For those who bash America

by puppylove 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • CoolBreeze

    miraclewheat said: "Interesting thread. While I don't agree with all of the Society's interpatations of the book of Revelation, I think they are right on target that America is the 'False Prophet'."

    Close but no cigar. You're on the right track though. The headquarters of the False Prophet is deifinately within it's borders. Ummmm ... I even have the exact location of the False Propht. It is as follows.

    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483

    Hope that helps.


  • JanH

    Ah Anton. Such a great comeback.

    You asserted that the Soviet downfall was due to Reagan. I demonstarted you were wrong. Reagan was elected in 1980, in case you don't remember, mr minor-in-history.

    Of course the cold war was a part of the downfall. If it hadn't been for WW2 and then the cold war, the Soviet Union would not have spent such insane resources on military spending. They would not need to. But if the Soviets hadn't, then the US would have no interest in engaging them in this death dance of military expenditure in the first place. So your claim that the downfall was due to some clever idea by that b-actor is simply nonsensical. It was a post-hoc attempt by republicans to claim the glory for a historical necessity.

    - Jan

  • LB

    Oh I think it was pretty obvious that the fear of Reagan and what he might do caused the Soviet Union to spend themselves into the poor house. It probably wasn't intended to work like that. But it certainly did. Had Carter been reelected I'm sure things would have turned out much differently.

  • CoolBreeze

    Jan, the Soviets were scared shitless of Regan because they thought he was senile, and borderline insane. It had nothing to do with the Star Wars program. They were scared to death that he was gonna wake up in the middle of the night in a pissy mood, wander into the oval offive an push the button on a whim. When he took in office in 1981 he was allready 70 years of age, well above the normal life expectancy of the average American male. As far as they were concerned he was living in the bonus years of his life, and had nothing to lose by launching an all out Nuclear War. He scared them not with any particular policy, rather with a wild west "I'll shoot you before you shoot me" attitude, and an unabashed hatred of the Soviet Union. As far as they were concerned he was a madman with acess to the "Launch Button". It scared them shitless, cause they couldn't predict what he was going to do from moment to moment.


  • JanH
    They were scared to death that he was gonna wake up in the middle of the night in a pissy mood, wander into the oval offive an push the button on a whim.

    You really think a US president can push the button at his own whim? You think the Soviet intelligence, which pentrated all levels of western society, believed it ?

    Heck, you are so proud to be an American. Do you think your own country is so stupid that they will allow one insane man to push the button, president or not? It simply cannot be done. There are serious safeguards around. And the Soviets know every detail about such safeguards. Why? B1ecause American intelligence makes sure they know. Every side knew damn well the dangers of the terror balance, and made sure no mistake or misunderstanding was made (and even then, we were close a few times).

    Anton, you are really a cool guy. But you should study a bit more before trying to explain complex events in such simplistic terms.

    - Jan

  • wholewheat


    When Reagan was running for President, he made his famous speach how a soldier making less than a cook at McDonalds, was responsible for operating a piece of equipment that cost millions of dollars. His point was correct, and America increased it's military spending when Reagan was elelcted. Naturally, the Soviets had to 'keep up with the Jones', but this proved difficult for them in the eighties, because the Soviets had spent their gold reserves on their military build up in the seventies. I agree with JanH. If the Soviet Union collasped because it was afraid of Reagan, why didn't it collapse when Kennedy threatened to use nuclear bombs during the 'Cuban Missle Crisis'? By the time Reagan became President, the Soviet Union was broke, and remember, unlike America, they couldn't borrow money from the World Bank to bail them out.

  • CoolBreeze

    miraclewheat, to me your opinions are worth little more than a pile of Brooklyn Sewer Rat Dung. Jan and I may disagree vehemently about this subject, but at least I know he is speaking his own mind and not repeating the spoon fed pap regurgitated form some watchtower propeganda machine. Go lick your Brooklyn masters boots and stop involving yourself in world affairs you have been instructed to avoid.


  • Kaethra

    Whole Wheat - the Society teaches that America is the "false prophet"? How is it that I do not remember this teaching? Elaborate please.

  • CoolBreeze

    My favorite all time Reagen quote, enjoy.


  • wholewheat


    Your arrogance is only superseded by your ignorance. Go take a bath.


    The Society has taught that the 'two-horned beast', also known as the 'False Prophet', of Revelation 13:11-18 and 16:13 is none other than the United States. Read those scriptures and tell me what you think.

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