For those who bash America

by puppylove 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • CoolBreeze

    Somone who worships the Watchtower publishing empire is calling me ignorant, BWWWAAAAHAHAH. Hot damn miraclewheat, you made me spray beer out of my nose.


  • teejay


    I've seen some of the America-bashing threads but haven't read very much in them. They always say the same things anyway, so why bother? Sometimes, it's hard to say what the impetus is for such negative words that foreigners use to deride us. Sometimes it's a fair criticism. Other times, to me it seems more an evidence of envy.

    Post 9/11, very few have not been touched at least a little in the rise of patriotism here. Some have gone overboard in their public displays (imo), draping flags on cars and housetops. But even the more cynical (like me) have found a spark of renewed sense of love of where they live.

    It is not a perfect country. It never will be. As a superpower, it has not always acted in the best interests of its own people and has meddled a bit too much in the affairs of other countries. That is at least part of the reason we are not as secure here at home as we once were. Still, it is hard to argue that what the Founding Fathers envisioned has produced the greatest nation ever assembled on Earth. That's just the way it is.

    For the moment, I stop short of making the exclusionary statement, "I'm proud to be an American," but I *will* say that I'm awfully glad I happened to be born here and don't anticipate leaving anytime soon.

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