How could have Rutherford been a 'drunk'?

by wholewheat 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    Hi Nathan, I tried to underline all the answers in Farkel's post, but I just got my monitor all covered with highlighter ink. Damnit. Now I won't be able to answer at the study.

  • rob

    Rutherford a drunk? Why not... All of my nearest and dearest Witness friends had alcohol problems. including my ex. I think that the repression and suppression forced upon Witnesses leads many to look for an outlet, and since alcohol is acceptable to them, it often becomes their drug of choice. Oh and WW before you start the standard Witness holier than thou attitude, these were pioneers, servants and elders children.

  • Farkel


    I see you're backing down a little on your original statements. You said apostates said JFR was a "5th Stage Alcoholic," but now you didn't really mean that. You were being "facetious." HAHAHAHA! Of course, you would never accept that some of the satire over JFR's drinking by apostates might also be "facetious," too, huh?

    Not only do we have the documented letters by Olin Moyle and Walter Salter we also have the fact that Bethel is a "drinking culture." Drunkenness is common there, even though it is more hidden now than it was decades ago. There are many ex-Bethelites on this board that can attest to that.

    New boys at Bethel are teased and criticized and even avoided if they don't wish to particpate in the Bacchanals at Bethel.

    Rutherford DID have illegal booze smuggled from Canada during Prohibition, but there's even more evidence against him. He wrote a long-winded Watchtower article which stated that the US Prohibition law was Satan's doing. Yep. That's a fact. The ENTIRE article was how Satan had schemed to have the US Government ban the consumption of alcohol in this Country. Imagine that! The DEVIL himself is a teetotaler and banning the consuption of booze is Satanic. One has to imagine why, if booze is so bad for people and causes them to do evil things why would the Devil CONSPIRE to ban it?

    A lady who's husband owned the pharmacy near Beth Sarim said on the Record that JFR was one of her best customers when it came to alcohol purchases.

    There's a bunch more circumstantial and hard evidence that Rutherford was not just a "social drinker." His working hours at Beth Sarim, for one. You can read it about it here, but I doubt you'll take the time:


    Edited by - Farkel on 29 June 2002 11:28:32

  • Fredhall


    You are a 5th Stage Asshole or a 5th Stage Whole Ass!!! It is not wrong to have liquir from Canada or Al Copone. And it is not wrong for Rutherford to drink alcohol.

  • LDH
    You are a 5th Stage Asshole or a 5th Stage Whole Ass!!!


    Stop trying to get two laughs for the price of one. Just because I laughed when you said something similar to AlanF (sorry Alan) doesn't mean it's still funny.

    Let's go, kitty kat, make up some new ones!


  • Fredhall


    How about this? Meow Meow Meow

  • Lieu

    He should have been disfellowshiped for being an alcoholic as per Bible standards.

  • ballistic

    Lieu, the reason I answered the way I did is becuase the argument was turning into what the definition of alcoholic was and whether Rutherford was one or not. To me this is not the point.

  • professor


    I guess you still don't understand that you are being asked a question. Where did you hear all of these accusations that you are responding to. I cannot find them here? You have been asked to provide this, but keep paraphrasing. Who or what are you responding to? Please let us know where you have read or heard these things, unless you are talking to yourself.

  • wholewheat


    James Penton said that Rutherford was an alcoholic and there are accusations that Rutherford was a drunk on various exJW web sites. The name 'Booze Rutherford' is popular among ex-witnesses and there are essays that accuse him of being a drunk. Haven't you read them?

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