've ever seen.

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