My darn dog died

by LB 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    There's something really special about dogs. Part of it is their unconditional and extremely loyal "love". Loosing one unexpectedly like you did makes it especially hard.

    Sorry to hear this, LB.

  • waiting


    A couple of years ago, my 120 lb white German Shepherd, named Blue, got a blood virus - and after $500 in vet bills, I finally had to make the choice and put him to sleep. They had lowered the table so that he could be on in while I stood beside him and it just happened to be the height where in just layed his head over my shoulder. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done and I still cry when thinking about that "darned dog." He was magnificant and my baby.

    Ah well, what our pets do to us. I've had grown men come into my store, and we get to talking about dogs - and the ones we've lost. And it's amazing at how many of them wipe tears from their eyes. Of course, talking about their good hunting truck does too

    Take care, and a pup does wonders at taking the mind off the loss. Not replace, just make different.

    waiting - with 3 dachshunds

  • Celia

    LB {{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}

    My dog of 11 years had to be put to sleep in April, I cried constantly.... I went to the humane society shelter and 4 days later I adopted a one year old husky mix, a beautiful dog, but so different from my old mongrel.... I don't cry anymore when I think about Cleo's passing, but I did now, reading your post !

  • Berean


    My wife and I have had cats that we loved and have lost. I still get misty eyed over two that were very special to me, vehicles hit each of them, this happened about 4 months apart. It was as though we had lost family members. We now have four cats that we enjoy and care for deeply, however, the pain of losing the others is still there.

    My thoughts are with you over the loss of your friend and family member.


  • ashitaka


    Sorry to hear about the pup. I just lost my first dog about two weeks ago....such a shame. We had to put him to sleep....a sixteen year old cockapoo.

    Take it easy, bud.


  • cornish

    Sorry to here about losing your friend,that saying,'A Mans best friend is his dog', has a lot of truth too it,

    I have lost two dogs in the past which were true friends and companions beyond measure,and when we loose a dear friend of our life it aches an awful lot,we really miss them and treir fun ole' ways,anyway we did end up with another dog and are just as fond as pie of him just like the others but I will never forget the others,and I'm sure you wont either.

  • Hmmm

    When my mother got a new puppy a decade ago, I told everyone in the family that it was not my dog. I wasn't going to be responsible for feeding it, walking it, cleaning up after it--nothing. Whenever I argued with my sisters about taking care of it (especially when it chewed on the brand new wing-tips that I got for the Assembly), or when I inevitably found myself taking care of it, I stressed to them "it's not my dog."

    Three days ago my mother had to have her put to sleep, and I was pissed that she didn't call me so I could go over and say my goodbyes to my dog.

    Hang in there, LB.


    Edited by - hmmm on 11 July 2002 8:48:23

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You have my sympathy, LB.

    The relationships we forge with our furry brothers is unique and very personal.

    Rest in peace, good dog Blue.

  • SpiceItUp


    Just because its an animal doesnt make the hurt any less. As far as Im concerned a friend is a friend no matter what species. I would be heartbroken if anything were to happen to my Onyx (kitty)


  • bigfloppydog

    So sorry to hear that your dog died. Pets are really special, they show so much un-conditional love.We had a dog we nick-named "Smiley" because I taught him to smile. Everytime we came home, he had this silly grin on his face. He died many years ago, and of course I was the one who had to go to the vet. Something went wrong one day when he was in the yard, something happened inside his brain, and we went through a weekend of hell, hoping he would get better, but I new deep down he was not getting better. On the Monday off we went to vet. I stood there with my arms wrapped around his neck, as they were putting him to sleep, and all the time telling him how sorry I was to have to do this, and softly whispering in his ear good-bye "Smiley" To this day, I still think of him. So pets are very special, and I will always believe they have personality. This is good for a good (cry) Remember all the good memories of your dog.

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