Cygnus is in bad shape

by Cygnus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Sorry to hear about your heart problems. I took a quick look on the internet and found that this site has a good overview:

    I agree with 'somebody'... open heart surgery is very common these days. If you have to have heart problems I believe repairing a leaking valve is one of the least evasive there is....and with your youth, you should do just fine.

    Cygnus...You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 3 July 2002 15:29:1

  • Amazing

    HI Cygnus: Sorry that you are having so much trouble. The Angiogram is painless, and you should be awake while they are inside your heart. There will be some pain in your leg where they send in the probe through your Femural artery ... well, I won't say anymore ... you will find out the rest. Hang in there ... these Cardiologists are very good these days and can do much to repair things. Will be praying for you.

  • Dogpatch

    I'm wishing you in good spirits, new friends, and a quick healing Cygnus, hang in there.

    Randy Watters

  • Joyzabel

    Sorry to hear about your heart condition, Cyg, its still your heart!!!

    My advice is to take along a walkman to listen to what ever music calms you while you are having the procedure done. (Operating room talk is annoying!)

    Hugs, hang in there,


  • Imbue

    ((((cyngus)))) sorry about your condition. It's good that you know about it and can have treatment. Did you have symtoms?

    (Operating room talk is annoying!) true Joy..hehe Pts don't want to know what goes on in the OR!

  • hillary_step


    Very sorry to hear about this. Did this occur from a related sickness?

    Best wishes to yourself and your family - HS

  • Dutchie

    Cygnus, I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. You're too young to be experiencing such problems and my heart goes out to you. (You poor baby!). I don't exactly know what a heart value leak it, but truthfuly it sound omninous. Be strong and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • TheStar

    I know it will all turn out just fine for you Cyg. Hang in there.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.



    Edited by - TheStar on 3 July 2002 15:44:15

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    I hope everything works out well for you Cygnus. You're tough, you'll get through this and be better than ever!

  • ISP

    Hey cygnus........bit of a shock. Not sure I understand all that stuff.......but I wish you a speedy recovery.



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