Schoolyard bully mentality

by FusionTheism 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Wouldn't it be refreshing if just once a theist could make the effort to defend their beliefs in a positive way with objective evidence.

    Instead all we ever seem to get is whinging that skeptics need to try harder to be nice.

    Everybody is entitled to their own opinions but they don't get to assert anything as a fact without it being challenged.

    It was protecting our beliefs from ruthless scrutiny that kept us in a cult.

    Skeptics are more rational than theists by definition.

    Either provide a rational defense of your beliefs or stop pretending they are anything other than fantasies.

    Having said all of that, nobody should attack people. Attack bad ideas but not the people who hold them. It's something that believers do repeatedly. Skeptics should rise above that and stick to the evidence.

  • nicolaou
    Fusion, who is shunning you? Who is banishing you? Ridicule? Yes, but you've invited that. You have not received bad treatment and you're not being disfellowshipped. Stop being such a drama queen.
  • paulmolark
    To be fair ridicule is bad treatment
  • nicolaou
    To be fair ridicule is bad treatment

    Not necessarily. Context matters.

  • freemindfade

    Religion has earned 100% of its ridicule! Lets not get it twisted, Religion SHOULD be ridiculed.

    People sometimes need to be shaken a bit, I don't believe anyone is ridiculing FusionT by telling him to stop being so dramatic. And when they ridicule religion, its fair criticism of bad ideas! Lets be clear.

  • paulmolark

    " I don't believe anyone is ridiculing FusionT by telling him to stop being so dramatic."

    He just said that people are ridiculing him.

    1. 1.
      the subjection of someone or something to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior.

  • freemindfade

    Meh...I still think we are being pretty liberal with ridicule here. I don't take telling someone to toughen up as ridicule. But I'm a mean ol gen x'er. Not a touchy feely millenial type lol

    and again. Ridicule religion. The world needs more of the that.

  • paulmolark

    "and again. Ridicule religion. The world needs more of the that." - I Agree

    Ridiculing people and stating things to make them feel degraded or to respond iona way to show disdain for their thought.. that is pretty unnecessary.

    I am 38 years old. I can deal with it because ultimately I know that the internet gives people a barrier that allows them to be unfiltered. I also know that when you do not know the faceless person you are making feel bad it could result in them harming themselves. Humans can be fragile.

    I will at times however participate in the act... I am not proud of that.

  • Viviane
    My grandfather's sister lived through the persecution of the European Jews in the last century. It has happened, it can happen. People are people.

    Persecution of Jews by Christian Nazi's into mysticism who believed in a divine destiny. So far the only common denominator in that scenario is Yahweh.

  • Viviane
    You are telling me, a fellow cult survivor, to get thicker skin and to expect, and put up with, and just accept bad treatment from a "cult support group,"? Otherwise I must be shunned, ridiculed, or banished to another website?
    In what universe does that make sense?
    Sounds waaaaaay too much like Disfellowshipping.

    "You're free to leave" doesn't, in any way, equal disfellowshipping. Equating the two betrays an utter lack of honesty and complete disregard for the pain and suffering of thousands. It's a self aggrandizing attempt to equate forced isolation from family and friends with your feelings getting hurt on a forum.

    It's cheap and dishonest.

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