This thread proves the inserviceability of government schools.
The civil war WAS NOT fought over civil rights.
One more time. Please listen.
The civil war was was fought between the industrialized north (who wanted high trade tariffs with England to protect its industry) and the rural, agrarian south (who opposed high trade tariffs because the north was bleeding the south dry via overcharging for their manufactured goods). The south wanted to secede from the union and set up its own trade relations with England, and very nearly was allowed to go its own way in peace. However, the slavery issue was used by anti-secessionists in the north to fan the flames and keep its markets intact, not for any overweaning and imaginary "civil rights" issue. The secessionists were - almost to a man - northern industrialists who wanted to retain the gold mine represented in their ability to force inflated prices down the throat of the south. That, again, was the primary spark that set off the civil war. And, again, the south very nearly was allowed to leave in peace. (BTW, it would have been a disaster for that to have happened IMHO.)
Slavery was an issue, but as noted above, a peripheral issue at best. Black & white slaves (there WERE both races kept in slavery, you know) then were used as pawns by the industrialized north, just as civil rights is used, pawnlike, today to mask other, more sinister, agenda. Politics then was the same as politics today: argue loudly about a related, peripheral issue to keep from having to face (or admit) the real motivation head-on. And today the uneducated, the undereducated, the gullible, and partisans like to argue the so-called civil rights cause of the civil war. Nothing could be further from the truth (remember that? Truth?)
Since the civil rights cause of the civil war is demonstrably merely a red herring, what is the real argument that is being served, hidden, by this falsity today? I don't know. Perhaps those of you who hew to the civil rights argument for the civil war will tell us?
I used to think that historical revisionism was only practiced in the Soviet Union and in Communist China. It's awfully discouraging to find it being practiced here.