McKinney Texas pool party?

by Marvin Shilmer 305 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    So you're saying that police -should- assault suspected drug dealers and loiterers as part of the process then?

    No, otherwise that is what I'd say.

    I'm saying that it shouldn't be a surprise if people who have to endlessly deal with the dregs of society and messed up people and morons sometimes lose their cool and I don't really care if some asshole repeat criminal gets a slap once in a while.

  • Simon

    OK, now people have really crossed the line - having a go at white socks now!

    Next you'll be claiming that wearing sandals with them is a big no no too.

    That's just anti-sock-racism right there.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    That's just anti-sock-racism right there.

    Well, the socks are white!

  • out4good4
    The officer said he over-reacted. The officers lawyer said the officer let his emotions get the best of him. His boss said his actions were indefensible. The teenager who filmed the event who was white said he over-reacted and that he targeted the black kids.

    ...and yet, all of these armchair law enforcement para-professionals who've never been at the business end of a police officer with a bad attitude and would rather pretend that such an officer don't exist, want to give him Presidential Medal of Honor and the Nobel Peace Prize for extraordinary police work.

    This might be funny if it wasn't so silly to watch.

  • paulmolark

    The more people become accustomed to officers getting more aggressive the easier it will be to let things get more out of control. Someone sent me a video earlier today of a suspected criminal being told by a detective, "If you want to go in front of a jury like a cold blooded criminal, we can do that. The guy was obviously enraged by the officer pretty much telling him, that he had no chance of winning a case the guy bangs the table, jumps up into the officers face. Even puts his hand in the officers face.

    He is handcuffed to the wall by one hand and the other is free. The guy is definitely out of line and needs to be restrained. The officer punches the guy in the face. I can understand this. I am not upset by these actions. However after the guy has obviously given up the detective proceeds to beat him for an extended period of time.

    2 others come in the cell and then they hold the guy as he is screaming to see the guys boss. The detective is literally poking his eyes out.

    Where was the taser? Where was the mace? The comments on this video were amazing. Mostly from people saying, "he is crying like a bitch. I would have fucking killed him LOL. I bet the N*gger won't do that again."

    No one really saw a reason to ask why is the officer going so far over board. Then as I viewed the page there were hundreds of incidents like this. One where a woman thrown head first into a cell and she cracks her skull. It really is out of control.

  • LoveUniHateExams


    It's officers that you've just described that need to be fired and up before a court on criminal charges. This (hopefully) minority of criminal officers doesn't seem to compare with the officer that this thread is about.

    Said officer lost it when he had to deal with a bunch of unruly teenage tosspots. That's it. The 15 year old girl didn't receive any serious or permanent injuries. The incident was only moderately serious.

  • paulmolark

    Here is the problem, you even admit the said officer lost it. However, it is believed he deserves no repercussions. So when nothing is done and other officers take it to this level or just up another notch nothing will happen. It will get to a point where the brutality will become the norm.

    Who would have thought in America a time would come when things like Stop and Frisk would be supported by the mass of Americans. Once people become conditioned to certain types of activities all it takes is a little more time to be conditioned to worse.

    Worse still, even when officers consistently go outside the bounds of the circumstances that allow them to perform these types of actions nothing is done in the large majority of situations. Policing procedures need to be addressed. They also need better training. Not military training either

    For instance we watch the whole good cop bad cop scenario on T.V. where you have a disrespectful suspect. Instead of police being professional we will cheer them on when they slap the perp or when they abuse them. Why is that? Because we always consider whatever the boys in blue have to do TO GET WHAT THEY WANT it is worth it.

    I am aware that not all police are this way. I never said they were. But in a number of precincts in a number of places you will have numerous police who act outside of the training they receive.

    What would happen if it comes out, that this guy had a past of bias in dealing with women a certain way, or dealing with minorities a certain way. Would most people still excuse his actions and refuse to make a link. Yes

    Then you have the term BLUE WALL of SILENCE. Why would such a thing even need to exist for people who are public servants. You have an unwritten code in which you will not report on the activities of your brothers. That is ridiculous

  • LoveUniHateExams

    it is believed he deserves no repercussions - not by me. I said earlier that I believe he should get an official warning, a week's unpaid leave and compulsory training in how to maintain self control. However, does he deserve to have his entire career wrecked for 30 secs of uncontrolled aggression, during which no serious or permanent injuries were sustained by the 15 year old girl?

    During my first post on this thread, I said I was concerned with perspective re the Texas pool party. This hasn't changed.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    So when nothing is done

    What on earth are you talking about? Said officer left his job!

  • paulmolark

    I apologize if I confused your words or your intent. Because the general consensus appeared that he did nothing wrong and that everything he did was justified. I feel a stiffer punishment is needed NOT because she was BLACK as I stated before. There is a growing problem of police aggression in the USA. THE DOJ has released reports for so many major cities that they need to reform the training policies and how they handle citizens.

    A message needs to be sent. I applaud the other 11 officers who did their job, however letting this guy skate by would just encourage more of the same behavior.

    I said in the first sentence that people think nothing should be done. SO when i said, "WHEN NOTHING IS DONE" I was saying it with the idea of IF nothing was done.

    I noticed I am talking far too much so I should probably stop now

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