why waste time?

by lucidentity 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis
    When everyone leaves the truth they automaticaly go to JW websites

    Ummmm not true. There are many many many XJWs that have probably nenver used the Internet, but that doesn't mean they aren't affected or still have to deal w/JWs in one way or another. Whether it be family, friends, or work related, for some escaping is the easy part. Living with the consequences is an entirely different matter. That's why and what we're here for. I might ask why are you wasting your time, but that would be rude...

    Last time I will say it. I do not associate with apostates. None of you are welcome in my home. And I would not go drinking with you.

    At least he knows how to avoid a good bludgeoning...


    District Overbeer

  • ISP

    Hey, life in the WTS is a complete waste of time. I would not go back.


  • HomebutHiding

    Again, I challenge you. If you are confident that you are not associateing with apostates...share teh site with the brothers...all of you can join in and "save souls"...count time..whatever. You know as well as the society, who repeatedly counsels you not to go to sites like this on the internet because of harmful apostate influence, considers this associating. If you made it known, or you were found out, you would be Dfd. remember, Jehovah and Satan see you.

  • StinkyPantz


    I have put forth that question to comforter, and many other JW's on this site. They will never admit to "associating" with us. I once even gave a thorough definition of what association is and how they were in fact "associating" with us, but they don't care. But regardless of what they think the elders would view this as wrong or "bad association" so they would never tell anyone in their Kingdom Hall especially an elder. So you might as well give up. Comforter denies that he is associating with us so that his "christian conscience" is good.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 25 June 2002 16:51:39

  • HomebutHiding

    Stinky...I know this. It floors me how some can delude themselves. If they really had a clean conscience in the matter, they would not hesitate to have others in their congregations know what they are up to. Bill Clinton never had sex with that woman, either. Semantics, all of it. Of course he is asociating with us.

  • Reborn2002

    I agree with StinkyPantz

    I have addressed the resident self-proclaimed loyal and active Jehovah's Witnesses of this board with that very same inquiry.

    If it is the written word and stipulation of the Governing Body (i.e. Faithful and Discreet Slave, God's Mouthpiece, take your pick of names) as written in Watchtower literature and interpreted by the Jehovah's Witnesses for loyal members to NOT to associate with disfellowshipped individuals or apostates.. then why do they do it here?

    Here you will find several posters (i.e. YouKnow, Yadirf, MavMan, comforter) who are self-professed Jehovah's Witnesses who by their very presence here contradict their own belief system. Because as a Jehovah's Witness, you are TOLD NOT to associate with individuals who are disfellowshipped or apostate. Yet they willfully and continually engage in conversation and debate almost daily with known apostates and disfellowshipped ones.

    Funny how Jehovah's Witnesses have standards and codes of conduct to adhere to that are self-induced. When someone "worldly" commits an action deemed as unacceptable by the cult, they rationalize it that the person is wicked or vile. Yet when the Jehovah's Witnesses do not adhere to their own standards, they make excuses for their actions or dismiss the subject altogether.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 25 June 2002 17:18:32

  • Kenneson

    Comforter would never associate with apostates physically. It gives me great comfort to know he does so mentally and spiritually. Otherwise he wouldn't even be on this board.

  • In_between_days

    Welcome Lucidentity,

    I too like your ID - Let me show you why mine is "In_between_days":

    "Those who leave cults frequently experience anxiety, depression, rage, guilt, distrust, fear, thought disturbances, and "Floating" - the shifting from cult to non - cult ways of viewing the world or the sense of being stalled in a foggy, "in between" state of consciousness. This emotional turmoil impairs decision - making and interferes with the management of life tasks."

    The above is writted by a cult expert and Phd "Michael D.LAngone", you can see this yourself on www.csj.org/studyindex/studycult/cultqa4.htm

    You see, Lucid, alot of these people have been a JW for many, many years, even have been what were claimed to be "The annointed" - (you may like to read "Amazings" personal stories in the personal experiences section)

    Now, they are shunned completely by family and freinds.

    Lucid, can you imagine if you were treated like you were dead by your family, what kind of effect would that have on you? Not only this, but you believe that the organisation behind your D.F, D.A was completely unjust and false?

    How much anger do you think you would feel towards that org? How much hurt?

    How would you feel not having anyone to talk to about it, no one who understands? This is precisely why people visit this forum - it is therapy and it helps you to understand that you HAVE made the right decision, that the org IS false, there is a alot of denial at first, but eventually, you come to terms that you were indeed a victim of mind control, and after a while, you begin to feel better. After a while, I did not need ot visit this forum quite so much. After a while, you set your mind on not only yourself and your capabilities, but you examine the bible more than ever before, and search for christian freedom like Ray Franz.

    My advise to you - never just beleive what anyone says - including the apostates on here. When ever anyone makes a claim agaist the org - challenge it, ask for UNBIASED PROOF. Allow your mind to THINK- to broaden, examine the evidence - research. You will come to know the truth eventually. Try to stay to topics like "Bible Research" and "Beleifs, docrines and practises".

    More importantly, look outside of apostate sites also and stick to medical for evidence - psychology sites were a big help for me. Cult sites are well worth the read, they will enlighten you:


    There are many, many others, just do a search on "CULTS"

    You will come to see that this forum is not a waste of time at all.

    Hope to hear from you, you can e- mail me any time with any questions.

    All the best with your search

  • In_between_days


    I forgot another website that may help:


    Also, try doing a search on "The New World Translation" this really helped me.

  • JT

    I agree with StinkyPantz

    I have addressed the resident self-proclaimed loyal and active Jehovah's Witnesses of this board with that very same inquiry.

    If it is the written word and stipulation of the Governing Body (i.e. Faithful and Discreet Slave, God's Mouthpiece, take your pick of names) as written in Watchtower literature and interpreted by the Jehovah's Witnesses for loyal members to NOT to associate with disfellowshipped individuals or apostates.. then why do they do it here?

    Here you will find several posters (i.e. YouKnow, Yadirf, MavMan, comforter) who are self-professed Jehovah's Witnesses who by their very presence here contradict their own belief system. Because as a Jehovah's Witness, you are TOLD NOT to associate with individuals who are disfellowshipped or apostate. Yet they willfully and continually engage in conversation and debate almost daily with known apostates and disfellowshipped ones.

    Funny how Jehovah's Witnesses have standards and codes of conduct to adhere to that are self-induced. When someone "worldly" commits an action deemed as unacceptable by the cult, they rationalize it that the person is wicked or vile. Yet when the Jehovah's Witnesses do not adhere to their own standards, they make excuses for their actions or dismiss the subject altogether.


    great post, in fact a number of posters have addressed this issue so well in this thread

    i have often stated that loyal jw serve a very valuable purpose- when you allow NONJW to read what the Official position is on assocation with dfed folks and then let the nonjw read how a "Loyal" jw tries to explain away his very own faith's teachings on this matter is so revealing

    i have over the years like many of you presented loyal jw with the chance to address this issue and i can't recall one jw who was honest about what wt teaches on the matter and what they pratice behind close doors away from fellow jw and elders

    so keep thier feet to the fire

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